OLDFELLA, I know the reason for a bulk is to gain as much muscle as possible. But there will come a time when gains are super slow, which is one reason why you only cycle 12 weeks at a time if you dont plan on switching compounds.
People talk about running bulkers and cutter cycles. I think for the most part cutting cycle are pointless. People switch compunds around b/c they believe an AAS will get them more cut then another. I mean winny will get you no more cut than adrol!!!! Yes, you will hold alot more water with one but if you were dietining strictly with both compounds and then came off a week or 2 after being off whoever had the better diet would look better, period. Steroids dont get you only diet/cardio. Which brings me to my point.
Why run a seperate 12 week bulker come off and do a PCT. Then go on A cutting cycle in order to get more lean and defined, its stupid. Thats why I would run a normal cycle and gain as much muscle during the 12 weeks. I would then extend the cycle another 4 weeks before going into PCT.
During the last 4 weeks I would keep the test the same, which is 500mg wk. And ad Adrol 100mg ED for the last 4 weeks. I know adrol isn't a "cutter" but is extrememly anabolic so it would greatly aid in keeping muscle. I would then drop calories slightly, and put in some more cardio, but the big thing would be to ad a high dose of T3 125-150mcg a day for only 4 weeks.
I thought by keeping the test and adding the adrol I would keep everythign I have gained or at least keep muscle loss to an absolute minimum, 1-2 LB loss. But with the high dose of t3 could lose 12-15 pounds fat and come away from the bulk big and decenlty cut. I would then go into PCT, recover, get blood work, once everything is normal start another bulk.
With all that said what do you think???