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T3 at end of Bulker


New member
Jan 4, 2008
If I am nearing the end of a bulk cycle and wish not to gain any more muscle, but simply lose some fat to end cycle looking more cut.

Keep Test as 500mg last 4 weeks and start Adrol last 4 weeks at 100mg ED (use anadrol since its extrememly anabolic, not to gain muscle, but to simply keep what was gained) and last 4 weeks run 125-150mcg T3 a day.

Could I do this you think and not lose much if any muscle yet get some pretty good fat loss as well?
what about cutting back on carbs and doing some carido instead?
I planned on droppinf caloroies slightly and doing cardio, but want to add in the t3 in hopes of leaving the bulk cycle pretty cut.

Thats why I would add in adrol in the last 4 weeks, not to gain muscle, but to simply keep what I did put on and then use a high dose of t3 to lose some nice amount of fat over the course of 4 weeks before going into PCT

how about just staying on test year round like most guys do why put you body in a catabolic state ever...Come of gear when you want to make a baby.
what about cutting back on carbs and doing some carido instead?

Well said. Diet comes above all. Then training. Then comes supplementation. But if your going to use the cytomel seems like a better idea to do it now as opposed to when you come off, that will eat your muscle up quick if your on nothing.

Good luck.
If I am nearing the end of a bulk cycle and wish not to gain any more muscle, but simply lose some fat to end cycle looking more cut.

Keep Test as 500mg last 4 weeks and start Adrol last 4 weeks at 100mg ED (use anadrol since its extrememly anabolic, not to gain muscle, but to simply keep what was gained) and last 4 weeks run 125-150mcg T3 a day.

Could I do this you think and not lose much if any muscle yet get some pretty good fat loss as well?
I'll assume you have your diet and training in order, otherwise you wouldn't/shouldn't be using all that stuff anyway so:

Depending on how you respond to Adol you might want to simply run 50mg/day instead as that with 500mg test should be more than enough to maintain muscle mass. I do not like T3 above 100mcg as I find the bad out-weighs the good and 150mcg does not in anyway give 3X the fatloss of 50mcg! I would recommend 50mcg and maybe upto 100mcg; 50mcg will maintain your T3 levels at or above physiological levels while allowing you to drop your calories and carbs to a almost ridiculous level and still maintain your thyroid levels (from exogenous sources) the aas will be enough to maintain your muscle mass and the T3 will be enough to continue with fatloss in a hypo-caloric state (I'm talking dropping to below 2000kcal!)
what type of fat loss do you think you could achieve at 125mcg ed for weeks?

The reson for adrol and test is just to keep muscle loss to absolute minimum, and then add a high dose of t3 qith proper diet and training, I think I could come off a bulker looking pretty big and nicely cut, at least that is what the plan would be.
how much weight have you gained during this cycle? you need to give your body some time to adapte to your newly gained muscle.
If I am nearing the end of a bulk cycle and wish not to gain any more muscle, but simply lose some fat to end cycle looking more cut.

Keep Test as 500mg last 4 weeks and start Adrol last 4 weeks at 100mg ED (use anadrol since its extrememly anabolic, not to gain muscle, but to simply keep what was gained) and last 4 weeks run 125-150mcg T3 a day.

Could I do this you think and not lose much if any muscle yet get some pretty good fat loss as well?
Is it just me or do I read this correctly?? You are doing a "BULKER" but do not want to continue to add lean muscle mass???? Why are you doing a "BULKER"? This statement makes no sense. The goal of any cycle is or should be to gain as much lean muscle mass as humanly possible in the time frame given. Then to try and continue these gains and or retain as much of those gains as possible. To come on here and say I am doing a "BULKER" and then say "But I don't want to gain any more muscle" is assanine. How much muscle do you have? Do you have too much already? Then you are talking about using 500mg of test and anadrol the last 4 weeks, but you don't want to gain any more muscle!! You must be a genetic freak then!! Do you even understand what the term "ANABOLIC" means?? Please re read your post and tell me I'm wrong!! I think what we havehere is an example of why some people should not use aas or are using them for all the wrong reasons!!
Great advice as is normal for this board.

Just one note. I believe one of the biggest reasons so many people loose so
much muscle after a cylce has to do with our thyroid levels. Anabolics
tend to lower your natural t-3 and when you go off the anabolics
your thyroid levels go up and return to a higher or normal state. So what happens when your off cycle and have alot of natural t-3 floating around? Can we say muscle wasting. T-3 is somewhat catabolic (can be debated) because of its nature so with out any anabolics there will be certain muscle loss.

A better approach would just be to run some clen with your PCT. Great fat burner plus it has shown to be a decent anti-catabolic agent. But not sure about what your doing exactly. Are going off or staying on? Any just my 2 cents.
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why would you not at least keep a main. dose of test why bulk come off and go into a catobolic state? there is only one reason to stop taking test that is to MAKE A BABY...dr. nadler does 200mg test and 200mg deca FOR THE IMMUNE SYSTEM..there is no reason to CYCLE
OLDFELLA, I know the reason for a bulk is to gain as much muscle as possible. But there will come a time when gains are super slow, which is one reason why you only cycle 12 weeks at a time if you dont plan on switching compounds.

People talk about running bulkers and cutter cycles. I think for the most part cutting cycle are pointless. People switch compunds around b/c they believe an AAS will get them more cut then another. I mean winny will get you no more cut than adrol!!!! Yes, you will hold alot more water with one but if you were dietining strictly with both compounds and then came off a week or 2 after being off whoever had the better diet would look better, period. Steroids dont get you only diet/cardio. Which brings me to my point.

Why run a seperate 12 week bulker come off and do a PCT. Then go on A cutting cycle in order to get more lean and defined, its stupid. Thats why I would run a normal cycle and gain as much muscle during the 12 weeks. I would then extend the cycle another 4 weeks before going into PCT.

During the last 4 weeks I would keep the test the same, which is 500mg wk. And ad Adrol 100mg ED for the last 4 weeks. I know adrol isn't a "cutter" but is extrememly anabolic so it would greatly aid in keeping muscle. I would then drop calories slightly, and put in some more cardio, but the big thing would be to ad a high dose of T3 125-150mcg a day for only 4 weeks.

I thought by keeping the test and adding the adrol I would keep everythign I have gained or at least keep muscle loss to an absolute minimum, 1-2 LB loss. But with the high dose of t3 could lose 12-15 pounds fat and come away from the bulk big and decenlty cut. I would then go into PCT, recover, get blood work, once everything is normal start another bulk.

With all that said what do you think???
why would you not at least keep a main. dose of test why bulk come off and go into a catobolic state? there is only one reason to stop taking test that is to MAKE A BABY...dr. nadler does 200mg test and 200mg deca FOR THE IMMUNE SYSTEM..there is no reason to CYCLE

Who is Dr. Nadler? The only Drs. Nadler I can find are a urologist, an opthamologist, and a plastic surgeon, among others who are also irrelevant. I know you're definitely not talking about Dr. Gary WADDLER, that fucker HATES testosterone almost as much as he hates himself! :p Please be more specific.
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OLDFELLA, I know the reason for a bulk is to gain as much muscle as possible. But there will come a time when gains are super slow, which is one reason why you only cycle 12 weeks at a time if you dont plan on switching compounds.

People talk about running bulkers and cutter cycles. I think for the most part cutting cycle are pointless. People switch compunds around b/c they believe an AAS will get them more cut then another. I mean winny will get you no more cut than adrol!!!! Yes, you will hold alot more water with one but if you were dietining strictly with both compounds and then came off a week or 2 after being off whoever had the better diet would look better, period. Steroids dont get you only diet/cardio. Which brings me to my point.

Why run a seperate 12 week bulker come off and do a PCT. Then go on A cutting cycle in order to get more lean and defined, its stupid. Thats why I would run a normal cycle and gain as much muscle during the 12 weeks. I would then extend the cycle another 4 weeks before going into PCT.

During the last 4 weeks I would keep the test the same, which is 500mg wk. And ad Adrol 100mg ED for the last 4 weeks. I know adrol isn't a "cutter" but is extrememly anabolic so it would greatly aid in keeping muscle. I would then drop calories slightly, and put in some more cardio, but the big thing would be to ad a high dose of T3 125-150mcg a day for only 4 weeks.

I thought by keeping the test and adding the adrol I would keep everythign I have gained or at least keep muscle loss to an absolute minimum, 1-2 LB loss. But with the high dose of t3 could lose 12-15 pounds fat and come away from the bulk big and decenlty cut. I would then go into PCT, recover, get blood work, once everything is normal start another bulk.

With all that said what do you think???
Why can't you just design your diet to add lean mass and keep Bf levels to a minimum? So you just play with your diet while on cycle and maximize lean gains. Then do a pct to maximize your chance of keeping almost all of the gains while giving your system a break. I agree with you with regard to these terms "Bulker" and "Cutting" cycles. It is not the selection of aas that does this but more the selection of food that does. In real terms there should be no such term as a bulking cycle, it should be lean mass gainer. Then you have a diet to reduce levels of BF and go one step further to a full Competition diet for getting on stage. Again it will not be the drugs that do this but your food and training. At some stage you will need to come off completely, this is just a wise health practice and let your body recover. You can still keep your gains by keeping your training hard and intense and eating the right foods. Many make the mistake of backing off the training a bit once they are off cycle, this is where they go wrong and start to lose their gains.

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