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Telmisartan vs ACE inhibitor; Telmisartan and erectile dysfunction

40mg and never had any issues what so ever. Been as high as 80 and no issues.
It is not unusual to take a cocktail, 2 or more bp meds to get the desired effect. (Like psych meds.)
It is not unusual to take a cocktail, 2 or more bp meds to get the desired effect. (Like psych meds.)
I've used Telmisartan+Hydrochlorothiazide 40mg+12.5mg but decided I didn't want a diuretic in the BP cocktail, plus, didn't really see much improvement in BP numbers. Have used Amlodipine Besylate 5 mg with Telmisartan 40mg and did see a little improvement in numbers but didn't want to use a calcium channel blocker so this is when I went to 80mg/day of Telmisartan alone and numbers fell right into place.
I've used Telmisartan+Hydrochlorothiazide 40mg+12.5mg but decided I didn't want a diuretic in the BP cocktail, plus, didn't really see much improvement in BP numbers. Have used Amlodipine Besylate 5 mg with Telmisartan 40mg and did see a little improvement in numbers but didn't want to use a calcium channel blocker so this is when I went to 80mg/day of Telmisartan alone and numbers fell right into place.

Glad it worked for you.

80mg is max dose.
One thing that i noticed on Telmisartan was that at 80mg it was difficult for me to cum.

Maybe it was something else but as soon as I lowered the dose to 40mg, orgasms were stronger and was easier to come and control it...

BP was the same on both doses, so nowadays i keep 40mg daily.
One thing that i noticed on Telmisartan was that at 80mg it was difficult for me to cum.

Maybe it was something else but as soon as I lowered the dose to 40mg, orgasms were stronger and was easier to come and control it...

BP was the same on both doses, so nowadays i keep 40mg daily.
Really!?! Interesting observation! This is duly noted. This just may be something going on for me. Just recently within the year went to 80mg Telmisartan and have noticed it's harder to cum. At times I have to really focus, mainly after cumming the first time around. It's mainly for the girlfriend, I much prefer the sex/Love making over just cumming but the girlfriend loves cumming together. I usually could cum 3 times for her, but lately it's only been 2 times in a session. I'm definitely going to pay attention and play around with doses of mentioned Gear that you and I have been discussing in the other thread. Would like to get back to 3 times during a session for her sake to make her happy, 4 would be a bonus.
Yes, thanks, I'm comfortable at 80mg/day, don't feel a need to change things up.
Yea, 80 was not adequate for me. Not great, but good. Had to add a small dose of another as this one is maxed out.

Had another picked out (starts with a N) but the doc said it would lower my hr too much, said make 140 your top acceptable number.
Really!?! Interesting observation! This is duly noted. This just may be something going on for me. Just recently within the year went to 80mg Telmisartan and have noticed it's harder to cum. At times I have to really focus, mainly after cumming the first time around. It's mainly for the girlfriend, I much prefer the sex/Love making over just cumming but the girlfriend loves cumming together. I usually could cum 3 times for her, but lately it's only been 2 times in a session. I'm definitely going to pay attention and play around with doses of mentioned Gear that you and I have been discussing in the other thread. Would like to get back to 3 times during a session for her sake to make her happy, 4 would be a bonus.

Try 7 or 9, can’t remember which 😉
Yes, thanks, I'm comfortable at 80mg/day, don't feel a need to change things up.
Me being maxed out at 80, added another type which helped. Heard great things about, starts with a N, but he said it would lower my pulse too much.

BP meds are one of the best ‘supplements’ you can take failing taking good care of yourself.
Try 7 or 9, can’t remember which 😉
I remember another thread where you mentioned your ability to be able to get up to 7 or 9 times. More power to you brother, that would put me down for a couple of days. I'm content with 3, could push for 4, but 3 is good for me. I am going to experiment with not taking Telmisartan the day of to see if that is why I'm at 2 right now. Plus, I'm going to try throwing some Clomid in there and see what that does as well.
I remember another thread where you mentioned your ability to be able to get up to 7 or 9 times. More power to you brother, that would put me down for a couple of days. I'm content with 3, could push for 4, but 3 is good for me. I am going to experiment with not taking Telmisartan the day of to see if that is why I'm at 2 right now. Plus, I'm going to try throwing some Clomid in there and see what that does as well.

Just lucky I guess.

My experience with Telmisartan tells me it has zero effect in the bedroom. It can for some people but not me.

Hope it is a game changer for you.

Clomid, I know absolutely nothing about.
For those experiencing ED you may want to check this out https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.864199

Highlights include a trial where Telmisartan should no effect on ED, positive or negative. More seriously they did find that signs of ED in combo with Telmisartan is a sign of cardiac events in HIGH RISK patients. So if you are high risk and you are having ED while on Telmisartan thats something to discuss with your MD>
I remember another thread where you mentioned your ability to be able to get up to 7 or 9 times. More power to you brother, that would put me down for a couple of days. I'm content with 3, could push for 4, but 3 is good for me. I am going to experiment with not taking Telmisartan the day of to see if that is why I'm at 2 right now. Plus, I'm going to try throwing some Clomid in there and see what that does as well.

The world record is 16 times in 1 HOUR. I read the record was 80 something in a day but when I just googled the answer it stated 31 times. I have done it 5-9 times (in 1 day) many times when I was young but these days it's 3 times max and usually it's 1-2 times per day. I am using escitalopram and it makes it very hard to cum. Even before using that for me it's more quality than quantity. Actually I should rephrase that because it's very high quantity but in overall time not how many times I cum. I would much rather build it up and up and have sex over a longer time trying to please the girl as much as possible then I cum at the end. It's so much harder and better doing it that way for me.

After 3 times now it's like dust... I have nothing left :D I couldn't imagine cumming every 5-10 minutes that would be off putting for most women. My mate told me he has issues with women because he suffers from PE but he cums about 5-10 times in the night but he literally lasts 1-2 mins every time and that must be horrible. Everytime I have sex it's usually over an hour and if it's rushed it's 20 mins at a minimal. Obviously every woman is different and it's quality over quantity but most don't want to be having sex for hours and are probably happy with 10-40 mins and basically as long as the guy can last until they cum.

Regarding telmisartan and sex... I have noticed no difference. No issues at getting it up and I haven't noticed it was an harder to cum and if it were that would be horrible because on an SSRI it's hard enough.
Try 7 or 9, can’t remember which 😉
The world record is 16 times in 1 HOUR. I read the record was 80 something in a day but when I just googled the answer it stated 31 times. I have done it 5-9 times (in 1 day) many times when I was young but these days it's 3 times max and usually it's 1-2 times per day. I am using escitalopram and it makes it very hard to cum. Even before using that for me it's more quality than quantity. Actually I should rephrase that because it's very high quantity but in overall time not how many times I cum. I would much rather build it up and up and have sex over a longer time trying to please the girl as much as possible then I cum at the end. It's so much harder and better doing it that way for me.

After 3 times now it's like dust... I have nothing left :D I couldn't imagine cumming every 5-10 minutes that would be off putting for most women. My mate told me he has issues with women because he suffers from PE but he cums about 5-10 times in the night but he literally lasts 1-2 mins every time and that must be horrible. Everytime I have sex it's usually over an hour and if it's rushed it's 20 mins at a minimal. Obviously every woman is different and it's quality over quantity but most don't want to be having sex for hours and are probably happy with 10-40 mins and basically as long as the guy can last until they cum.

Regarding telmisartan and sex... I have noticed no difference. No issues at getting it up and I haven't noticed it was an harder to cum and if it were that would be horrible because on an SSRI it's hard enough.
One thing that i noticed on Telmisartan was that at 80mg it was difficult for me to cum.

Maybe it was something else but as soon as I lowered the dose to 40mg, orgasms were stronger and was easier to come and control it...

My goal is to be like alfresco, mainly to satisfy the GF, she loves cumming together and she orgasms' a lot. We do make love all day with little tinny breaks here and there. Right now I'm at 2 times for our day long sessions, but not too long ago I was at 3 times for the day. Wouldn't mind getting back to 3 to 4 times for the day to make the experience a little more exciting or intense for the GF. From the other thread we all seem to be following I'm going to try throwing in some Caber and/or Clomid to see what kind of difference they will make. I don't have a problem with libido or sex drive for the day along with I do stay hard all day, it's the orgasms' and cumming I want to improve so the GF gets more out of our sessions. She would love it if I could cum more, we'll see after experimenting a little. Thanks for the input gentlemen
My goal is to be like alfresco, mainly to satisfy the GF, she loves cumming together and she orgasms' a lot. We do make love all day with little tinny breaks here and there. Right now I'm at 2 times for our day long sessions, but not too long ago I was at 3 times for the day. Wouldn't mind getting back to 3 to 4 times for the day to make the experience a little more exciting or intense for the GF. From the other thread we all seem to be following I'm going to try throwing in some Caber and/or Clomid to see what kind of difference they will make. I don't have a problem with libido or sex drive for the day along with I do stay hard all day, it's the orgasms' and cumming I want to improve so the GF gets more out of our sessions. She would love it if I could cum more, we'll see after experimenting a little. Thanks for the input gentlemen
Your frequency is through the roof. Not me. Don't know if I could handle
that nor my could my wife. Or even having the time to do so.

As you may very well have noticed, sexual frequency can be a real
nuisance to deal with and can cause lots of tension in a relationship.
If your partner is simpatico then you are good to go. But even then
then running around with unexplained erections at unexpected times
during the day can be a nuisance . . . hard to believe.

At this point in my life I would never consider, could not even imagine
taking anything to increase my libido. It would control my behavior
way more than I could be comfortable with. (When I was younger it
was the reason for many a relationship; some to both our
detriments and damn near got me killed on one occasion.)

Like I said, maybe some day but not right now.

Good luck with you sex cocktail.
My goal is to be like alfresco, mainly to satisfy the GF, she loves cumming together and she orgasms' a lot. We do make love all day with little tinny breaks here and there. Right now I'm at 2 times for our day long sessions, but not too long ago I was at 3 times for the day. Wouldn't mind getting back to 3 to 4 times for the day to make the experience a little more exciting or intense for the GF. From the other thread we all seem to be following I'm going to try throwing in some Caber and/or Clomid to see what kind of difference they will make. I don't have a problem with libido or sex drive for the day along with I do stay hard all day, it's the orgasms' and cumming I want to improve so the GF gets more out of our sessions. She would love it if I could cum more, we'll see after experimenting a little. Thanks for the input gentlemen
Good for you, i feel lees for it though! Sounds a little rough for me. My last GF would have her 3 orgasms early on then i would take more time with my 1. Some times i figure you just have to compromise. Her record was 11 one day but i didn't feel like ever trying to break that record. Some times it just seems to take on an aspect of a job an challenge and the enjoyment goes out the window for me. The bar you set makes my neck sore from just looking up that high!
One thing that i noticed on Telmisartan was that at 80mg it was difficult for me to cum.

Maybe it was something else but as soon as I lowered the dose to 40mg, orgasms were stronger and was easier to come and control it...

BP was the same on both doses, so nowadays i keep 40mg daily.

Your frequency is through the roof. Not me. Don't know if I could handle
that nor my could my wife. Or even having the time to do so.

As you may very well have noticed, sexual frequency can be a real
nuisance to deal with and can cause lots of tension in a relationship.
If your partner is simpatico then you are good to go. But even then
then running around with unexplained erections at unexpected times
during the day can be a nuisance . . . hard to believe.

At this point in my life I would never consider, could not even imagine
taking anything to increase my libido. It would control my behavior
way more than I could be comfortable with. (When I was younger it
was the reason for many a relationship; some to both our
detriments and damn near got me killed on one occasion.)

Like I said, maybe some day but not right now.

Good luck with you sex cocktail.
Right now, we only get to see each other on Sunday for the day. So that's the one day of the week we get to spend time together and I want to make the best of it. I love pleasing her and that's my goal, I'll go all out that one day of the week and then rest up through the rest of the week until next Sunday. That's been our routine for a while now.
Good for you, i feel lees for it though! Sounds a little rough for me. My last GF would have her 3 orgasms early on then i would take more time with my 1. Some times i figure you just have to compromise. Her record was 11 one day but i didn't feel like ever trying to break that record. Some times it just seems to take on an aspect of a job an challenge and the enjoyment goes out the window for me. The bar you set makes my neck sore from just looking up that high!
To be honest we both just got very lucky to be extremely compatible with each other. She was in a bad marriage for 27yrs where she didn't even know what an orgasm felt like. I just happen to hit her G spot just right where she cums constantly, and this goes on all through the day. Sorry, not bragging, but more of it's very exciting for both of us because it's such a rare compatibility thing to come across two people that fit so well. On my end I really don't care to cum that much but her favorite is us cumming together so I do what I can to make that happen for her. To be honest, I just really enjoy the interaction we have with making love, that's enough for me.

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