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The obsession with being big.


May 18, 2009
Anybody really think about it? What is it about being big that makes you want it, risk your health for it, and take it so far? I started thinking about it a lot more lately after getting to a fairly solid 240lbs and started cruising purposely to be able to stay big all the time. What is that common denominator with all of us that makes us obsessed with it. Heck, the average American male just wants that athletic body and wouldn't want to have 18"+ arms or bench press 400lbs, most people would be ecstatic to just bench press their body weight once. I think about it and this addiction to being big is almost insane. And some people do take it to insane levels. When is enough, enough? It's strange to have to think long and hard to even really understand why I want to be as big as I want. I guess i'm just throwing this out here to see what everybodies reasons are and if a lot of us have those same exact reasons for it.
Anybody really think about it? What is it about being big that makes you want it, risk your health for it, and take it so far? I started thinking about it a lot more lately after getting to a fairly solid 240lbs and started cruising purposely to be able to stay big all the time. What is that common denominator with all of us that makes us obsessed with it. Heck, the average American male just wants that athletic body and wouldn't want to have 18"+ arms or bench press 400lbs, most people would be ecstatic to just bench press their body weight once. I think about it and this addiction to being big is almost insane. And some people do take it to insane levels. When is enough, enough? It's strange to have to think long and hard to even really understand why I want to be as big as I want. I guess i'm just throwing this out here to see what everybodies reasons are and if a lot of us have those same exact reasons for it.

I think their are a few factors really and everyone is different

-Some people enjoy lifting and getting bigger is part of that process, the bigger you get the more experienced you feel etc
-Pro's have a big impact on it - magazines and videos etc
-Personal issues - being small as a kid or overweight leads to an obsession even if its only subconsious
-Some people may feel because they are bigger they are better - more dominant and more powerful than other people

There are more points but i can't think right now
I think their are a few factors really and everyone is different

-Some people enjoy lifting and getting bigger is part of that process, the bigger you get the more experienced you feel etc
-Pro's have a big impact on it - magazines and videos etc
-Personal issues - being small as a kid or overweight leads to an obsession even if its only subconsious
-Some people may feel because they are bigger they are better - more dominant and more powerful than other people

There are more points but i can't think right now

i think alot of it comes down to the history of the person as well or perosnal issues as you stated...

at some point in your life something happens..and the progress in the gym is something you work on..makes you forget everything...takes over ur life

i know that is what happened with me

i love it though..and if i didnt have it my quality of life would be dramatically reduced..
I became more serious and addicted with my trainning following a divorce.
The gym was my outlet... and i was there constantly.
with that new freinds developed and a new direction.. shorlty there after i did my first bodybuilding show... The addiction grew even more..

I was the fat kid growing up in between two very athletic brothers.. Forced to play every sport and sucked at them all. The weights and genetics aloud me to see my sport.

Everyone has an addiction; coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc... some are more dangerous then others. Im happy with my addiction and desire to grow. I think of all those people who live a sedative lifestyle, with no happiness. There are so many out there. When i see them and their lifestyle, i feel pretty damn good that i am disciplined to get up at 4 am train till 6- go to work- spend time with family etc....and look the way i do at 42 yo.

To each their own i guess ;)
what makes a runner run 26 miles in a marathon?
what makes a triathlete strive for the iron man?
what makes a bicyclist dream about the tour de france?

we want to be big because that's how we reach the pinnacle of our sport. we are athletes striving to be the best at our sport, and that's how we get to be the best. and it's not just size it's symmetry, how much bodyfat we can lose, how we can look the absolute best with what we're given.

I think you're looking at this from too narrow of an angle... from a socio/psych standpoint you'd have to ask why does every serious athlete strive to get to the top, and do whatever it takes to get there?

me, personally, I think it has a lot to do with a sense of control and obsessive behavior.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder
You could say that narcissism is also present. Most of these diagnostic categories are relevant if the person is debilitated by the symptoms or dysfunctional because of them.

A lot of the people I know (some very successful and intelligent) don't care what they look like - which to me, is an equivalent personality disorder - if you want to categorize any of the behaviors associated with these descriptors as "disorders."
You could say that narcissism is also present. Most of these diagnostic categories are relevant if the person is debilitated by the symptoms or dysfunctional because of them.

A lot of the people I know (some very successful and intelligent) don't care what they look like - which to me, is an equivalent personality disorder - if you want to categorize any of the behaviors associated with these descriptors as "disorders."

I wouldn't quite call them "disorders" because I don't feel that they debilitate, unless you allow them to, rather tendencies towards the disorders.
Mommy didnt hold me close enough...

I can think of alot of other things I was and other people do that are a helluva lot worse.
PLenty of 'big'people out there, they are just big and fat lard asses who do nothing.

At the end of the day its the challenge, I was very skinny when I started and I heard you cant get that big...also the stress outlet of hard training.
this question gets debated to no end from time to time...for me after 30 years of doing this crap i realized hey maybe i just like it? its really that simple...people in the end gravitate toward their personal preferences there dsoes not have to be an underlying psychological issue behind every damn thing.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder

I think Myosin hit it at least for me, Wife tells me I'm crazy no matter how big I get I always think I look small I'm never satisfied..
All things considered, your musculature and dick size are not the determining factor in the quality of life and self-satisfaction. It don't make you happy.

The size of your wallet, your wife and family, your career, and your spiritual life are all more important than getting over sized.

If you have all those things and you can work out and look good - it's all good. If you are obsessed with your looks it is probably going to get in the way of all the real things that matter in life.
I think bodybuilders have more in common with the people who get tattoos from head to toe than fitness enthusiast. Getting big is a form of body modification. We do it to make a statement, to feel more than human.

Yes the average guy just wants to have an athletic body. But why be average? To have 2.5 kids and golf on Sundays?

I enjoy being big. ( I'm nowhere near as big as some guys on this site but I hold my own) I let out a slight grin when I go to the mall and cannot find jeans that fit. But I still want to be bigger. I don't spend all day thinking if I was 10 lbs heavier my life would be perfect. I hope my life would be the same, whether I was bigger or smaller.
getting big is a side affect of my choice to go to the gym and lift.

the fact that lifting weights is the only thing i can rely on. the only thing i trust. i know they will be there for me, day and night.

no matter how good they are... friends and family arent always there. they fall back on promises. they miss things. they forget stuff.

the weights, they dont bullshit. they fight you. they always make sure you know they are right there. with you. the pain. the soreness. the tiredness. its a promise that isnt broken.

i need something stable in my life. my life has been nothing but chaos since i was born. drugs. violence. moving every few months. nothing stable. nothing set. nothing i can trust to be there for me throughout everything.

until i found the gym.

that keeps me motivated.

i may never be huge. i may never be 4% bf. i may never squat 1000lbs. but thats not why i do it.

i do it for me.
All things considered, your musculature and dick size are not the determining factor in the quality of life and self-satisfaction. It don't make you happy.

The size of your wallet, your wife and family, your career, and your spiritual life are all more important than getting over sized.

If you have all those things and you can work out and look good - it's all good. If you are obsessed with your looks it is probably going to get in the way of all the real things that matter in life.

Nailed it. It amazing that people think if they change their bodies their life will be perfect. Then if they achieve their goals they are not any happier than when they started.
this question gets debated to no end from time to time...for me after 30 years of doing this crap i realized hey maybe i just like it? its really that simple...people in the end gravitate toward their personal preferences there dsoes not have to be an underlying psychological issue behind every damn thing.

People just do things because they simply enjoy it. Yes, being big is a desirable trait...so is having power, courage, honesty, wealth, and happiness. If youre not comfortable with what youre doing than quit and find something else thats more suited for you. ;)
ur not alone...

getting big is a side affect of my choice to go to the gym and lift.

the fact that lifting weights is the only thing i can rely on. the only thing i trust. i know they will be there for me, day and night.

no matter how good they are... friends and family arent always there. they fall back on promises. they miss things. they forget stuff.

the weights, they dont bullshit. they fight you. they always make sure you know they are right there. with you. the pain. the soreness. the tiredness. its a promise that isnt broken.

i need something stable in my life. my life has been nothing but chaos since i was born. drugs. violence. moving every few months. nothing stable. nothing set. nothing i can trust to be there for me throughout everything.

until i found the gym.

that keeps me motivated.

i may never be huge. i may never be 4% bf. i may never squat 1000lbs. but thats not why i do it.

i do it for me.

I can agree with a lot of this.

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