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The OFF-Season....Lee Priest


FOUNDING Member / Featured Member / Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Jul 22, 2002
Pro bodybuilders facinate me so Im always trying to learn more about individual "ways" of each. Ive noticed Lee Priest has a theroy that as long as he takes in enough esentials nutrionally, on the off sesaon he can also take in as much bullshit as he wants too, and his physique is a reflection of that. He gets extremely fat in the off-season from all pics Ive seen yet, comes in with some of the best condition every year, does any know if this just makes things harder on him, or does he just have a metabolisem like a furnace since hes forced to burn more then his competotors, Im just trying to understand if he has to diet with more intensity, or start a few more weeks out, maybe up the dose on gear, and if hes sacraficing muscle with this dieting method. I know a lot beleive clean bulking only and wouldnt ever use this metod, im just trying to distinguish if works in any way better or worse then conventional, heres a couple pics of him on off-season..
Ok i have a couple but I cannot upload them for some reason, I notice kiwi tried to upload a pic also and it didnt work in a prevoius thread. anyway click the links to see them...
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**broken link removed**
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I am meeting with him within the week to do an interview, I will print this and ask him to respond.
a friend of mine who was a top level national competitor has a theory that the more food you eat the more you body gets used to burning and taking in. eventually its gets to the point where you can basically throw a piece of iron in the fire and will burn just burn it up. I personally bulk in a non-clean diet fashion. as soon as i clean it up i lose close to 15lb without changing calorie intake. dieting is easier for me this way. i guess its whatever works for you.
thanks for replys guys..
and rugger that would be really cool im interested to see his reply.
It's the hydroxycut. LOL I had lunch with him last year. He still insists that he doesn't do a lot of AAS. He wouldn't say what his secret was for getting lean so quick...other than he said it wasn't from DNP. Can't blame him though. He may be like a freak like Dexter Jackson. Dexter told me that he never does any cardio and only starts his diet about 6 weeks out.
In MD this month, Preist said he "Once" tried 800mgs of test a week but that he prefered 200mg per week. This can't be true. I appreciate the fact that he admits using them, but I just can't believe his doses are that low. He really only does just one small 8 weeks bulking cycle and one small cutting cycle a year?
he states in an artical in Anabolic insider that when he wsa 19 his first cycle was only 1 cc of deca and that he gained 20lbs. I dont know if lee thinks hes a funny guy or if the thinks the whole world is stupid.
Local rumors (he lives in Austin, TX) are consitent with his claims of very low dosages.
Strunk said:
It's the hydroxycut. LOL I had lunch with him last year. He still insists that he doesn't do a lot of AAS. He wouldn't say what his secret was for getting lean so quick...other than he said it wasn't from DNP. Can't blame him though. He may be like a freak like Dexter Jackson. Dexter told me that he never does any cardio and only starts his diet about 6 weeks out.

I can verify that dexter doesn't do any cardio!, it's unreal what he gets away with!, maybe he runs in place at his house or something, but he definitely doesn't use stationary bikes or treadmills, and he doesn't have any at his house either so.... (lucky bastard! lol)
Cardio and dieting

I'm a staunch believer in the idea that "a calorie is a calorie is a calorie." It doesn't matter whether your caloric deficit when dieting to lose fat is due to greater activity (Cardio) and diet, or just diet. If the deficit is the same, the fat loss will be the same, all other things being equal. I lose too much muscle when doing cardio, so actually some of the deficit is made up by oxidizing muscle protein rather than fat. (There are also differences in relative changes in the visceral vs. subq fat stores comparing diet vs. diet + exercise.)

I do no cardio to cut up - just diet like a mofo and train even harder, but weights only. (Seems to work - check pic forum.)

Also, it is true that the more calories you eat, the faster your metabolic rate. This follows from the set point theory - the body resists changes in body mass and fat by adjusting expenditure (metabolic rate) to match caloric intake. I do the same thing as w8's - the first couple weeks of my diet, I simply come off my bulking diet, eat according to appetite and lose fat like a mofo.


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