lol i can't wait til this Tiger Woods stuff blows over. But damn he did have sex with some skanky ass hoes nothing special for a man like him. I expected hotter and um less pornstars (seriously wtf man lol).
LOL yeah maybe i have but i would be so nervous of STD's afterwards it would ruin the experience for me. They make alot of money and some are business savy but i always think about the chance of them getting a serious STD such as HIV or Herpes....
lol yep just think if u caught the flu, how nervous would that make ya haha forget tren nightsweats you'd be in a whole nother ballpark with those sweats
He should just come clean with everything he did then the press will back off because there is no longer a story! Remember Andy Petitt and Roger Clemens, one admitted to HGH and the other didn't!
He def deserves athlete of the decade.