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Training More For Muscle Definition Than Size

Frank N. Steroid

New member
Jul 31, 2007
Ok,so I've been training for twenty years,from the age of sixteen until now(age thirty six).When I first started,I was very skinny,probably about nine stone(round about 135lbs),and have managed to get up to seventeen stone three(about 240),at 5'8".I'm now about sixteen stone(226-228)at about 14-15%bf,so I've developed quite a bit of muscle in this time.So even though I am quite big,I seem to be lacking muscle definition,and I'm not cut as much as I would like to be.For example,there's not much of a gap between where my shoulders insert into my arms,but they just look all in one if you see what I mean.Up until now,I've always trained for size than anything else,but I would now like to develop more muscularity,so should I train any different than when I was training for maximum size,maybe with more isolation work or what??I know definition has a lot to do with bf levels,which I'm working on,but was wondering if I should change up the way I train??What's some of the best things to do to gain more definition and muscularity??

Also,would using anabolics more so than using androgenics make a difference??I tend to use androgenics more than anabolics(not much use of things like winny,anavar,eq,primo etc which are more anabolic than androgenic.I've done loads and loads of cycles over the years).I guess I'm after more quality muscle than sheer mass.I supose you could say I need to work more on sculpting and not so much on sheer mass building.

So what's some of the best things to do to achieve this goal??
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
To be honest with you man, if you havent figured out what you need to do to change your body how you want it in 20 years, you probely wont ever.
Why not try some low to mid range weights with some high reps. Doesn't have to be a burn out set everytime. But high reps can do some good things for you by way of definition. Mass, thickness, seperation, totally different animals. However some folks have made some good strides with high reps and low weights and have seen "some" results in way of small seperations. But every one is different. Hope you find what works best for you bro.
Platestacker,don't talk so stupid man,I never said that I don't know how to change my body at all.All I said is,I've always trained for size,and used things to develop size,and now want to know some of the best things to do to get more muscle definition and muscularity.

Of course I have an idea of what to do,but I'd just rather hear some good advice from people who have actually trained for this kind of thing.Like for example,is it best when training to use less rest between sets,use more isolation exercises,train with higher reps(not sure about that one),train a muscle more frequently etc etc.As I said,I've always trained just for size,so this is a new area for me,as I've never approached it from this angle before.
i would say keep training as hard and heavy as you can, but maybe do some dieting while you train.

you seem to be happy with the size that you have so diet a little, shed some bodyfat and see where you are at

you will notice some good definition once the bodyfat levels go down.
Platestacker,don't talk so stupid man,I never said that I don't know how to change my body at all.All I said is,I've always trained for size,and used things to develop size,and now want to know some of the best things to do to get more muscle definition and muscularity.

Of course I have an idea of what to do,but I'd just rather hear some good advice from people who have actually trained for this kind of thing.Like for example,is it best when training to use less rest between sets,use more isolation exercises,train with higher reps(not sure about that one),train a muscle more frequently etc etc.As I said,I've always trained just for size,so this is a new area for me,as I've never approached it from this angle before.

This should give you a few months to play with, So why not try and keep the rest period down, but still with high reps. Then see how you look and feel like 2 months later. If you're ok with it, stick with it. If not, still keep the rest period down but throw in some iso movements. And see wich way your body responded best to. As I said this is gonna take you about 3 to 4 months to see just how well each idea is going for you. But hey, that'll keep you busy for a while! :D
The reason you do not have the desired results you are looking for is because of your diet. You can do any magic "cutting routine" or and magic "cutting steroid" and without the proper diet you will not get what you are looking for. You need to be asking diet questions before you ask for training and aas questions. I'm telling you from experience being an endomorph that has done every training routine and countless hours of cardio that got me the same results. When my diet was finally and properly addressed I saw the positive results in the mirror.
like others are saying its bf thing. it is. u have the mass, u will have the definition once you cut down a bit. u think u have 14-15% how acurate is that. once ur down to 10% you will see some cute. i recomend having a pro take it, hydrostatic is the best, but thats not available everywhere. check out at ur gym to see of some one can take your bodyfat. the gym i work at and the gym i go to take bf for free. so see what u can do. if some one takes ur bf w/ calipers and doesnt know the equation to figure it out send me a pm and ill let u know what it is.
Other than getting that BF down with diet and lo-intensity cardio, try what Boom said. Drop the weight and increase reps.... also I will add... concentrate on really feeling moving the weight in your muscle. The mind to muscle connection... and squeeze hard on the full contraction, like squeezing every last drop of water out of a sponge
Yeah I figured that diet would have a lot to do with it,I just thought that maybe a different way of training would make a difference too.The thing is though,I dieted down quite a bit before my holiday,and got down to roughly 10-12% and although I had a lot more shape to me,I still lacked the definition,and didn't manage to hold onto enough size,lost a lot more than I would have wanted.I know that dropping bf levels down and losing a certain amount of size is almost inevitable,but I ended up losing a bit too much size.
Thanks for your help guys.

Thebrick,do you(or anybody else)think that really makes a difference - squeezing hard on the full contraction?? Would that really help in increasing muscle definition and seperation??
Thanks for your help guys.

Thebrick,do you(or anybody else)think that really makes a difference - squeezing hard on the full contraction?? Would that really help in increasing muscle definition and seperation??

Let me jump in before Brick does, "ABSOLUTELY 100% YES" squeezing the muscle you are currently working at the top of every rep will get you gaines faster then the average joe schmoe who is just throwing the weight up for no reason. ALWAYS always, squeeze at the top of every set, no matter what muscle your working. (sorry I jumped in Brick,,lol)
Let me jump in before Brick does, "ABSOLUTELY 100% YES" squeezing the muscle you are currently working at the top of every rep will get you gaines faster then the average joe schmoe who is just throwing the weight up for no reason. ALWAYS always, squeeze at the top of every set, no matter what muscle your working. (sorry I jumped in Brick,,lol)

No problem at all and you are right, I totally agree ;)
I would not change your training except if you feel like it. Just for a change maybe up the reps a little bit but still stay in the desired 5-15 rep range (more like 8-12).

Its all in the diet and adding in cardio.....PERIOD!
Let me jump in before Brick does, "ABSOLUTELY 100% YES" squeezing the muscle you are currently working at the top of every rep will get you gaines faster then the average joe schmoe who is just throwing the weight up for no reason. ALWAYS always, squeeze at the top of every set, no matter what muscle your working. (sorry I jumped in Brick,,lol)

great advice.i have also trained for size for yrs and am now taking this aproach incoperate some dc style in there and you will be very happy bro.peace
Hey musclehead,any chance you can give me a more detailed explanation of what your doing now in terms of training,diet etc,seeing as your in a similar boat to me,and are training now more for definition and muscularity than size??Also,have you found using anabolics helps out better than using more of androgenics(if that's also something different your doing)??Have you gained much more definition and muscularity since switching goals and how long have you been doing it this way??
Thanks bro.
...Its all in the diet and adding in cardio.....PERIOD!

EXACTLY! There is no such routine to increase muscle definition or shape! Muscle definition is dependent on body fat levels and muscle shape is dependent upon YOUR genetic make-up! If your muscles lack definition it's because you're too fat! Your concern should be more along the lines of what you can do to preserve the muscle you DO have while shaving off some body fat!

It's really simple! The less body-fat you have, the more muscle definition you'll see! And vice versa.


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