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UK Bodypower Fitness Expo with pics


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Feb 27, 2008
Long post :eek: Me and Barbie just got back from the fitness expo in Birmingham and it was great. Gonna just put all my random thoughts about the event and the bb's I saw including some pics. Not the best of photos due to the crowds. Some of them have turned out funny but there are a few good ones too. I have to say seeing certain pro's in real life has changed my perspective for each of them. I was surprised a lot. Obviously it's a strange one as many of us see them in mags and on videos all the time and it's like you almost know them but we don't know a thing (haven't even seen them) so finally seeing them in person is a bit surreal. I will list how I thought they looked but of course they all look great and are doing well so no negativity just saying how I felt after seeing them. Although just in general I have never seen so many massive people in my life... loads of freaks in the crowds.

I have never been to an event like the expo and never expected it to be so mad. I knew I would be waiting in line for awhile but nothing like it turned out to be. I thought I would get my photo with about 15 pros but it was mental. It was situated in a few huge rooms and if they had added just one (there are many available) it would have been a lot better imo. It would have still been mental but abit more room to move about. It took 10 mins to move 10's of metres and everyone was squashed in certain parts of the event. So after a few hours of walking around we got abit felt up. It took us 2 hours to find the nutrex booth which was our no.1 booth to see. We ended up staying all day and loved it but again at times it got a bit too much so we had a break outside.

I saw 2 pro muscle guys which was great so I was made up. I saw Dusty which was a surprise as I didn't know he was attending. We were talking about leaving as Barbie was getting abit overwhelmed with the crowds and walked the corner and there he was. He is huge and a gentlemen and it was great to see him. Strange one as if I sat down with him we could probably chat for hours but at the time wasn't sure what to talk about. Again very friendly and I a highlight of the day. Xjpx (Jordan) was also there and we bumped into him and again super impressed. It was great seeing you matey and another highlight. We tried to find you later on but couldn't see you anywhere. It was nice finally meeting people from pro muscle.

I have to add Barbie looked amazing but we didn't exactly have a healthy w/e and turn up or refreshed. I never drink but did the night before but barely anything but still felt rough the expo day. Barbie had a strong bottle of wine and was hammered and we only had a few hours sleep so were tired all day. The crowds and the heat probably added to our suffering but we only have ourselves to blame. We also managed to have 2 big bags of nuts, massive amount of sweets and lots of other bad stuff but had fun so it was all worth it. We don't go away much so made the most of things :)

Anyway I will just list names of others I seen and what I thought about their physiques etc....

Kai Greene... Was covered up in his red hoodie but could see he was massive and just as I expected... majorly impressed. We actually looked at the queue and thought it was huge but worth waiting for and got to what we thought was the back. Then some women with a walkie talkie told us that the rest of the queue was around another corner and another guy with walkie talkie was there. It would have been well over an hour so we left it to walk around.

Phil Heath... I was surprised how small he was... literally some of the pics I have seen I couldn't believe it was the same guy. Sure he looked great and is full but was surprised how narrow he was. He had huge calves and forearms and obviously looked great but again big surprise with him.

Jay Cutler... We walked past about 10 times and he was sat down all day. We see threads all the time about how small he has got and how he has lost it etc etc. I knew he would be huge and not like some of the threads list but big surprise cos he looked freaky. His arms were huge! We got some crap pics of him from faraway but you can see how freaky his arms and calves look in them.

Zack Khan... Freaky and huge and bigger than nearly everyone but I expected him to be bigger. We got some good pics of him and he has turned out great in them but again expected him to look even freakier.

Larissa Reis... I am a huge fan but my expectations were surpassed. You hear androgenic face etc. She looked stunning to both me and Barbie and well only got great things to say.

Nathalia melo... don't follow bikini so had no idea she was the O champ. Stunning and very nice and another nutrex girl... nutrex done good with their picks :)

Dorian Yates... was taller than I expected and looked great. The bad pic we took doesn't do he justice due to the angle is body is at. He was much bigger than the pic suggests and in person looked good.

There were many physique guys and they all looked great for what they are. Some of them were really big and ripped so looked phenomenal. Many were tiny and stilled look good but not really my thing but seeing guys that chiseled is impressive. Although I want to comment about Rob Riches. I don't follow those shows but I know he is very successful and good on him. His line was huge too and just as popular as most of the pro bb's. I know he is only small but I couldn't believe how tiny he was... his arms were tiny. I was surprised by that cos even though he is fitness I expected him to look bigger... literally like a ripped boy.

I saw many other guys and girls they all looked great but nothing to write home about.

Brings me on to my last person and I knew he would look great although I didn't know he was actually attending. I am a fan but not a huge fan of his physique in pics and videos etc... obvious reasons. I like the classic physiques and I know bb isn't just just about size and a lot of the time it is aesthetics and in a sense an illusion for many bb's. But I also think the best bb's should be huge cos it is about building your body. Want to know who I thought looked the best and the freakiest... Rich Piana. The guy is like a mutant and his arms are silly but they look solid. We all know they are fake but that word didn't come to mind when I saw him. He stood out by a mile and had the freak factor and gave to me what I expected from the likes of Phil Heath.

Here are a few pics. I am not the typical guy at the bb expo who tries to look as big as he possibily can. I disappear in the pic with Zack due to angle (and he is huge) and don't ask me what I am doing with my hand in the Larissa pic :eek: Overall a great weekend and I recommend anyone who hasn't been to one to give it a go :)

Sounded like my comp was gonna crash so posted that quick. More pics....





s y are correct until you see them you have no idea. Its funny cause I see JC daily and I guess from seeing him so much I tend to tell him he is small lol jk. He is getting ready to diet down for the O here soon and as usual is training very serious

Kai looked sick in Pittsburgh

Great pics Elvia glad you both had a great time
My crap comp crashed again. Here are the rest of the pics...





:p Had n amazing weekend! Bodypower was Boss :headbang: ....although i felt like I could pass out partly because I wad tired and hungover and the rest because I was squished in :(and if We go back next year...I'm buying and taking a taser gun so I can blast the cheeky fu**ers that are so rude and push past me :devil-smi
Inspirational Event x
It's nice to hear something positive about Rich Piana. All pros use seo's. Who cares how he got there. The fact is, if it looks good, then it is good. ;)
It's nice to hear something positive about Rich Piana. All pros use seo's. Who cares how he got there. The fact is, if it looks good, then it is good. ;)

I didn't get to see Jay properly but Rich imo looked by far the best out of everyone. He had that freak factor that a bodybuilder should have imo. He had a vest on too so I could see everything. I should have got a pic cos I was 2 feet from him every time I walked past. He was a lot taller than I thought too. A lot of their heights are exaggerated by he is definitely 6 foot. I couldn't find any pics of him at the event but here are two recent ones I have just found...


Looks awesome... I'd love to go one year. Went to the Arnold classic expo over here in the states a cpl of years ago, it really makes you appreciate the gulf between normal genetics and these freaks of nature
That's how I felt about Rich Piana when I saw him at the LA Expo. Phil & Jay were big, but Like you said...Rich has that freak factor and he had such a chill personality.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk
I wonder why rich does not compete now? He looks massive.
he stated in a recent video one of the main reasons why he doesn't compete is because his idea of the perfect physique is different from those of the judges mainly talking about not wanting to have massive legs which is why he doesn't train them often
What do you by rich piana was chill? How was he in person? I didn't like him much on first impression from his video but know better than to go by that.
Sounds like a fun weekend!.. good pics, thx for sharing!
I want what Khan is taking, he look happy and chilled:cool:
Looks like you guys had a great time, and it doesn't look too crowded either.
Great pictures, thanks for sharing, I went to The Olympia fitness expo in Las Vegas. It was crowded there too. Ronnie Coleman was there.
Looks like you guys had a great time, and it doesn't look too crowded either.
:p Hey x I had to zoom in the camera to get the pics...it was very busy like heel to toe when you had to get certain areas. We had a brilliant time though x

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