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week1 for the PlatinumOG


New member
Jul 4, 2010
Today begins week1 of my cycle. I will be making post on here to log how it works and whats happening.
Hmmm week 1 of your 1st cycle? We dont know anything about you and your thread is useless! How bout give us some freaking stats and goals?
Age - 43 / 6ft. 177 lbs. 14% bodyfat
Diet concist of :
Breakfast ; 4 eggwhites and bowl of Oatmeal .
Whey Protien shake 27 grams protien (muscle Milk Product)
Snack; 1 egg white and a carrot or celery with 1 cup of brocolli tops)
Lunch; 2 Chicken Breast - grilled on Out door grill/Propane
with Spinach or Brown Rice ( depends on mood on day to day Basis)
Snack - XXX Mass protien Shake 25 grams protien ( AMP ) with Banana Blended in it.
Dinner; 1 nice Tbone or RibEye or New York Or top Sirlion steak. Or 90% lean Hamburger... with baked Potatoe ( No Butter or Sour Cream.)
before bed snack - 100% Casein Shake with 25 grams of protien

Sorry for not knowing what to put on there... Hope this helps inform everyone here...
Work out every other day... most days of the week, sometimes 6 to 7 days a week. And I am willing to admitt where i am not wise and learn.
Thanks for all the help that ProfessionalMuscle has to Offer.
Where is Tenny

Platinum did you go with sust, deca, and cyp like you were planning? If your first was cyp at 300mg per week, what are you going with now? whats your pct? did you get your doc involved? post some pics!
Age - 43 / 6ft. 177 lbs. 14% bodyfat
Diet concist of :
Breakfast ; 4 eggwhites and bowl of Oatmeal .
Whey Protien shake 27 grams protien (muscle Milk Product)
Snack; 1 egg white and a carrot or celery with 1 cup of brocolli tops)
Lunch; 2 Chicken Breast - grilled on Out door grill/Propane
with Spinach or Brown Rice ( depends on mood on day to day Basis)
Snack - XXX Mass protien Shake 25 grams protien ( AMP ) with Banana Blended in it.
Dinner; 1 nice Tbone or RibEye or New York Or top Sirlion steak. Or 90% lean Hamburger... with baked Potatoe ( No Butter or Sour Cream.)
before bed snack - 100% Casein Shake with 25 grams of protien

Sorry for not knowing what to put on there... Hope this helps inform everyone here...

Feeding the birds?
Age - 43 / 6ft. 177 lbs. 14% bodyfat
Diet concist of :
Breakfast ; 4 eggwhites and bowl of Oatmeal .
Whey Protien shake 27 grams protien (muscle Milk Product)
Snack; 1 egg white and a carrot or celery with 1 cup of brocolli tops)
Lunch; 2 Chicken Breast - grilled on Out door grill/Propane
with Spinach or Brown Rice ( depends on mood on day to day Basis)
Snack - XXX Mass protien Shake 25 grams protien ( AMP ) with Banana Blended in it.
Dinner; 1 nice Tbone or RibEye or New York Or top Sirlion steak. Or 90% lean Hamburger... with baked Potatoe ( No Butter or Sour Cream.)
before bed snack - 100% Casein Shake with 25 grams of protien

Sorry for not knowing what to put on there... Hope this helps inform everyone here...

Cut out your snacks! No need for them. You need more carbs and protein.

Are you trying to put on weight? or want to get leaner?
Why not hire a trainer who will help you with your goals.
TRAINING 6-7 days a week very possible your over training as well. especially with the small amount of food your eating.
No Cyp - And, I will cut out snacks and add more protien in diet? Thanks. Also, Im trying to get bulked up But Not lose the definition i have ( which I know sounds crazy...)
If i could afford to have a Personal trainer. But Not 1 Knowledgable in Supplements.
Should I not be trying to bulk up for a few months , then Cut-up after ?
Should I not be trying to bulk up for a few months , then Cut-up after ?

What do you want to bulk up too? 20% bf???:rolleyes:
Your problem is the same repetive problem I see all the time, lack of training correctly and DIET! At 6' , 177 pounds and 14%BF, AAS is not the answer.
What do you want to bulk up too? 20% bf???:rolleyes:
Your problem is the same repetive problem I see all the time, lack of training correctly and DIET! At 6' , 177 pounds and 14%BF, AAS is not the answer.

I agree 100%.

Well then thanks for all the possitive Feedback ... And Yes i will increase the Food Intake. And Its tough having a fast metabolism. Any Suggestions on my Diet?
Well then thanks for all the possitive Feedback ... And Yes i will increase the Food Intake. And Its tough having a fast metabolism. Any Suggestions on my Diet?

Save your money on AAS, until you hire a trainer that can teach you proper eating habits.This site has some of the best.
So, you went from 177 at 14% BF to 184 at 10.8% in 11 days?? :rolleyes:
Yeah in a sense, to clear that up, my body fat was taken wrong Origionally... Now i have another trainer. That had taken it rite. Or so i was told, I thought it rather strange that i could have that kind of Percentage... So I think this guys got me on the rite track, And I Have noticed some changes on the topside as in shoulders and chest even Lats. Alot of its retention Im sure.

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