Local or general anesthesia?
I had my pec repair surgery while on cycle and talked to the doctor/anesthesiologist about it. There were no problems and they didn't really bat an eye. My bp and bloodwork was fine though so i went with it.
So i can take from that if your bp and bloodwork wasnt fine surgery wouldnt have gone ahead?
yeah, that would be a correct assumption. In today's environment, the anesthesiologist and orthapedic surgeon both said that if there is anything wrong, they were loathe to perform the surgery. I am not sure if you have ever had general anesthesia but it is killer, i hate the feeling you wake up and the puking afterwards.....yuck!!!
this is minor surgery... you should be fine. might want to cut out the dbol though.
I just had ear surgery last week and I was on a cycle. I stopped 3 weks before. They did blood work before the surgery and It must have been fine I woke up with a jock strap over my left ear.
whilst???What Are their any risks of undergoing surgery whilst on cycle?
My current Cycle is:test dbol deca
The Surgery is to correct a slight ear defect.
Any advice help is appreciated.
I underwent surgery under general anesthesia in september while on test. I did not tell them and everything went fine but in no way would I ever suggest someone else do the same. (I did check out with multiple people who ought to know beforehand but I still see it as irresponsible behaviour on my part)