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what does your diet look like?


New member
Feb 27, 2003
I haven't been able to stick to a plan lately, as I've been busy as hell with school/work. I could use a template to plan a good meal schedule.

Knowing your goals is crucial if you want help with a diet plan. What are you trying to do? Gain, lose, maintain?
Lean Mass Diet RIGHT NOW

I am pretty lean now and im trying to add some bulk with minimal fat gain, im running gh test, and dbol right now.

7am 1 cup oat meal 3 scoops whey, diet pepsi, water, viatmins, ala
9am 4 Whole Eggs, 2 scoops of whey
10am Workout
11am Tons of sugar, gatorade, soda, candy whatever, ala, 3 scopps whey
1pm 3/4cup of oats, 3 scoops of whey
4pm 1/2lb of steak, veggies
7pm 1/2lb of steak/chicken/fish, veggies, salsa, sour cream whatever
10pm 3 scoops of whey, 1 scoop of citrucel, 1 tablespoon olive oil, and im doen for the night, i add citrucel and olive oil to slow the absorption of whey (might work might not)

I eat this most days, and occionally eat something tasty, I try to have a huge sunday brunch somewhere, and I have fajithas, chips, and salsa atleast once a week.
I would say that you have to COMMIT to a plan, and give in to the fact that you may gain some fat in the process if you want to gain muscle mass. I would also say that you need to stay away from the chips and sour cream, they're not doing much for you. I can't tell from your diet report how much protein you're getting; I would shoot for a minimum of 2gs/lb body weight if you want to add muscle. When I eat I constantly ask myself "what is this going to do for my body?" I know that our culture promotes eating as not only a social activity but somewhat of a comfort/convenience thing. Try to avoid those types of situations and food at all costs. If chips are your splurge, though, go for it; too much denial just ends up biting you in the ass in the end. The candy may make you feel good but it won't do much to fill up your muscles, so I would say to get more protein after your workout. Those ready-made shake packs have some carbs and lots of protein, try mixing a couple of those together instead of the gatorade and candy. The Sunday brunch is a great thing, bro, but beware of all the high fat foods that they serve there. Get lots of eggs and meat, then fill yourself up with carbs but not cheesecake. Everyone is different, too, the most important thing is sticking to a plan to gain or lose. Fat comes off pretty easily but building muscle is the challenge; if you can gain lean muscle mass then you're THE MAN and the fat will melt away once you want it to. Good luck,
please critique this diet:

I want to put on more muscle. I'm currently 5'11" 205 lean with a fairly high metabolism. I need a simple diet, that doesn't take too long to prepare. how about this:

9:00 weight gainer (i hate solid food when I wakeup) ~1000cals, 45 grams protein and 90 grams complex carbs.

12:00 2 tuna salad sandwiches and 2 cups of rice glass of milk and a glass of applejuice

3:00 two egg salad sandwiches (4 eggs) 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, 2 cups of rice glass, glass of milk

6:00 two chicken thighs and a shitload of mashed potatoes, glass of milk

9:00 Some sort of beef product(possibly hamburgers since I'm poor) one cup of rice

11:00 weight gainer, ~500 cals 20 g protein 35 g complex carbs

The biggest problem I have is CLASS! it fux my schedule every time. I hate when I miss planned meals, I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

It is hard to critique a diet that contains descriptors like "shitload" and tuna salad, which can contain a bunch of mayo, etc...what I can tell you is that from my rough calculations you're getting about 200g of protein, and you need 400. Switch to chicken breasts instead of thighs. Get your total caloric intake up to 4000-5000kcal per day, every day. Learn to eat and walk, inhale between classes and you'll get there bro.
gimmejuice said:
weight gainer, ~500 cals 20 g protein 35 g complex carbs
This equals 220 cals not 400 - is there a shitload of fat that you're not accounting for in this drink? I'd shy away from these drinks as they typically have a lot of their carbs in the form of sugar.

I'm 5'6" 190# (fairly lean) and I'm eating at least 425g protein ED. Eat mainly green veggies (which aren't "really" carbs) during day. Post workout drink, then meal contains carbs (simple and complex) - dextrose, oats. I try and target 3500 calories ED and make up any deficit using good fats.


Each scoop of my whey has about 25-30 grams of whey, I am close to 2grams, I use the candy soda whatever post workout to refill glycogen.

You can try a trick that I heard about on Animals board and from my friend who breeds dogs. Pour olive oil in you protein shakes to get extra fat calories. It's the healthy fat talked about in the Mediterannian diets. Breeders use it bulk up their dogs for winter or for fights (in his case, winter). I've been doing it for about 2 years and I'm leaner than ever, even when bulking. Helps body shift to fat burning too. Lots of health benefits. And its cheap too.

When I'm at class I have my olive oil protein shakes with me and some snacks like a bagel or PBJ sandwiches or tuna sandwhich.
Xcel, why do you eat so much protein? Carbs build muscle, you are hindering your gains, especially being only 190#, 300g protein is plenty.
Swolecows said:
Xcel, why do you eat so much protein? Carbs build muscle, you are hindering your gains, especially being only 190#, 300g protein is plenty.

O do they? Muscles are build from aminoacids and protein are build up out of several aminoacids. Carbs are needed for energy mainly. A side effect of eating carbs is that insulin is released from the pancreas. Although insulin is the most powerfull anabolic hormono it is not always helpfull. Insulin improves cell absorbace BUT both muscle cells and fat cells. So you dont want to eat too many carbs. Carbs dont build the muscle the protein does. But if you want to grow youll need to eat more calories than you use and we all know its easier to eat 1000 cal of carbs than 1000cals of protein.
Bro, I am not suggesting he not eat protein. Dorian Yates rarely ate more than 400g of carbs at a BW of 300#. Why should he need 425g of protein at 190#. The body only needs 1g of protein per pound of LBM. If you are on AAS, then it will take in 50-100g more on top of that. An increased insulin respons spread slowly throughout the day WILL BUILD MUSCLE. He outlined a precontest diet, not an offseason. Most people have trouble building alot of muscle on a precontest diet.
agree bro although we cannot really define the amount of protein one does need. We all have to find out for ourselves what it is that our body responds to in the right way. Most people take somewhere between 1-2 g per lean lbs for me high protein really works.
Thanks Mr pickels, I'll give that a shot. It's just hard to fit much food into an already full book bag. I'd feel like a schmuck carrying around a cooler, as I'm not that big yet..

As far as my weight gainer, yeah there's simple sugars in it. It also has creatine, glutamine and a shitload of vitamins. I think over-all it's good. each serving(16 per $30 bag) is 1200 cals, 50gram protein, and ~100gram complex carbs. I rarely use a whole serving at once though. There are obviously a lot of calories coming from sugars too, but that's fine with me as long as I'm getting the complex carbs and the protein. I eat a crap load of complex carbs to bulk and do pretty well if I can actually maintain a schedule. 3:1 comp. carbs/protein.

thanks for replies,
xcelbeyond said:

This equals 220 cals not 400 - is there a shitload of fat that you're not accounting for in this drink? I'd shy away from these drinks as they typically have a lot of their carbs in the form of sugar.

I'm 5'6" 190# (fairly lean) and I'm eating at least 425g protein ED. Eat mainly green veggies (which aren't "really" carbs) during day. Post workout drink, then meal contains carbs (simple and complex) - dextrose, oats. I try and target 3500 calories ED and make up any deficit using good fats.


Hey bro, why do you eat mainly veggies during the day? I look at nutrition info for veggies and it spells waste of stomach space to me. Let me know, I'm probably missing somthing.

Green veggies = phytochemicals, fiber and water, no sugar!

I eat protein and green veggies throughout the day.

Maybe it's just me, or my age. I DON'T metabolize carbs (even good complex carbs) as well as when I was younger. I appear leaner/more cut by eating primarily protein (keeping high calorie count). I've been off juice for over 6 months. I'll restart after I'm done with prolotherapy.

In these last 6 months, all things considered - no juice, inability to do 100% workouts due to prolotherapy, and age - I'm REAL happy with what I've maintained.

hardasschic said:
It is hard to critique a diet that contains descriptors like "shitload" and tuna salad, which can contain a bunch of mayo, etc...what I can tell you is that from my rough calculations you're getting about 200g of protein, and you need 400. Switch to chicken breasts instead of thighs. Get your total caloric intake up to 4000-5000kcal per day, every day. Learn to eat and walk, inhale between classes and you'll get there bro.

You must understand that I'm not concerned with taking in an excess of calories. I'm just trying to get at least the minimum requirements. As for the tuna salad, I should have mentioned it'll be one can of tuna (30 grams protien).

thanks for the response.

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