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what's up with chicks?



This is kinda off topic however, I was showing a clip of pumping iron for a presentation at school, it was Arnold going through his posing routine. Anyway 90% of the girls in the class kept saying that he was "way to big" and that he looked "disgusting". What the hell is up with that! Personally i don't think Arnold was freaky at all, he was huge but not over the top. My question is do you guys get alot of negative reactions from women when it comes to the size of your physique?
ITs not the size that freaks women out, its the veins!
Jimbo said:
ITs not the size that freaks women out, its the veins!
i just asked my wife and she says the size...too awkward. i'm no where near as big as arnold so i guess i'm safe with her. you guys need to remember that just because we like the massive size and cuts that doesn't mean that all women do also. i do think all women want more than the average in the muscle mass department though.
depends on the girl

Alot of them feel that way,but it comes down to how you are.If your a sweetheart and they are able to know your personality,they will not feel as threatened or "repulsed" by your size. I know when Im jacked to the gills,I get alot of looks but 9 times out of 10 I will not get play unless I work for it.Meaning talking, making them laugh etc etc. Thats with girls that dont like the size.Girls that like it and approach you,the ones that want to feel you all over(ahaaa,I love being sexually harassed ,lol),seem to still want that little extra smile, personality touch.It just helps,period.
i kinda aggree with baldinazi

I beleive it depends on the girl to a degree . But I also think we as peple in the physical culture make a mistake when we consider peoples responses to us especially women. many women will tell you that they dont like a huge guy. But when presented with Shack or Trpple h it is okay. The reason for the example is that these people are perceived a certain way regauardless of their size.I personally dont beleive much of what a woman says she does not like because they do tend to give trendy answers. Example have you ever scene a drop dead geourgeous babe with a guy that looks like a rock.? yes. When women see you, you are jacked, and huge, many of them that seem repulsed are usaually the ones that are not comfortable with themselves in some way, they would usually give the same response to a hot fitness model, or anyone who makes a very big impression just by there appearance. Huge jacked male represents to them in mind : and alpha male. He is dominant, and self asured, and will only ask for what he can take if he wanted. i have been on this board for several months and cannot beleive how much brain power is here. Most huge jacked guys,{not pros carry themselves in a assured way, not a subserviant one. When most act repulsed, it is usually because they are not mentally up to speed and are not comfortable with themselve. That is why they usaually have to be given a nice introduction and soaclled get to know you. But I have bodyguarded several NBA and baseball players. I have been in front of many types of women. The worst thing a alpha male can do is to act like a steve erkle bro.Your passion for what you do will and discipline will pull in what ever female you desire along with some spendable cash. Nomatter what women say they usually never really mean exactly that, that is why they get a doll and use it for a few weeks and then get another one. They will however be attracted to drive physiacal and mental power, and the aggression , by guess who, any male capable of mustering the intestinal fortitude to approach and direct them. Hey Just my .02 cents.

I have been real small, and I have been real large, and now im about 225. I think if you are cut no matter what you way women will like it. I think size is intimidating, remember that movie the program where latimer trys to rape that girl, shit like that is embeded in some girls brains. It might just be your approcach as said before. Do you go out wearing an XS t-shirt when you should have on an XL, are you flexing your lats, or traps???? I see this all too often three guys who weigh 185, 195, 200 stand there flexing with the smallest shirts on hoping some girl will come up to them. Here are these guys spening 2 hours a day lifting, cardio, and eating perfectly to gain mass, and stay lean, then when it is game time <-- time to get some ass, they cant buy themselves a girl to fuck. Get a haircut, shave, put on some nice colgone, a dress shirt, go out, and when a girl gives you eye contact smile, if she smiles go talk to her, if not then wait for another one. The best pickup line i know of it, walk up to a pretty girl, introduce yourself, and say "you have to let me take you out some time", Can I buy you a drink aint so bad either.

Im not saying you guys dont have any game, just you spend so much time eating, lifting, reading preparing for bodybuilding, and you should tackle getting a peice of ass the same way.

Another side not I have come to realize, if you meet a girl at a bar, she is good for a fuck and leave it be, she is probally going to want to go out every weekend, drink, dance etc, and you being a hardcore trainer might not want to go out as much, or drink, etc,
One thing that I've realized over time, is that looks don't matter as much as I once thought they did. I live at college, and I've seen some dopey-ass guys with some super-cute chicks. BTW, at my school the ratio is 4:1, guys:girls. Most women definitely are repulsed by the pros, however those same women will always go for the underwear model, 180-210 pound guys. But in the end it all comes down to 1) personality 2) self confidence, and 3) not being a big fat-ass.
I tend to agree

I have to agree, most women don't like huge guys. I bonuce at a pretty big club upstate new york in the summer and I see it all. HOT girls with guys who aren't skinny but they aren't big either (like 180), Most girls like to come up and touch and go ohhhh look at your arms or whatever but that is about it. I don't know how many times that happened to me.
Last winter I bulked up to close to 240 and I couldn't get any ass to save my life. Girls said I was too big. Guys think it's cool thought but girls don't.
Once I cut down to 215 this summer have abs, and some veins I got three times the amount of looks but I felt small.
I guess you can't have the best of both worlds.
To all us MEATHEADS :)

Personality is key. If you strut around looking for that attention, girls can sense that and they think you are a freaken dork. If you make them laugh and have a good time, they will like you. I know some fat asses and some skinny ass punks that have hot girls with personalities. They are intimidated by your size and strength. They feel that if you wanted your way with them, there is nothing they could do. Make them think that you are a big teddy bear and they will love the muscles you have. WHen explaining the PRO BBers in the mags, let them know that they don't always look like that...they are pumped up for the photo shoot. If you are out at a club and having a bad night, still try and smile, the girls will think you are a big sweetie and you will get more ass in the long run...
Girls are intimidated by guys in better shape than them.

Girls are intimidated by guys who are better looking than them.

Fortunately I am fat and ugly. :)
Crowler said:
Girls are intimidated by guys in better shape than them.

Girls are intimidated by guys who are better looking than them.

Fortunately I am fat and ugly. :)

Crowler said:
Girls are intimidated by guys in better shape than them.

Girls are intimidated by guys who are better looking than them.

This guy hit it correctly. Women don't want to be with somebody that gets more attention than them. I've known many women that said they didn't like the way bodybuilders look....... Then I watched them melt when they actually came into contact with one of these monsters. I've been skinny and big(not huge). When I was 19, I weighed 145lbs at 6'1. People labeled me as a "brain." Women wouldn't give me a second look. I started lifting and got as big as 246lbs. Then people thought I was big, dumb guy. Now, I'm around 220lbs in much better shape. I'm 36 and the only women that will hit on me are older chicks(late thirties and forties). The younger ones still have too many hang-ups and insecurities to be with somebody intimidating. It sucks. I do have to say that the women I've dated have always told me that nothing compares to being held by a big strong man. Women by nature love to feel safe and secure with their man. I've also been prejudged at my job. I've been told that I'm perceived as arrogant, vain, and in love with myself....... just because of the way I look. I work for a very large finance/insurance company and most of the people there are terribly out of shape. I'm actually shy, polite, and keep to myself. I'm a very hard worker; have never missed a day of work in over 8 years(everybody there is always calling in sick.......mostly women); and am DAMN good at my job but I can't get a promotion to save my life...... all because of the way I look. In retrospect, I think bodybuilding has been my best friend and my worst enemy. I feel better about myself and look 1000% better but it's hurt me careerwise and probably relationshipwise because people are too shallow to look beyond the surface and see that I'm made of the same stuff as them underneath the body-armor. Oh well......
I agree with what death said. Careerwise I would feel uncomfortable right now going into a interview weighting 230 all muscle at 5'9. That isn't even that big but to the average person that is huge I get people all the time telling me they don't even want to ask me a question cause their scared. That isn't cool in the outsode world and even less cool in the work place.
personality is deffinately the key ( they then forget you are 5x their size ) you always get the sluts who are easy for your body but they are just as easy for everyone else to. Just need to make them laugh listen to them talk and understand them then you can get any girl you want. Just thinking about it that is a bit work :) nah just go for the easy sluts. If you feel positive about yourself the vibes you give off will make everyone else feel positive about you to.
Ok, here is a womans point of view if you want it or not. First let me say I love my man big and lean. The bigger the better, but I already have him and would love him no matter what he looks like. (well, strunk lets not get under 175 ok? lol)

I think if anyone gets into this sport and does all this work just to impress the oppisite sex, you need to re-think your position.
If BB is what makes you happy and being a ripped 250-300lbs (kudos to gunther) is your goal then go for it. If you are satisfied and happy with yourself and the way you look then women will pick up on that.

If you come off with the personality that a woman is attracted to then she will accept what ever body you have to go with it. Now if she is too hung up on the fact you have a bicep as big as her leg then think about it, is this really someone you want to spend any amount of time with?

Just so you know there are women out there who are attracted to your look. I'm one of your biggest fans!!!
i agree on the fact that woman dont like a man who gets more attention then them.
a lot of woman comment on how big i am but i am very personable.i have alot of female friends and they love taking me out with them because noone bothers them in the club.
as for relationships, i think i have harder time getting them too understand i need too eat every two hours too look the way i do.
they usually dont mind the size as much as my crazy habits.like carrying around food, not drinking.always on the quest too be as big as possible.
i didnt get into bodybuilding for the woman though, so they will have to except me for who i am.im a very good natured caring person behind all the muscle and most woman can see through the exterior.its what you have on the inside that matters.and if they dont like me for me, then there not right one.
My personal experience is that we will see all sides if we pay attention. I think some of the way BBers are percieved is the way they come off (or carry themselves) to people! But their are people that cast dispersions and judge others from appearance, and they are shallow and not worth you're time. I have been judged by people at clubs as somthing I am not, because they know I am a fighter. But they don't know me and thats what I used to do as a sport, not what I am! When they speak to me it's apparent that their is more to me than apperance! I do what I do for me and not to make different impressions on people!
lol personality is key but being short doest help. ALot of girls will completly ignore you if you are short, trust me on that one iam like 5'5 5'6. But hey iam still in college where most of the girls are sperficial as hell.
thats just my 2 cents
crackerjack414 said:
lol personality is key but being short doest help. ALot of girls will completly ignore you if you are short, trust me on that one iam like 5'5 5'6. But hey iam still in college where most of the girls are sperficial as hell.
thats just my 2 cents

I went to college too. Most of the girls/women are there to find a guy with a good income in his future or to help themselves find a job that can comfortably support them....... until they find a guy with a good income.
I really have NEVER had a hard time keeping at least one girlfriend and usually 2. OK sure sometimes one of them will spring a leak and I have to patch her and pump a little more air in but nothing major.

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