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What's worse than a Scammer . . .


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
- a f*ckin' THIEF!!!!. I kept a box full of my "chemistry" experiments in my garage on a shelf. Now my garage IS A MESS, but I know "exactly" where everything is located at. NOTHING ELSE was tampered with and I had an almost new box of pins (99 of 'em) on the shelf, right underneath them. Here's what was in the box: 3 50ml vials of "failed" stanzolol, nothing but solid, light crytals - I was reheating these and putting them into capsules, which is why I went to this box today. 4 - 20ml of "failed" TNE experiments - all crystallized and not salvageable in any form. About 15 new, empty, 20ml sterile vials, 5 sterile filters, 4 20ml syringes, 6 18g needles, 2 - "new" U-100 kits and 4 - 20ml vials of sweet, golden 100mg/ml TNE :( (which I "shouldn't have" put in this box!).

Here's what I'm afraid of: Since they broke in and only took this (if they'd have looked around more, they could've really cleaned me out - thank god they didn't) will they come back? What if it's some kids that took it - I only had cryptic initials on "certain vials" like TB for test base and 100 on the 100mg/ml winny and U-100 on the magic solutions - and they get caught or get hurt, they sat they got it from me?!?!?

I guess it wouldn't be hard to pick the puny garage door locks - I've got padlocks on them now. Hell, they could've come through the house (but we keep dead-locked) while we were gone - but like I said, there's lots of "other" stuff, better and more valuable that they could've taken and didn't touch.

Tell me I'm just being paranoid and to just write this loss off.

What if it was just someone that knew about your gear and uses gear and that's why they only went for that?
I can count "everyone" that knows about me juicing (for sure, that I've told) on both hands!!! Nowdays, everyone asks me if I'm juicing, so some things are obvious. Nobody that lives around me anymore, is on that list and they wouldn't have the fogiest idea where I keep stuff anyways - I'm VERY PRIVATE about my gear use and DENY EVERYTHING!

My wife doesn't even know. If she would've found it, BELIEVE ME, I'd hear about it!!! She's on crutches now, has been for about 11 days and THERE'S NO WAY she could begin to maneuver in my messy garage.

sorry to hear about that bro. but to be on the safe side, I'd probley move some stuff around just incase. it's always better to safe than sorry. but good luck bro. I hope nothing further comes out of this.
good luck and be safe....

Sounds really fishy that it was all they took. Seems like it was a planned thing.
I tell ya what, if you live in the U.S., I would clean house. Because if whoever took it gets caught with the goods and reveals where they got it, you may be getting a visit.
bigkraut said:
I tell ya what, if you live in the U.S., I would clean house. Because if whoever took it gets caught with the goods and reveals where they got it, you may be getting a visit.
This was a BIG concern that I have! But, do you think they'd be STUPID enough to reveal where they stole it from, or just try and use me as the 'scape goat?

Maybe some can e-mail me some "hiding" instructions.

xcelbeyond said:

This was a BIG concern that I have! But, do you think they'd be STUPID enough to reveal where they stole it from, or just try and use me as the 'scape goat?

Maybe some can e-mail me some "hiding" instructions.


Go to one of those websites that sell cans of coke that hide things. Or shaving craem cans. Or rocks that you put in your garden but actually they are hollow, etc. Can't remember the websites though, sorry.
What Big A is referring to is called a "diversion safe". Do a search under diversion safes. I remember one site:


is what I think it is, that sells a variety of them. Including rocks, etc.
You could also use a gun safe ( small hand gun). They are not very big. It bolts to rafters or a stud, almost anything. Its very easy to hide and will hold a good amount of goodies.

I would DEFINITELY hide your stuff in a very good spot, or even get one of your buddies to hold it for you for at least a few months.
I would be very afraid of the slim chance that the thieves coming back on you and saying you SOLD them the stuff if they got caught with it!
I mean really, what are you going to say if they did? Either way you would be screwed! Weather they admitted the stole it off of you or that you sold it to them, you were originally in posession of it which is illegal no matter what.
The only way to steer clear is to have a clean house for awhile.
Hope you find out who it is and bust their nuts. Literally!
I'm sure you've already thought of this but here goes..

1. whoever it is must take steroids/or want to
2. they know/or suspect you take them
3. so I'm sure you know them and they know you too whether you realize it or not.

Too much of a coincidence. somethings funny.

This would be me:::eek: :mad: :confused:
i think moose may be right bro i just dont see someone breaking in and just takeing that unless they knew what it was it sure sucks to think someone you know could do that maybe someone over heard you when you were talking with someone else or something it just sounds odd to onley steal that and nothing else
it was probably someone you know--ask if anyone has some darts to spare--or some similar converation and watch their body language--other wise it was some kids and they think they hit the mother load of drugs--watch the local paper to see if some kids die from an OD
They Came Back!!!

superman1975 said:
it was probably someone you know--ask if anyone has some darts to spare--or some similar converation and watch their body language--other wise it was some kids and they think they hit the mother load of drugs--watch the local paper to see if some kids die from an OD
superman - the first go around they left the pins. I actually moved the box of pins from where they were located. They took the pins this time and a 100ml bottle of L-Carnitine that was "barely" hid (but left the empty box and insert?!?!).

This time I checked the whole house and garage windows, which are all "secured," and nodody's been through those. Which only leaves the front door. Now - there's only ONE person that's "in my town" that "knows" I'm on gear (I told them). I occaisionally go to a gym and throw my keys in a "basket" when I'm there. Someone could have "molded" my house key?? Also my door lock and deadbolt were VERY cheap ones ($10 variety and ancient) - probably real easy to pick.

So I went out and spent $425 on new state of the art locks that only 2 people in this word have permission to replicate that key.

I'm at a real loss bros!?!? I've got so much "stuff" in my house that's MUCH MORE valuable than the gear. I figure that they won't break a window or do a forced entry because it'll "draw attention" (police). So as long as they can get in and take "illegal" stuff, they feel safe?!?!

I can only think it would be someone that 1) new you were on gear and 2) has been in your garage before. I just find it hard to believe if your garage is a mess someone could get in find your stuff and get out very quickly. If I were you I would have set some stuff out and bought one of those hidden spy cams for like 80 bucks and left it on record every day untill it happened again.

but thats just me.

are you thinking it might be local PD mounting a case against you then??
Yeah - I'm embarrased to say

The ol lady found my shit! She was on crutches to boot. She ended up finding my stash and dumped it all (including pulling apart all the syringes). She's really been on a rampage - going through my computer and shit. I had to "hide" all my files. Not for anyone else to worry as all my source and "other" info was not kept on the machine - but all my articles were.

I didn't have "everything " in the house, but probably a good 4 months worth down the drain. :( :mad:


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