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When a pro/top level am plans an offseason


Sep 24, 2008
and they say they are going to focus on bringing up a body part (you hear this in a lot of videos), how do they approach it?

Site oils in offseason for that lagging muscle?

Ridiculous volume and frequency training that muscle with higher GH/Slin/AAs to recover?

I ask b/c I have a friend that has a national level upper body, but amatuer level legs and he needs to bring up his legs. He's planning on training them every other day and using slin/gh in a high dose on those days; and then decreasing training volume for the rest of his body that offseason. He isn't planning on using site oils.

This is NOT for me. This is for someone that has won some decent shows and is considering competing on the national level if he can get his legs up.
I always LOL when they talk about changing the training, or training it more. If training it more worked then why not do it on every body part. The only way to kinda make a difference it to train only the lower body and not touch the upperbody, but who would do that. Still, if you're genetically predisposed to have a bigger upperbody, you always will, and vice versa.

Anyway, when a national athlete or pro plans an offseason, they look predominantly at funds, and then plan it from there.
I always LOL when they talk about changing the training, or training it more. If training it more worked then why not do it on every body part. The only way to kinda make a difference it to train only the lower body and not touch the upperbody, but who would do that. Still, if you're genetically predisposed to have a bigger upperbody, you always will, and vice versa.

Anyway, when a national athlete or pro plans an offseason, they look predominantly at funds, and then plan it from there.

I thought it was the other way around. Funds needed for contest prep more than offseason?
Im guessing its a goal that they are sharing. Lets face it no matter how hard we work we could always work just a little harder... maybe thats the plan. Of course synthol is an option :rolleyes:

I thought it was the other way around. Funds needed for contest prep more than offseason?

Well it kinda dictates whether they're gonna have an offseason or not, or if they're going to "grow into the show."

If they're fat in the offseason, then they couldn't afford it. If they're not, they're doing well. :)
I've been trying forever to get him to hire Phil or anyone really that has been there before to help him. But he doesn't read the internet boards and is dead set on doing what he just started.

I am not in any position to question him b/c he is a monster, won some shows, and is way past me. I was just curious if this method of EOD legs with high slin/gh was a common method. Was hoping some top ams or pros would chime in. Just don't want to see him screw himself up.

He definitely is not using site oils. Just going to train legs EOD. And I've seen him train. He works very hard. Not a lazy trainer at all. Just seems like his upper body has responded better over the years.
Training legs EOD sounds like a recipe for injury to me. When I think of focusing on a bodypart it means planning my week around training for that bodypart. Give it plenty of rest, site injections, IGF, and focusing on continuously heavier or more reps. The intensity for everything else goes down to allow max intensity on that bodypart.
I always LOL when they talk about changing the training, or training it more. If training it more worked then why not do it on every body part. The only way to kinda make a difference it to train only the lower body and not touch the upperbody, but who would do that. Still, if you're genetically predisposed to have a bigger upperbody, you always will, and vice versa.

Anyway, when a national athlete or pro plans an offseason, they look predominantly at funds, and then plan it from there.

I wouldnt say that training it more doesnt work. For me I trained chest 2x a week the first couple yrs I trained. gues what my chest is probably my best bodypart. I slacked at doing legs and guess what my legs are one of my weaker bodyparts. I also feel because I did chest so much, I have a really good mind muscle connection with it.

I know laybe norton was doing legs at least 2x a week when he was recovering from a pec tear. his legs eventually adapted to the multpiple weekly trainnig sessions and he made great gains on his legs as a NATTY.

Bottom line if you stick to something, take the right supps, eat enough, rest enough, drink enough water, train with intensity, give your body the time to adapt and the training to work! I think gains will come

I would say give it a try, but defiently give it time to work. yah it will suck at first, lifts weight will probly decrease, body will hurt etc. but it will adapt and grow
In most cases training more will not help, often the exact opposite. However, what will help most newbies is concentrating on the actual muscle, often reducing the weight and isolating, leaving the ego at the door, so to speak. But your friend is a nat level competitor so that probably isn't the case. So then maybe seo is the only option, and upping the dose in general as well. Or maybe if your friend is really tall with long limbs...then it's almost like a lost game already.
however he is training his legs is not working. So he has to find out what will make his legs grow.

Higher volume, lower volume, train them more often, pre exaust....who knows it takes some experimenting on his part. Maybe he isnt training them hard enough and like training upper body more...hence more effort into upper and less in lower body training.


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