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10 mg

Appreciate the response again.

Based on my responses to other doses, I'd expect to be in the 500ng/dl area with 10mg daily, which is why I was wondering if Emeric or the other guys here thought something like 12mg or a little higher would make more sense to start. I know its just throwing darts at a dartboard when starting a new protocol until you dial it in, but I guess I still have that fear/mental block of going so low to start.

I use enanthate (pharma) and tend to use either ventroglute or quad for injections. SHBG hangs around 30 or so.

Technically, 500 ng/dL trough with +800 ng/dL peak is true TRT and peak human testosterone. This "might" afford you the best libido, wellbeing and health. More is definitely not always better with testosterone for health and wellbeing. Muscle growth is a different story entirely. This is why individual goals and history matters when asking these questions.
Technically, 500 ng/dL trough with +800 ng/dL peak is true TRT and peak human testosterone. This "might" afford you the best libido, wellbeing and health. More is definitely not always better with testosterone for health and wellbeing. Muscle growth is a different story entirely. This is why individual goals and history matters when asking these questions.
I didn't realize the variations would be that high between peak and trough with daily shots. I thought it was pretty much a flat line as far as levels. That seems like a similar peak/trough to twice weekly shots.
Technically, 500 ng/dL trough with +800 ng/dL peak is true TRT and peak human testosterone. This "might" afford you the best libido, wellbeing and health. More is definitely not always better with testosterone for health and wellbeing. Muscle growth is a different story entirely. This is why individual goals and history matters when asking these questions.
Keep in mind that they have lowered the 800ng/dl down from 1200ng/dl. Been at this a very long time and watched it happen.
Today starts my 8 weeks at 20mg/day run.
Did you follow Emerics advice on GH?
Wanted to do this again as i done it between blasts and felt good

But i only get test in amps now …
The actual level a person is is not as definitive as the where they are in the range i find. Over my decades i have seen the top of the range being any where from 500-1200 depending on the lab. But my results were always proportional to whatever the range was, even if the result was far different.
Keep in mind that they have lowered the 800ng/dl down from 1200ng/dl. Been at this a very long time and watched it happen.

Did you follow Emerics advice on GH?
No did my own dosing on GH
10 mg daily will put most guys at the top of the range. At minimum 90% of guys should hit a trough of 500 ng/dL or something close to that. Also, there is a difference with injection site (delts vs glutes etc) and cypionate/enanthate versus propionate. Lots of different factors.

The peak vs trough is an important factor, many guys are happy with +1,000 ng/dL trough levels, but that is very unnatural for "true TRT"
I've been doing 10mg/day as my base TRT for about 10 years now. Even though my total test is usually in the 500-600 range, my free test always at the upper end of the range.
Its fun at first. Those injections are a good morning routine. But gets old fast. I liked daily injections for awhile. I'm doing 3x 50mg now. M w f. I used to do 2x80 but I like 3x more.
I tried 15mg every day and it didnt work for me at all. Felt like complete shit. No energy, no libido, felt really depressed etc. Just way too low for me personally. Went back to my “normal” 125mg every 5 days plus HCG 2 x a week 500iu and all is good again. Test E is legit pharm grade btw. This 10mg thing may work for some people but def not for everyone.
Are you still using this protocol and do you control for E2 at all?
Its fun at first. Those injections are a good morning routine. But gets old fast. I liked daily injections for awhile. I'm doing 3x 50mg now. M w f. I used to do 2x80 but I like 3x more.
Thats my concern. I have done daily on cycles back in the day and it gets old quick. It would have to make a crazy difference for me to stick with it. At least on cycle you know it will end but daily shots indefinitely seem exhausting.
Its fun at first. Those injections are a good morning routine. But gets old fast. I liked daily injections for awhile. I'm doing 3x 50mg now. M w f. I used to do 2x80 but I like 3x more.

I could not stick with it every time I tried. Doesn't seem like a big deal, and it's not for many but I end up missing a bunch. At the end of the day my bloodwork looks very similar on 3x as week as it does on 7. I do think overall it is better to do it 7 if you can. I'm not arguing that and it does make logical sense. I've never felt different.

A happy medium may be EOD which is often what I do but I also travel for work so ED just gets tough.
2-4 tics on an 100iu insulin syringe is a breeze to shoot everyday. I shower, I take a shot, it's just like brushing my teeth and putting on deodorant....LOL
2-4 tics on an 100iu insulin syringe is a breeze to shoot everyday. I shower, I take a shot, it's just like brushing my teeth and putting on deodorant....LOL
I agree I think I start to go sideways while traveling and next thing I know I start missing days. I have no idea why I'm so bad at sticking with it. EOD seems to be more consistent for me though and I'd have to assume at least that is better than 1-3 times a week.
I could not stick with it every time I tried. Doesn't seem like a big deal, and it's not for many but I end up missing a bunch. At the end of the day my bloodwork looks very similar on 3x as week as it does on 7. I do think overall it is better to do it 7 if you can. I'm not arguing that and it does make logical sense. I've never felt different.

A happy medium may be EOD which is often what I do but I also travel for work so ED just gets tough.
Avree with you bro. If you can do it ED probably works well. But its just hard to do indefinitely. And bloodwork is usually similar, at least in my case. My happy medium is mwf. I think if you're able to do the daily go for it, but knce you pass the part where it's a new and interesting part to the morning routine, gets old fast lol
Heck eating 5,6+ meals a day is a hassle i find but what works is what i do. Just part of the lifestyle. If someone can eat what they need in 1-2 meals i think that would be great.
I have a "cheat sheet" on Humanofort and this is what I have:

This are some of the growth factors in the Humanofort.

Mass spectrometry analysis of the Gallus Gallus Embryonic peptide (EP) contained 488.29mcg NGF, 462.27mcg FGF, 286.21mcg miRNAs/b3, 361.22mcg IGF1 per Gram of the sample.
The mass spectrometry analysis of the Gallus Gallus Embryonic peptide (EP) contained 488.29mcg NGF/B5, 462.27mcg FGF.y4, 286.21mcg miRNAs/b3, 361.22mcg IGF1/y3 and 232.17mcg FGF2/y2 per Gram of the sample. And 300ng of 2-AG and 2.5ng of AEA.
The mass spectrometry analysis of the Gallus Gallus Embryonic peptide (EP) contained 488.29mcg NGF/B5, 462.27mcg FGF.y4, 286.21mcg miRNAs/b3, 361.22mcg IGF1/y3 and 232.17mcg FGF2/y2 per Gram of the sample. And 300ng of 2-AG and 2.5ng of AEA.
Do you take any supplements beside the Humanofort

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