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35 days until comp

Big A

IFBB PRO/NPC JUDGE/Administrator
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Jun 4, 2002

Registered: Mar 2002
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 43
35 days to my contest need help!!!!!
Help everyone need suggestions and advice.

1st I am 205 at 5.5-6% with 35 days to my show-I started DNP yesterday and will run it for 9 days(its all I could get)
I am on 500 mg test prop-500EQ-50mg Winny(will bump to 100 in two weeks when I start my anavar at 6 tabs a day)
5 Fina tabs with DMSO ( will try to make it inj this week)
T-3 at 125mg a day will bump to 200 for last 3 weeks.
Clen for last 2 weeks training

When should I stop taking my supplements?
And how can I incorporate insulin in my last 5 weeks? (have used in past but with offseason)
What kind of carbs should I eat when on DNP? I have heard a few different things and not sure. I got nubaingirls manuel (it is great but it doesnt show what to eat on training days.
Where do I shoot Synthetek? And how much per site?
Also need ab help, they are in but need them a hell of a lot deeper, what should I do and how often?
I would also love some advice on carb depl and carb up and water depletion etc.
I need to look awsome at this show, all suggestion and advice would be appreciated.

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03-23-2002 07:32 AM

Better than avg BB'er

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: West Coast
Posts: 336
Here's an Article from my Archives
Subject: Re: Contest finishing touches?
From: "Thomas Incledon"
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 07:07:02 –0800

I have a question about getting ready for a contest. All I've been able to find is stuff about shaving and posing and all that. If someone wants to look cut and pumped on like a Wednesday, what should he do to prepare for that? I've heard to stop training the week before to fully heal and deplete all carbs for a few days and then carb load the day before. I've also been reading about diuretics and other supplements and can't find any that don't sound "bad" for you. I appreciate any help you can give me.

Hi Andy:
Here are some possible strategies:

- Carb deplete/ carb load - you don't have to go to zero carbs like many of the muscle heads do, that is just an example of an extremist approach. If you cut back carb intake by 50% for 3-4 days while training (replace carbs with protein and fat calories, I would say for most fat is a better option). then double carb intake for three days before a show/photo shoot/whatever. ideally you would do this way ahead of time so that you know exactly how many days/hours it takes to look "good". Alpha lipoic acid (300 mg with each carb load meal) and vanadyl sulfate (30-45 mg with each meal) are two over the counter agents that can be used to increase glycogen stores. Creatine and cinnamon also increase glycogen stores. It is unknown if all these agents act synergistically (so you would augment glycogen stores by combining them) or repetitively (so taking 2 or more will not be any better than just taking 1).

-Sodium loading - most people screw this up because they listen to guys in the gym that use diuretics who then think they understand renal physiology. Adjustments in plasma osmolality and sodium loads in the body occur at different rates running from minutes to days. Again this is something you experiment with before your big day, because if you miss your timing you will look quite bloated and smooth. Simply double your sodium intake about 10-15 days before the big day. Water intake should still be quite high (1.5-2.0 gallons per day). About five days before the show, reduce sodium intake to 2 grams per day or less (this is from all sources). Water intake is still high. Three days before the show cut water intake down to about 1-2 quarts per day. At this time you will also have reduced protein and fat calories so that you can start carbing up Lower protein intake to about .8 grams per kilogram of BW making sure that you eat high quality protein sources. About 1000 mg of potassium per day is usually taken when you cut down on the sodium. I have to say that the extreme look that is valued in competition can not be achieved without excessive dehydration. This is rather unhealthy. It is also very important to lower protein intake when you are this dehydrates. Several animal studies have made it clear that dehydration and high protein are an invitation to renal problems later on.

- Glycerol ingestion to increase vascularity - start at 1-2 tablespoons and increase the dosage (this is done on different day not the same day) to see at what dosage an increase takes place. You also have to figure out how long before maximum vascularity is achieved around 30-45 minutes is about right. This is important for timing before going on stage. It should also be noted that glycerol ingestion when dehydrated can also create renal complications.

-Red wine - 1-2 glasses 30-60 minutes before hand to increase vascularity. There are numerous naturally occurring diuretics. The drugs that are prescribed by doctors are based off of these natural agents. In a diuretic tested event, most natural agents will cause you to test positive. Caffeine and alcohol are the obvious exceptions.

Good luck Andy. I hope you can see the potential complications in order to achieve a winning look. It's not that you will have problems, it's that you don't know until it happens. Unfortunately then it may be too late. Make sure to take photos at each phase of your diet planning. I would have clients take photos daily (the last two weeks before the show) along with various skin folds, circumferences, etc. so that we have objective measurements along the way. This is important later on if you want to make changes and need to know what to change.

Later, Tom

Thomas Incledon, MS, RD, LD, LN, CSCS, NSCA-CPT
Director of Sports Nutrition Human Performance Specialists, Inc.
[email protected]


Lift smarter, not more

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03-23-2002 07:59 AM


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 43
Thanks Xcellbeyond

That was a great post. I read it a couple of times already and it sounds good.

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03-23-2002 08:11 AM

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
Be careful with 200mcg T3 the last couple of weeks before the show. You might lose muscle.

Any carbs on DNP will make you hot. So just limit them. Also, make sure you DRINK so you minimise heat as sticking to a diet on DNP is hell if you are too hot.

You can't inj Synthetek as that is the company LOL Which product/s are u going to use?

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03-23-2002 10:42 AM


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 43
Big A Sorry my low carb mistake. I am going to inject synthelator by Synthetek.
I wont use 200 then I will stick to my up/down cycle of t-3.

When you do DNP how much carbs sgould you do? In nubaingirls manuel it said 130 on non-training days but doesnt say how much to eat on training days. I am eating brown rice and yams fro my carbs currently with the first day of my dnp cycle. I am eating 1 1/2 cups brown rice and 1 yams. Should I do something different? I want to do whatever it takes to get shredded.

When should I stop taking my gear?
If you can give me any pointers on my last 38 days I would appreciate it.

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03-23-2002 11:00 AM

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
DNP burns as much fat regardless of how many carbs you ave. But the more carbs you eat the hotter you will get which will make it HARD for you to stick to the diet, especially if you start feeling sick.

So, just eat as little carbs as possible for the time that you are on. Before workouts use a stimulant like Xenadrine, Syntheburn or just plain ECA. That will be plenty to get you through the workout.

It will take several days to see the fat loss after the DNP as you will have to drop the water that you will gain on it first.

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03-23-2002 11:14 AM

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
You should stop the prop 1 week out. The rest you can run until the day of the show. It would be a good idea if you get some Halotestin, even if only for the last week.

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03-23-2002 11:18 AM


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 43
Couple more questions I need answered.

1) I need deeper Abs, need suggestions on exercises and schedule.

2) How can I incorporate insulin into my last 5 weeks? I have used it in the past and really need to be big and hard this show.

3) Cardio: diong 30 min A.M. 30 min P.M. Should I increase the times?

4) Best exercise for ripped glutes?

5) Some suggestions on depletion and carbing up?

Thanks Guys

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03-25-2002 04:24 AM

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
1. Sit on a decline bench (sit at the top of it, don't lie down) and o crunches up tere at the top, squeezing the top position.

2. Too individual, I am not getting involved in that as you can blow your condition with it and I don't want to be responsible.

3. No.

4. Stiff leg deadlift.

5. See 2.

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03-25-2002 09:34 AM


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 43
Thanks fro the reply Big A.
Thanks for the advice.
Is there any where to get info on slin last couple weeks or carbing or depleteing, I really need to look good and am willign to try anything.

Thanks again Big A i appreciate you taking the time to help..

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03-25-2002 10:08 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 25
For deeper abs have you heard of using thyomucase or preperation H(gel not the cream), on your abs and glutes before you get in the tanning bed 2-3 weeks before your show. This will help tighten your skin a little by pulling water out of the fat you have left in those areas. A pro gave me this tip, I tried it, and it does help.

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03-25-2002 07:47 PM

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
Well, if we are talking about topical creams, NONE come close to Triacana cream when it comes to localised fat loss.

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03-25-2002 07:56 PM


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 43
Thanks guys,
I am using the prep H currently adn it has seemed to help alittle. I use it most of the day. I walk aroudn smelling liek one big asshole

Where can a guy get the triacana cream? If it works I will do anything. I really need to get my skin tigher and thinner.

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03-26-2002 08:29 AM

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
The only net source I know of that has it is igf1man. Or if you know anyone in Europe, they can send it to you.

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03-26-2002 08:37 AM


Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 36
When do yo use cream (triacana), before workout? How many ime a day? I will give it a try.

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03-26-2002 08:56 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 25
I was told to put it on before I got in the tanning bed. It had something to do with the uv light, or something , not quite sure.

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03-26-2002 09:30 AM

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
Don't confuse Triacana with Thiomucase!!!

Thiomucase you put on before the solarium as it draws water out of your fat.

Triacana actually burns the fat at the location that you apply it on. You can apply the Triacana at any time throughout the day. It's a thyroid preparation that doesn't affect your thyroid!

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03-27-2002 11:10 AM


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 43
Big A
You said igf1man can get triacana,how does one get a hold of him? I woudl love to get some triacana, I need work on my glutes and lower back. Only 31 days to the show and I am starting to panic. Thansk for anyhelp you can give..

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03-28-2002 05:05 AM

Junior Member

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: MARYLAND
Posts: 18
Supposely that Yohimbe Burn is good for localized fat, Puts Pure Yohimbe HCL right into the stubborn fat areas. Im skeptical but Im gonna try it next month.

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03-28-2002 09:36 PM

mike man

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 51

Originally posted by Big A
You should stop the prop 1 week out. The rest you can run until the day of the show. It would be a good idea if you get some Halotestin, even if only for the last week.

Big A,
Why stop the prop 1 week out? Will it make you retain too much water, or some other reason?

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
Yes. That is why you change esters the closer you get to the show.

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03-29-2002 11:11 AM

mike man

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 51
I thought prop in itself was OK to run clear up to a show because of its short duration(Around 3 days?). I didn't think you would have too much water retention with this.
But I can see where if that were the case, then suspension would be the best for the last week or so.
Also, would the halotest help out that much for muscle fullness and hardness? And at what doses for someone over 250lbs show weight?

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03-30-2002 02:38 AM

Big A
IFBB PRO / Moderator

Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 428
Ideally youshould use the susp for the last week.
BIG difference with the Halo. You'll see the improvement in 1 to 2 days MAX and you WILL see it!
You can even only use it for the last week and it will be plenty. I only use it for the last week or last 2 weeks tops since it's damn harsh.
For 250+, use 10+ tabs a day (5mg tabs).

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03-30-2002 08:04 AM

mike man

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 51
Thanks Big A
Just got back to this thread. It should help out a lot then.
Is triacana cream OTC or illegal? i have never seen it before. Do a lot of pro's use it?

Will prep H make a difference in your appearance if you are already dried out pretty well? Do you only use it the day before the show, or do you use it all week long to tighten ur skin and pull water out?
Yes it can make a big difference in troubled areas, but I only suggest using in problem areas... Cjay

TooPowerful4u said:
Is triacana cream OTC or illegal? i have never seen it before. Do a lot of pro's use it?

Will prep H make a difference in your appearance if you are already dried out pretty well? Do you only use it the day before the show, or do you use it all week long to tighten ur skin and pull water out?
TooPowerful4u said:
Is triacana cream OTC or illegal? i have never seen it before. Do a lot of pro's use it?

Will prep H make a difference in your appearance if you are already dried out pretty well? Do you only use it the day before the show, or do you use it all week long to tighten ur skin and pull water out?

Good luck finding Triacana. Its as good as gone and has been for some time. Unless anyone can say otherwise (?).

The product Thimoucase can be found and is similar to Prep-H
in its action.

I tried to concoct, after tiring reasearch, to make a product similar to triacana-using T3 unstead of Triax (in proportionate dose). Didnt work too well if at all. :confused:

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