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50mg TRT dose


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 18, 2013
My endo just dropped my dose to 50mg a week. I started at 100mg test cyp, which had me at 1043 total T, 3 days post inject. Then I went down to 80mg which just came back at 918 total T. So now he wants to drop me to 50mg, as he wants my total T at around 700. Anyone ever heard of a dose this low? Don’t wanna be one of those guys who doubts their doctors advice, I like him and he seems knowledgeable, but this just seems low to me
My endo just dropped my dose to 50mg a week. I started at 100mg test cyp, which had me at 1043 total T, 3 days post inject. Then I went down to 80mg which just came back at 918 total T. So now he wants to drop me to 50mg, as he wants my total T at around 700. Anyone ever heard of a dose this low? Don’t wanna be one of those guys who doubts their doctors advice, I like him and he seems knowledgeable, but this just seems low to me

Yes, I do use 40mg per 8 days.
How many days after your injection are you testing? Are you doing once a week injection?
Thanks emeric. Where does that put your numbers? I should add I’m 30 years old, so my numbers should be on the higher end of normal, no?

690 total and 210 Free
What are the ramifications of keeping Total T at 918 (+/-) indefinitely?
3 days as instructed by my doctor

Once a week yes

I'm also on 100mg once a week, and these were my results:

After 3 days (peak): 1495 total, 391 free

After 7 days (trough): 387 total, 128 free
My endo just dropped my dose to 50mg a week. I started at 100mg test cyp, which had me at 1043 total T, 3 days post inject. Then I went down to 80mg which just came back at 918 total T. So now he wants to drop me to 50mg, as he wants my total T at around 700. Anyone ever heard of a dose this low? Don’t wanna be one of those guys who doubts their doctors advice, I like him and he seems knowledgeable, but this just seems low to me

I would think your total T would be pretty low 7 days after injecting with that protocol. On 100mg once per week my T peaks at around 1000 2 days after injecting. Then falls to mid 400's before the next shot.
My endo just dropped my dose to 50mg a week. I started at 100mg test cyp, which had me at 1043 total T, 3 days post inject. Then I went down to 80mg which just came back at 918 total T.

Forget emeric and anybody else outside USA, American dr`s are worried about LIABILITY! Is that even a thing is Romania, Emeric? Here dr`s don`t wanna have to explain to medical board why you are over, or at top of range. Do it yourself.

I'm also on 100mg once a week, and these were my results:

After 3 days (peak): 1495 total, 391 free

After 7 days (trough): 387 total, 128 free

You obviously need to dose more frequent that once a week. The body is constant, but alone that does not mean you need to be daily. Keep checking, you might.
Forget emeric and anybody else outside USA, American dr`s are worried about LIABILITY! Is that even a thing is Romania, Emeric? Here dr`s don`t wanna have to explain to medical board why you are over, or at top of range. Do it yourself.

You obviously need to dose more frequent that once a week. The body is constant, but alone that does not mean you need to be daily. Keep checking, you might.

I dose twice a week now after receiving those lab results. Although I did discuss with the endocrinologist and she still thinks once a week is fine, and that I wouldn't see any benefit from twice a week. She mentioned something about half-life.
690 total and 210 Free
How many days after inject is that?
What are the ramifications of keeping Total T at 918 (+/-) indefinitely?
He didn’t say. Just that he wanted me at 700
I would think your total T would be pretty low 7 days after injecting with that protocol. On 100mg once per week my T peaks at around 1000 2 days after injecting. Then falls to mid 400's before the next shot.
Yea I’m not sure how I feel about it 😕
@hogan86 I hear you, but I wanna do things the right way. Again tho, I am kinda scratching my head at this most recent request to drop my dose to half from where i started....
I'm also on 100mg once a week, and these were my results:

After 3 days (peak): 1495 total, 391 free

After 7 days (trough): 387 total, 128 free

what. are u pinnin test prop?
those numbers are way too far apart vis a vis the half life of cyp or enth.
the normal drop day to day is 10-13 percent. not 30 percent a day.
how u metabolizing 30 percent a day of long ester test?

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