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50mg TRT dose

what. are u pinnin test prop?
those numbers are way too far apart vis a vis the half life of cyp or enth.
the normal drop day to day is 10-13 percent. not 30 percent a day.
how u metabolizing 30 percent a day of long ester test?

Westward Test Cyp.

At the time of the second lab test, I was also prescribed 120mg of NP Thyroid. Not sure if that has anything to do with increased metabolizing.
Very curious to see where 50mg a week puts me, hopefully at least 700. I am a better responder than I thought though lol. We shall see
That just seems like such a low dose. But if you’re at almost 700 on it then that’s great

I am 67 and not competing any more. Have no any health issues, and I want to live long and healthy.
I am 67 and not competing any more. Have no any health issues, and I want to live long and healthy.

I completely understand. I’m just having a hard time grasping that such a low dose could still put my levels in a good range. I mean 80mg did have me at 918 so that’s not bad
I completely understand. I’m just having a hard time grasping that such a low dose could still put my levels in a good range. I mean 80mg did have me at 918 so that’s not bad

Don`t forget that the Humanofort helps to increase the activity of the test.
Is it usual to inject once a week when on injectable test e or c TRT? It seems like twice a week would be more stable and a slightly lower dose could yield the same testosterone levels. I too am surprised that based on what we are told about the half lives of test c or e, there is so much variance during a week. We would think levels would raise over time as the long half lives overlap until they were steady, even within a week. I guess this teaches us something about real world half lives and injection frequency. It makes sense as to why my test levels came back in the high 200s when I was injecting sustanon @ 250mg/wk in twice weekly divided shots and had the blood drawn at about 3 days.
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My endo just dropped my dose to 50mg a week. I started at 100mg test cyp, which had me at 1043 total T, 3 days post inject. Then I went down to 80mg which just came back at 918 total T. So now he wants to drop me to 50mg, as he wants my total T at around 700. Anyone ever heard of a dose this low? Don’t wanna be one of those guys who doubts their doctors advice, I like him and he seems knowledgeable, but this just seems low to me

You should be testing the trough levels (day of injection before injecting).

1,000 ng/dL at peak is not bad at all, especially if hematocrit, HDL, and estradiol are in range and your BP is normal.

I'm also on 100mg once a week, and these were my results:

After 3 days (peak): 1495 total, 391 free

After 7 days (trough): 387 total, 128 free

You metabolize testosterone very quickly, you might do better injecting twice a week for more stable levels. That way your peak is lower and your trough is higher. You might get closer to 500-1,000 ng/dL steady state level which is ideal for most people.
You Should know what feels right

maybe I'm just a tightwad and I know it's better to go to the doctor for a serum level test. I just usually prefer Sustanon close or close human analog Sustanon blends. I usually alternate between 250 + 500 one to two every two weeks. Mostly due to HBP. High levels of test bring up my blood pressure sometimes so I check it regular. Just my 2cents
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maybe I'm just a tightwad and I know it's better to go to the doctor for a serum level test. I just usually prefer Sustanon close or close human analog Sustanon blends. I usually alternate between 250 + 500 one to two every two weeks. Mostly due to HBP. High levels of test bring up my blood pressure sometimes so I check it regular. Just my 2cents

Discountedlabs has a testosterone test for $30 USD. It's the ECLIA method so it only goes to 1,500 ng/dL and will have cross-reactivity with nandrolone, but it's very useful for dialing in TRT.

I think their E2 test is 50 bucks.
You should be testing the trough levels (day of injection before injecting).

1,000 ng/dL at peak is not bad at all, especially if hematocrit, HDL, and estradiol are in range and your BP is normal..

Just going by my doctors instructions. He wants them tested 3 days after injection. 700 total T is the number he’s looking for. But I am curious where I’m at, at my lowest
I completely understand. I’m just having a hard time grasping that such a low dose could still put my levels in a good range. I mean 80mg did have me at 918 so that’s not bad

It is unlikely 10mg every other day will keep most people's test levels in the 700 range. I'm in the high 800s on 20mg every day.

You won't know unless you try it though.
It is unlikely 10mg every other day will keep most people's test levels in the 700 range. I'm in the high 800s on 20mg every day.

You won't know unless you try it though.

It would be one 50mg shot a week. Started that dose last week, and get labs done again in 3-4 weeks. Will report back with those numbers 🤞🏻
It is unlikely 10mg every other day will keep most people's test levels in the 700 range. I'm in the high 800s on 20mg every day.

You won't know unless you try it though.

Same. Mine tested at 894 at 20mg/day. Strangely only went went up to 908 when I went up to 30mg/day.
I have read about some serious health concerns with Humanfort. I think I would rather go with a proven and tested substance (test) even if I have to go a bit higher in dosage than mess around with that stuff in order to only replicate the same effect. Why take 2 substances when you can get the same effect from 1?
Thank You

Discountedlabs has a testosterone test for $30 USD. It's the ECLIA method so it only goes to 1,500 ng/dL and will have cross-reactivity with nandrolone, but it's very useful for dialing in TRT.

I think their E2 test is 50 bucks.

I might need to back off and get that E2. Then go with 1 sus 250 , test again to get a target. I just like the sustanon for obvious reasons
CJ ...out

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