i see carbs as an enemy practically except postworkout. heres why:
1) either u r a sugar burner or a fat burner, u want to be a fat burner, if u r a sugar bruner that means ur body has adopted to use carbs as a fuel source and when its dieting or even bulking and low on them as u would be between feedings where will the carbs come from? well they come from ur precious glycogen stores in u rmuscles and liver since ur a sugar burner. now u have compromised glycogen levels
lets say ur a fat burner and uve conditioned ur body to use fat as an energy source, and u only take in carbs postworkout, all the carbs are stored efficiently bc of post workout muscle needs and the added fact that ur body senses its finally getting carbs and will hold them more efficiently bc uve deprived ur body of it already. by the next morning ur in a fat burning yet fully glycogen loaded state and will remain that way if u keep eating proteins and fats
my diet is proteins and fats all day with the exception of postworkout where i load the carbs and glucose disposal agents to get back into fatburning state via r-ala