I was 194-197lb., probably about 12% bodyfat, maybe more, maybe less. Not sure about the bodyfat. I wasn't chunky, put it that way. I had been training for 12 years prior to that, but not consistent. I started training when I was 15, trained for a solid year. Stopped working out, I had to live out my wild child years (most regretable thing I ever did looking back now, wish I would have stayed with it). Then for the next couple of years I worked out on and off. Two or three months here and there. Then before the cycle, I had been working out for a solid year.
When I started my cycle, I stayed on for a good year. I went up to 215-218 Not all was muscle of course. I got a little bit chunkier. I didn't really follow a "great" diet. I ate ton's of protein, but didn't really watch the carbs and fat. Just kind of went wild, which was a mistake. When I got off, like I said, I stayed on for a good year, maybe a little longer, I was around 207-210. So, I kept a few gains. My shoulder's and back got a lot wider. My calves and thighs gained the most.
After that, I stopped training and got out of bodybuilding. I'm back now, fresh. I just started back training, today was my first workout. I've had a good two year layoff. But, my first solid cycle was great.