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Being strong minded when off the juice!

The Wolf

New member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 7, 2006
I have been off for about 5 months now and I started getting used to all these coments from people about how small I have become and I have been laughing it off. My health is worth more to be than those stupid remarks, I have made up my mind not to touch anything until spring. Even the wife is impressed of how Im not showing that it bothers me, but the truth is its starting to get to me. Im just not showing it. Ive done a pct that Palumbo recomended, during the pct everything was fine even 2 months after the pct I was still ok but recently I have had a major drop in sex drive and aint even had sex for over a month. Im going to be stubborn about it and hang on, I believe that if you go through hard times than the good times will come through. None of my friends and family could ever understand this shit.
it's possible u've been permanently shut down, and hrt is required. get your blood tested and ask physician if you need hrt. personally speaking i don't care if people comment me that i got smaller after i got off juice( i haven't done that for yrs:D), but not able to get horny and banging the wife really do bothers me...
Hey man, glad to hear you came back and health is good.
Keep hangin on man... like you said, its for your health.. Screw the "small" comments... It is what it is.. and u have NOTHING to prove to ANYONE.. but right now your proving to your wife that your health is more important to u and for her
it's possible u've been permanently shut down, and hrt is required. get your blood tested and ask physician if you need hrt. personally speaking i don't care if people comment me that i got smaller after i got off juice( i haven't done that for yrs:D), but not able to get horny and banging the wife really do bothers me...

yes.. that is the worst of it all.. Trying to convince her its you and not her is not easy... exp since it sounds like a highschiool breakup excuse lol
it's possible u've been permanently shut down, and hrt is required. get your blood tested and ask physician if you need hrt. personally speaking i don't care if people comment me that i got smaller after i got off juice( i haven't done that for yrs:D), but not able to get horny and banging the wife really do bothers me...

Ive been through this before a long time ago, a normal physician wanted to put me on hrt right away and give me andriol but the endocrine told me to wait as it could take a while before the Testostorone starts recovering and going on hrt would just set me back.

I think the cardio and intensity of boxing training as also had an affect and also the painkillers to treat my fibromyalgia pains also has a negative affect, stressing out also aint helping but Im going to ride it through, the body needs to recover, hrt is just an excuse to get back on again imo.
Hey bro how about posting your cycle and your pct. I know of one "GEAR EXPERT" that says his rule of thumb for total recovery is....time on gear+time of PCT + about 3 to 4 weeks=total recovery time. And the more i read the more accurate i think he is.
Hey bro how about posting your cycle and your pct. I know of one "GEAR EXPERT" that says his rule of thumb for total recovery is....time on gear+time of PCT + about 3 to 4 weeks=total recovery time. And the more i read the more accurate i think he is.

Bro, Im going to be honest with you, I was on for over 8 months and my pct was 2 months. The first month was hcg eod 1500iu with nolvadex and the second month was clomid ed and nolvadex. I felt really good with those and even a month after the pct, I felt really good.

In my gym there are two types of juice heads, the ones who are on all year round and have a complex problem and the other are the one or two who are happy with themselves and treat there body with respect and dont care how much they drop when they come off, but when they are back on they they look the most awsome! The reason is because there body has fully detox'ed its self, recepters are starving and there health is recovered.
If I ever go back on I will only do it to compliment my health and look and feels good,do small cycles and not to abuse it like I did in the past. To be big dont matter to me anymore, but I dont want to be small either. Athletic is the word.
Thanks guys for the moral support, I aint really got anyone else to turn to:)
Btw if there are any supplements that anyone can recomend to help out please let me know, and tribulus to me is really a waste of money. Has anyone tried ALRI PornStar or Anabolic Xtreme Advanced PCT or anything like that? Are they a waste of money or do they actually do anything?
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Sounds rough man. I went through this as a (way too) young idiot and it was the worst year of my life. I didnt do gear again until I was 36.

I've heard good things about Diesel Test Hardcore for raising test levels, from many users. But I think DTH is a just couple AI's like 6-Bromo and ATD together. This would just kill my libido, but others have said good things.

Have you considered another PCT? Maybe lower, longer doses of clomid and no HCG,? Like Clomid at 50mg EOD or 25mg a day for 25 days on, 5 off and 25on again as it's prescribed? Maybe your system just needs a little push.

I can see you wanting to stay off the gear, of course, but doing PCT again to get your system back in shape is not gear, it's recovery IMO.

Others with more experience may want to chime in here.
If I do another pct, that could set me back again if my body has started reproducing. Pct is basicly to kick start the factory again, I was told these by my endocrine a while ago. I can feel my self getting better but slowly, I just need more patients I guess. Thanks again:)
pm sent wolf
there are two ways to view this...having gone through this very scenario myself many years ago.
1. going on HRT will "set you back" is a school of thought dependeant on the theory that with enough time everything will go back to normal...maybe it will i don't know your age...but ectensive cylcing in your 30's or 40's will most often lead to a permanent problem

2. the damage that is done to your body by enduring low testosterone levels is much worse than optimizing your hormonal profile by utilizing hrt. make no mistake low testosterone in an adult male is a very dangerous situation and can lead to further health complications.

So is it healthier to endure periods of suboptimal hormone levels and the damage they can cause...which will be the case every time you go off regardless of any PCT you go through. Ot is it helathier to say "ok i chose a path, maybe it was a mistake but these are the cards i am playing now and see a COMPETENT (critical) specialist and dial your hormones in to optimal levels and keep them there.

For me i chose plan b and i have never regretted that decision.
I normally just lurk here but your post caught my attention as I have gone through basically the same thing.
Mega dose Horny goat weed, as stupid as it sounds it works wonders.
Not only for recovery in my opinion but for sure for libidio.
Take about 6 grams spread out along the day in 2-3 doses on an empty stomach and you will notice better boners than you ever did on test.

I now do this in every PCT and for about a month after PCT and have never been happier.
Give it a shot bro and report back, I'm sure you will fall in love just as I have.
Been there

I was on for quite a long time and took a year off to have a baby. It was going to stay off as long as it took which was a year. The problem I had was energy but I got used to it. My test was as low as 220ng but when my wife got pregnant it was 600ng.

The longer you go the better it gets. The problem is we begin to believe what we looked like when on is who we really are. Taking a gram a week of test and looking in the mirror is the same as wearing a halloween costume.

I am ready to go for it again. My son is 8 months old and I am looking to give him a little brother so time to get small again. I am actually looking forward to it this time as I know what the end to the means is!
there are two ways to view this...having gone through this very scenario myself many years ago.
1. going on HRT will "set you back" is a school of thought dependeant on the theory that with enough time everything will go back to normal...maybe it will i don't know your age...but ectensive cylcing in your 30's or 40's will most often lead to a permanent problem

2. the damage that is done to your body by enduring low testosterone levels is much worse than optimizing your hormonal profile by utilizing hrt. make no mistake low testosterone in an adult male is a very dangerous situation and can lead to further health complications.

So is it healthier to endure periods of suboptimal hormone levels and the damage they can cause...which will be the case every time you go off regardless of any PCT you go through. Ot is it helathier to say "ok i chose a path, maybe it was a mistake but these are the cards i am playing now and see a COMPETENT (critical) specialist and dial your hormones in to optimal levels and keep them there.

For me i chose plan b and i have never regretted that decision.

I feel Im still a bit too young to be on hrt as Im still thinking of doing more cycles but in a more sensible way. This is what Im thinking of doing in april.

week 1-8 sus and tren eod
week 9-16 primo and equipose eod
I feel that with this cycle my recovery will be a lot faster, but I will do some blood work before I start. This is Romano's favorite cycle for older guys.

I will be 34 years old in febuary and I feel that most men should be on trt in their 40's and definatley in their 50's, regardless if they have done a.s or not as we all get lower test levels as we age
You came of at an age I did for many years. I had the same problems. Imagine going from 250 down to 200. Here lies your problem: you are on way to long, thus the crash. I learn as I got older to cycle maybe 8-12 weeks, with about the same time off. Now my weight might fluctuate 10 pounds, when off. As you get older (you are still fairly young) you will encounter bigger problems, then you do now, if you don't do things in moderation. Unfornuately at my age, I need at least a HRT dose, or I wouldn't have much sex drive. Start really concentrating on your diet more then ever and back of your workouts for recuperation. Couple thing you can do: add krealkalyn, arginine and tribulus, when off. Funny thing, I saw a friend who knew me when I weighed 250. Several years down the road at 40, I weighed 200, was running 3 miles in 24 minutes and at 8%Bf. I felt great, until that friend ask me if I was sick, or look at me like I had Aids, when they saw me at 200.;)
At about 2 months is where a lot of us hit the wall. IGF-1 helped me a lot in HRT. Good luck

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