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Bodybuilders Arrested at Tampa Pro this Wknd??


Mar 16, 2009
I read on RX muscle in the play by play that multiple bodybuilders were arrested this weekend after their rooms were raided by LE. Supposedly they were arrested, booked, and immediately released and allowed to compete. IF this is true, it sounds like the arrests were made for the sole purpose of "flipping" them. Anyone else heard anything about this?
I read on RX muscle in the play by play that multiple bodybuilders were arrested this weekend after their rooms were raided by LE. Supposedly they were arrested, booked, and immediately released and allowed to compete. IF this is true, it sounds like the arrests were made for the sole purpose of "flipping" them. Anyone else heard anything about this?

Such a damn shame, seems like a real pussy way of going after people.
It's funny how a Tampa cop is competing in the same said show...
Fuck, my friend is competing in the heavyweights, he was suppose to call me right after the show and I haven't heard shit from him! :(

Is there a list of the persons arrested?
Nevermind, just heard from him. He claims he has no idea about the event, and didn't see or hear about anything unfold. Good news on that! :)
So does anyone know if this really happened or just a rumor?
i dont get it why raid there rooms at a show.what can they posibly find besides maybe 1 or 2 adactones and rice cakes and peanut butter.helllooooo
It's funny how a Tampa cop is competing in the same said show...

*LOL*. No, the LE "crowd" has infilterated the BB'ing scene fellas! They have informants as well as "agents" competing right along with ya! How do you think they are getting the "scoop"?

What's even more sad, is the fact that this has been going on for years now! Enjoy this info! *LOL*

i dont get it why raid there rooms at a show.what can they posibly find besides maybe 1 or 2 adactones and rice cakes and peanut butter.helllooooo

They "LE" are making "friends" with you guys! then, you drop your guard. Next? They end up knowing you better than your mama! *LOL*

I read on RX muscle in the play by play that multiple bodybuilders were arrested this weekend after their rooms were raided by LE. Supposedly they were arrested, booked, and immediately released and allowed to compete. IF this is true, it sounds like the arrests were made for the sole purpose of "flipping" them. Anyone else heard anything about this?

Ive not talked with anyone that can confirm this yet. The folks I have spoke with have no clue about such incident.
They "LE" are making "friends" with you guys! then, you drop your guard. Next? They end up knowing you better than your mama! *LOL*

What's with the LOL's?? Is this funny to you? Then you crack on peeps mothers? What the fuck is wrong with you?
After I got busted I found out my gym is full of LE. The leading "detective" in my case and all his buddies. Close to 10 of them, and a few of them were some big bastards. The leading detective in my case was stupid enough to walk up to my buddy that I would sometimes lift with and ask him for "advice and tips" on how to get big and if he knew of some good "supplements" to help him out. Funny thing was he just had some amazing genetics. My buddy said "na man I just got lucky with genetics, and btw how are you doing Detective (insert last name here)?"

He replied, "Detective? You got the wrong guy bro, my name is John".

Pretty funny stuff, but moral of the story is don't trust anyone at the gym you don't already know.
I will give you all some good advice. I have been through some bullshit with the Feds in the past and the absolute easiest way they get a search warrant in a Trash Pull. Once your trash hits the curb it is free game. 1 syringe or needle and they can get a warrrant to rip your house apart. Amazing how many people do not know this. And its amazing how many people do and still put shit in their trash. One of my buddies called me about midnight one night and he was telling me that he watched sum bum tip-toe down the street with his trash and he was laughing about it. I asked if anything illegal was in it and he said yes. So I told him to get everything the fuck out of his house. He was all hesitant and told me I was paranoid. After arguing with me I drove over and grabbed all his shit and put it somewhere safe and 3 days later his door was kicked in. And the bastards didn't find SHIT. For all of those that read this just keep that in mind. We don't need to make it easier for any of these bastards.
I totally agree LE's are in the gym

Recently in Michigan some local Bodybuilders, cops, gym owner and trianers got busted. 1/2 of them worked out in my gym. One day I saw a Narcotics officer that tried to stick a Heroin bit on me but had nothing on me. I saw him lifting and doing some cardio, i told my Fiance that is a Narc officer, then another day another one came in these guys were in the gym for 2-3 weeks then the bust 11 guys same day busted. The cops got busted with personal LIKE 1-2 VIALS OF TEST AND SOME Halo pills. They plastered thier faces all over the evening news and paper. Not the guy that got got with Kiddie porn that was a fireman or the two guys selling crack in a School zone. So I haven't seen these officers since the bust.
This stuff scares me. Not just the idea of getting popped, but the amount of effort and money being spent on this stupid crap.

I think I'll stay in Japan for a looooong time.
it reallly sucks for some of us that live in america and they have to be so harsh on all this, i still dont understand how some of the big pro shows still takes place in america, and how alot of ifbb pros live hear in america and you dont hear more about them getting in trouble or targeted for it more, maybe in the future it will change more, proboably olypmias get held in europe somewhere and where most of the pros will rise from.
Le is a fn joke, those guys waste our taxpayer money on arresting guys for having a freaking vial or 2. It's like arresting somebody for a half gram of weed, good job LE. Meanwhile half of LE is taking your shit and doing it themselves, fn hippocrites. How many of you knows of a cop thats 230 or 250 ripped, almost everyone of us? How about going down the street and arresting the heroin or crack dealer, 2 faced bastards.
One Cop they arrested here

He had a Script for Test and Winny I believe, they told him you have a Script for HGH but Insurance wouldn't cover it so he bought 100iu and thats what they busted him for.

He was a Sargent I believe with 6-7 years in. They made an Example of him It's sickening. I know they committed a crime, but I would do it.

Send him to a Rehab or counselor and manditory piss test.

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