Hello all,
Im having a huuuuuge problem right now. I'm on about week 5 of my test/tren/anavar cycle (750test/600tren/100var) and i absolutely can NOT finish in the bedroom, no matter what i try or she tries i can bust a nut! This has never happened to me before and all i ever run is test/tren cycles. THis is my first go with anavar as well as a tren dose this high. It has to be one of those. Any advise or input would be MUCH appreciated! I'm also taking 500mcg of dostinex every 4days and 20mg nolva 3 times a week to keep bloat down. I must say this is my first go with dost and nolva from a different sponser here. Also I take hcg at 250iu twice a week but this is something i've always done in my cycles. please help my semen be free (no homo).
Im having a huuuuuge problem right now. I'm on about week 5 of my test/tren/anavar cycle (750test/600tren/100var) and i absolutely can NOT finish in the bedroom, no matter what i try or she tries i can bust a nut! This has never happened to me before and all i ever run is test/tren cycles. THis is my first go with anavar as well as a tren dose this high. It has to be one of those. Any advise or input would be MUCH appreciated! I'm also taking 500mcg of dostinex every 4days and 20mg nolva 3 times a week to keep bloat down. I must say this is my first go with dost and nolva from a different sponser here. Also I take hcg at 250iu twice a week but this is something i've always done in my cycles. please help my semen be free (no homo).