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cheap protein!!!


New member
Jun 23, 2007
anyone here familiar with the 100 percent whey protein in the 6 pound bag put out by cyctosport ????? I read some bashing the other day about muscle milk but shit man six pounds for 28 bucks......chime in people !!!!
cheap protien often gives you gas and the shits. do yourself a favor and check out true proteins site.
protein shits !!!

cheap protien often gives you gas and the shits. do yourself a favor and check out true proteins site.
can't say that I've had either of those issues but the batch I just made and drank is tasting overly sugary........just 2 grams per serving......this is super low right ??? thanks for the reply ill head over to trueprotein !!
You get what you pay for. Check out the two sponsors here for bulk powders - trueprotein and puresupplementpowders.com
Maybe I ordered it incorrectly but I ordered some true protein "create your own". It taste like ass! I thought choosing the pre sweetend option was the right choice. I usually have to add a packet or two of stevia to make it drinkable. Also I chose the chocolate fudge flavoring. Did I do something wrong? Why does it taste so bad? I've still got about 4 1/2 lbs left to go out of 5, so I'm not gonna throw it out, I'm gonna get my money out of it.
you always get what you pay for .. very low price often means shitty stuff ... good deal are very seldom

I like synthetek and pure supplement powders
Maybe I ordered it incorrectly but I ordered some true protein "create your own". It taste like ass! I thought choosing the pre sweetend option was the right choice. I usually have to add a packet or two of stevia to make it drinkable. Also I chose the chocolate fudge flavoring. Did I do something wrong? Why does it taste so bad? I've still got about 4 1/2 lbs left to go out of 5, so I'm not gonna throw it out, I'm gonna get my money out of it.

try a different flavor.. I ordered kiwi strawberry and wasn't to thrilled about it.. But I also ordered unsweetened vanilla, but had them put splenda in it, and it literally tastes like a milk shake.. definitely the best tasting protein I have ever had. both were team skip blend
Maybe I ordered it incorrectly but I ordered some true protein "create your own". It taste like ass! I thought choosing the pre sweetend option was the right choice. I usually have to add a packet or two of stevia to make it drinkable. Also I chose the chocolate fudge flavoring. Did I do something wrong? Why does it taste so bad? I've still got about 4 1/2 lbs left to go out of 5, so I'm not gonna throw it out, I'm gonna get my money out of it.

Always order premium flavoring...I love the chocolate coconut. You can also toss in some cinnamon and a splenda packet or two when you mix it.
I can't remember when I ever really cared about how a protein shake tastes. All I've ever cared about is the bioavailability of the protein itself. I don't want anything in it that my muscles won't use. So unflavored, unsweetened, and partially broken down would be my first choice.

And as for cost, I don't like wasting my money. But I'm easily willing to pay for results!:cool:
the key I find is mixing it properly. mixing 25 lbs of powder with 1 few ounces of flavor pack is tough, I use a big contractors style thick trash bag and mix it by hand for a good 10 min.

Vanilla is good, kiwi strawberry is ok as well.
what he said

I can't remember when I ever really cared about how a protein shake tastes. All I've ever cared about is the bioavailability of the protein itself. I don't want anything in it that my muscles won't use. So unflavored, unsweetened, and partially broken down would be my first choice.

And as for cost, I don't like wasting my money. But I'm easily willing to pay for results!:cool:
taste has never been an issue for me either as long what I'm drinking is doin it thing........hell it could taste like ass............wait a second ......i love the taste of ass,oh well.......thats called a win win situation
I can't remember when I ever really cared about how a protein shake tastes. All I've ever cared about is the bioavailability of the protein itself. I don't want anything in it that my muscles won't use. So unflavored, unsweetened, and partially broken down would be my first choice.

And as for cost, I don't like wasting my money. But I'm easily willing to pay for results!:cool:

I'm with u brother...... Shit I still use the stuff from walmart if I'm in a crunch for cash ! As long as I get right about of grams per day ..... I'm happy
taste has never been an issue for me either as long what I'm drinking is doin it thing........hell it could taste like ass............wait a second ......i love the taste of ass,oh well.......thats called a win win situation

I agree with ojs. You got no fucking idea. Quality of Protein is more important than the taste. Some Protein taste nice but are shit useless protein. I want to know that I get my money worth for a good quality of Protein.
I agree with ojs. You got no fucking idea. Quality of Protein is more important than the taste. Some Protein taste nice but are shit useless protein. I want to know that I get my money worth for a good quality of Protein.

imo, tp's protein has the best of both worlds in terms of quality and taste.
i will pay double to triple the price for a protein that mixes easily and doesnt leave me gassy and bloated from the lactose and other shit left in it....which i why i will only use TPs cold fitration choc coconut....there is a reason you see this repeated on the board over and over...taste great and works with your diets perfectly
i will pay double to triple the price for a protein that mixes easily and doesnt leave me gassy and bloated from the lactose and other shit left in it....which i why i will only use TPs cold fitration choc coconut....there is a reason you see this repeated on the board over and over...taste great and works with your diets perfectly

^^^ TRUTH!
More than five years with synthepure. The quality reflects the money you pay. Cheap protein = expensive sugar, cocoa and milkpowder
i get the 5lb bag at sams club. 29$ and taste great. Plus the nutrition profile is real solid.
i get the 5lb bag at sams club. 29$ and taste great. Plus the nutrition profile is real solid.

If its true...

Think about it.. 5lbs for $29? Just out of curiosity, Concentrate or Isolate?

How much protein per 100g?

The 2 main powder suppliers here TP & Pure Supplement Powders both
sell their whey isolates for $25-29 per kg (2.2lbs) and this is CHEAP. Now
we know their quality is good otherwise they would not be sponsors here
with the feedback that they have.

How can your supermarket brand protein have a great nutrition profile,
taste great and be HALF the price of 2 of the cheapest suppliers around?

To me that doesn't make sense, and neither does any other commercial
shelf type product that has high claims, its either crappy protein that is
sold for cheap or decent protein with a higher price tag. Not once have I
seen anything as good as what is here on the board sponsors.

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