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Choosing a women or steroids?


New member
Feb 23, 2013
I have twice in the last few months chosen steroids over 2 hot girls that had a problem with them.

Has anyone else chosen steroids over a girl? I can't be the only one to turn down smoking hot chicks to continue using.
I have twice in the last few months chosen steroids over 2 hot girls that had a problem with them.

Has anyone else chosen steroids over a girl? I can't be the only one to turn down smoking hot chicks to continue using.

Why are you telling random bitches you meet that you use steroids?

Do you have Bostin Lloyd'ism ?
If you choose them over a good woman , you are an idiot. But a good woman probably wouldn't make you choose. If they no longer improve your quality of life. It might be time to reevaluate your actions.
I guess my theory is they should accept you for who you are, if at this point in time bodybuilding is a huge part of your life they need to accept that and if they can't they have no business being a part of your life. Believe me I basically gave up bodybuilding for two because a girl, I was miserable and in the end it didn't benefit either of us. You need to find someone who understands your goals and aspirations and supports them just so long as your doing it in a sane manner and abusing like an idiot.
Why are you telling random bitches you meet that you use steroids?

Do you have Bostin Lloyd'ism ?

There not random girls, I do due diligence before spending time with anyone. Its obvious that I'm on and when they sleep over they see me pin in the morning before going to train (they have always come with me as well), because Im not going to hide in the bathroom to do it. Usually it doesn't bother them at first, then they start with the probing questions like any women does.... why you doing that, its not healthy, blah blah blah. If they are not comfortable with it, that's fine I'll keep searching till I do find one.
I guess my theory is they should accept you for who you are, if at this point in time bodybuilding is a huge part of your life they need to accept that and if they can't they have no business being a part of your life. Believe me I basically gave up bodybuilding for two because a girl, I was miserable and in the end it didn't benefit either of us. You need to find someone who understands your goals and aspirations and supports them just so long as your doing it in a sane manner and abusing like an idiot.

I agree with this. I'm not abusing, they just don't understand that short esters need to be pinned ED and so does HGH.
I have twice in the last few months chosen steroids over 2 hot girls that had a problem with them.

Has anyone else chosen steroids over a girl? I can't be the only one to turn down smoking hot chicks to continue using.

If my wife told me to stop there would be no contest between her or the steroids. Her any day of the week. Thankfully she trust me in my usage. Makes pinning my glutes so much easier. Yes I'm one of the few who struggles to aspirate myself. Awkward angle man awkward angle.

I'm surprised though that some random girls you've met were told about your usage. Only way they would have found out is if I thought they were wifey material through time spent dating.

edit: Sorry I see you mentioned they aren't random.
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You don't need to be showing any girl that you are having a casual relationship with that you are using gear. Loose lips sink ships. If it gets serious, then you may eventually have to spill the beans. If she can't accept you for what you do, then move on.
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Dude...ever see a mounted bass? Know how it got there? It opened its mouth...keep letting random or not so random women know what you do and sooner or later one of them will mount your ass on the wall.....remember the old saying "hell has no furry like a woman scorned"
Thing about dating is, once you reach a certain level of size and muscularity it becomes difficult to cover up, I mean when your 5"9 240lbs and fairly lean it becomes pretty obvious. You can deny till your blue in the face but if they're actually girlfriend material they couldn't possibly be that naive to not think something's up
You don't need to be showing any girl that you are having a casual relationship with that you are using gear. If it gets serious, then you may eventually have to spill the beans. If she can't accept you for what you do, then move on.

X 100, cept for the "eventually" part. Hi, I use illegal drugs and I have a stash of them in my house. Oh, and it's been a great 3 months, but I'm dumping you.

My wife hates gear, and my best friend is my HRT Doc. She hates him too.

A lot of fairly open minded, intelligent people have a problem with injectable, illegal drugs. For many good reasons.

Every time one of these threads appears I want to bitch slap the OP. Guess what, my wife doesn't know I order from Sponsors, she thinks everything comes from Dr. Kevin. And my wife would take a bullet for me. Keep some things to yourself.


That's my photo at the bottom of each page on the website. I have never heard of GAULS, or MEXY or Alin or IPG. Never. Dr. Kevin doesn't care, but he is a dude, and we have been friends for 25 years. My wife only goes back 17 years.
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They should accept you for who you are, you're absolutely right. However there's too much of a negative stigma around steroids...so let them get to know you first and keep that little bit of info a secret. Then once you feel a connection bring it up and educate them. As long as you know what you're doing and can show that you're using responsibly they should accept it. They'll be too quick to judge if you tell them early on since they'll assume that you're gonna be a stereotypical meathead.
ive been thinking about this myself latley.
if you google dealbreakers and undatable things things about guys ,using AAS seems to find its way on the list.anyone you know casual i would not say anything to.
i say a friend of mines wife at work recently there seperated.i know he uses in addition to rec drugs.but she said the steroids were a non negotiable...man.
i think asked outright lots of women that diddint know anything about it would say its a dealbreaker.
just look for girls who compete its better to be upfront in the begining then hide it through the relationship. Maybe not tell them the first day but let them build feelings and then actually explain it to them how everything actually works and how its a stereotype that you will flip out and go crazy. all the girls i know there concern is that guys on riods will beat the shit out of them when they roid rage. Just let the get to know you and then tell them. You dont have to be all Boston about it, guess PM has a new phrase....

or just date girls who compete.
I have twice in the last few months chosen steroids over 2 hot girls that had a problem with them.

Has anyone else chosen steroids over a girl? I can't be the only one to turn down smoking hot chicks to continue using.

You shouldnt have to make that choice...I would keep your activities to yourself ...the right woman will let you make your own choice and wont force you to make a decision like that.
My chick (whom I've been with for 6 months) flat out asked me about 2 months in because she saw a significant change in my physique. I was honest with her but I never made the first move. She accepts it and even pinned me Saturday (first time seeing me do it and first time she did it). A good woman that cares about you won't make you choose. But definitely don't do it in front of them unless they are 100% accepting of it. :banghead:
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I agree with this. I'm not abusing, they just don't understand that short esters need to be pinned ED and so does HGH.

add it to the list of vice versa shit men/women will never understand about the other... but stay positive.. some day... more than likely not anytime soon especially if your looking it, you'll find someone that may not agree with your usage but trusts you to know you know what your doing and accepts it as who you are so long as there is no imminent safety risk etc... and your doing it for a legit reasonable purposes... me for example its for my health wellbeing and maintaining top conditioning... im in my early 30s so there is new evidence nowadays supporting the possibility of some decline even at my age especially when you add in all the various life stressors etc so I let her know I mainly do it to stay at the top of my game since I primarily cruise for majority of time with a couple blasts here and there so in a sense I am self medicating HRT doses.. and yes legit reasonable doses like 150ish per week of test on avg with a little low dose deca too for joints... by no means am I not cruising at 250-300+, well above the usual supraphysiological levels to maybe cause issues...

so anyways my fiance knows I use and aside from her being a nurse and having a biased view on the potential negatives from what I account to the general miseducation of AAS in the medical community, since lets face it most of the educational text book etc aspect still has A LOT of outdated material with a good deal of unfounded and over exaggerated hypothetical claims... all the discoveries made just in the last 3-7 years with HRT would have be considered ludicrous 15-20 years ago...

so either way though she knows I am not a dumb shit and I do my homework so she still trusts my judgement and knows I am at a point in my life I am not going to cause unneeded jeopardy with my health and if something genuinely became an issue I would make the right decision for self preservation sake let alone keep her by my side... I guess the key is waiting for that right one who is ready to accept you for you, can see your good through your vices and flaws and trusts you to make the right decisions with your health etc and all that regardless of what she knows, thinks she knows or etc...
Dude...ever see a mounted bass? Know how it got there? It opened its mouth...keep letting random or not so random women know what you do and sooner or later one of them will mount your ass on the wall.....remember the old saying "hell has no furry like a woman scorned"

heh-heh...scorned "furry".
not sure why you would pin in front of a woman you just met, definitely asking for trouble.

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