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DC Training


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 5, 2006
Has anyone ever did the 2 way split with just a straight set and a static with a 60 second stretch after the set, if so what was the gains like compared to doing it with the rest pauses versus without? Better, worse etc.
Has anyone ever did the 2 way split with just a straight set and a static with a 60 second stretch after the set, if so what was the gains like compared to doing it with the rest pauses versus without? Better, worse etc.

Well Dante created DC training for optimal mass so any deviations obviously aren't considered optimal for mass gains. If you have a shitty recovery then yes, ss will work but it's not going to be "better" or he wouldn't include rp sets.
Well, I know he says people need to start out doing only straight sets and that someone might make better gains doing it that way depending on recovery abilities. I have a friend starting out and I guess he should just start out with a straight set.
In my honest opinion I believe that the RP's and statics can be to much for some people..I know with me, I like straight sets better and I have with Phil's system been making some great gains..Now im not saying Dante is wrong with the way he is setting up his program..but I believe everyone is different in recovery rates you need to adjust it to your body
I have to agree.

It depends on the person. And Dante even said if you don't have good recovery ability then to stick with the SS. Its not written in stone that you have to move up to the rp sets. SS are a good place to start. If recovery is good then move up to rp sets. I feel the statics are the last, most advanced portion of the training. But the only way to tell is to try. And listen to your body. In my case i do the rp and the statics. But i have good recovery ability.
In my honest opinion I believe that the RP's and statics can be to much for some people..I know with me, I like straight sets better and I have with Phil's system been making some great gains..Now im not saying Dante is wrong with the way he is setting up his program..but I believe everyone is different in recovery rates you need to adjust it to your body

You consider Phil's routine straight sets? You must be on a different program.
You consider Phil's routine straight sets? You must be on a different program.

I believe the main difference between Phil's workout and Dante's as far as "straight sets' is with DC training you use the same weight...and with Phil's...its multiple sets, not with the same weight...can't go into anymore detail than that :) However, this may vary since i'm sure Phil has different types of training routines
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Dc Training

I am currently being trained by Phil. The routine he has me on is just like or in a way like some of his other clients on here, 3 sets per bodypart. I was trained by Dante also 3 yrs ago also. I can say that the straight sets are working great for me and it is probably the strongest and biggest I have been yet to date. The diet is helping also that Phil has me on. If you have the recovery abilities to handle the RP then give it a shot.

The faster you lower your cortisol level the faster you will recover.
With all due respect to Phil and Dante, none of us have "created," nor do we own, any training "system".

Low volume, higher frequency, etc etc, even deep stretching, has been around for many many years. Neither Dante nor Phil have "created" anything except for their preference of a variety of methods. There are NO secret routines. EVERYTHING.... EVERYTHING has been done before.

When discussing training, you will learn more and come across better by mentioning and explaining every variable when asking about it or trying to teach others, instead of following a template with slight alterations.
if your not eating enough then you wont recover from RPing. you got to pound a ton of high quality food.
hit the food hard. i am doing dc with two straight sets. the first in the 6-10 rep range and the second in the 10-15 rep range, although this varies depending on what i am working.
With all due respect to Phil and Dante, none of us have "created," nor do we own, any training "system".

Low volume, higher frequency, etc etc, even deep stretching, has been around for many many years. Neither Dante nor Phil have "created" anything except for their preference of a variety of methods. There are NO secret routines. EVERYTHING.... EVERYTHING has been done before.

When discussing training, you will learn more and come across better by mentioning and explaining every variable when asking about it or trying to teach others, instead of following a template with slight alterations.[/QUOTE

So whats your point? What does that have to do with the question?
The faster you lower your cortisol level the faster you will recover.

Ways to Reduce your Cortisol:

1. Use cortisol reduction supplements: I use a variety of herbs in my clinic to reduce cortisol at peak times. Some of my favorites include: ashwaghanda, phosphatidylserine, and rhodiola rosea.

2. Eat at regular intervals throughout the day: Avoid skipping meals, as this will create a cortisol release.

3. Eat right for your Metabolic Type: Excessive carbohydrate intake creates cortisol release in response to constantly elevated insulin levels. Find out your metabolic type and eat consistently with it.

4. Utilize stress reduction techniques at peak cortisol times: Neuro-linguistic Programming, meditation, self-hypnosis, or simply lying on the floor doing belly breathing for 10-15 minutes can work wonders at reducing stress and thus cortisol levels.

5. Get to bed on time: Get to bed by 10:30 pm at the latest.

6. Avoid stimulants: Stay away from energy drinks that contain ephedra-like compounds and caffeine. Stimulants shift the body into sympathetic dominance, ie. "fight or flight". Stimulants can also disrupt your sleeping patterns. If you must have your daily coffee, be sure that you do not drink any after 12 noon.

7. Keep your workouts under 1 hour: At the 1 hour mark, your testosterone levels begin to decline and cortisol levels rise. Forty-five minute workouts are even better.

8. Do not overtrain: Strength coach Charles Poliquin recommends not training more than 2 days in a row. Doing so will simply overtax the hormonal system and therefore increase cortisol levels. Listen to your body. If you do not feel recovered from your previous workout, simply take an extra day off or reduce the number of sets you perform in your workout.
With all due respect to Phil and Dante, none of us have "created," nor do we own, any training "system".

Low volume, higher frequency, etc etc, even deep stretching, has been around for many many years. Neither Dante nor Phil have "created" anything except for their preference of a variety of methods. There are NO secret routines. EVERYTHING.... EVERYTHING has been done before.

When discussing training, you will learn more and come across better by mentioning and explaining every variable when asking about it or trying to teach others, instead of following a template with slight alterations.

Not really sure what you are trying to get across here...

I will say this though: there is a difference between a training technique and a training system.

A technique is a way of performing an exercise, therefore encompassing such things as rest-pause, sweet spot reps, bottom position reps, drop sets, and so forth.

A training system is a particular way of combining the various elements that constitute training: reps schemes, exercises and exercise selection, diet, rotations, and of course, a combination of techniques.

On the basis of this distinction, we CAN indeed say that Phil and Dante have invented training systems. Confounding the two, you have concluded otherwise. By an analogy, you would say that Shakespeare did not author Hamlet because he used the english language, which existed before him (although to his credit, he did coin some new words).

To the OP, lots of food and then either start with straight sets if you have mediocre recovery or go right to rp if you are on the moderate to good recovery end. You can add statics from there when safe. Remember that different techniques may be better suited for different bodyparts. For instance, your back width movements might progress well with rp but your chest doesn't, act accordingly. Above all, listen to the logbook. During my prep, I noticed that my straight set movements were going along nicely but my rest pause movements were not, this being exacerbated by the fact that my chest/shoulder/try recovery is worse than my legs (also a lot smaller, who woulda thunk there'd be a correlation, haha). Well, I asked Skip whether he thought I should try going to straight sets, and he said I'd be stupid not too based on what I was seeing in my logbook. I ended up doing two sets with the same weight, aiming for 15 reps to failure on the first set and then 8-10 on the second. If I started stalling again, I would have dropped it down to only one set, but as it happened, this was pretty much perfect for me, and I more or less kept beating the logbook until only a couple weeks out.

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