If its been covered before then why do you ask? Me no understand????
Its opinion Bro. Some like Deca some like EQ its like vanilla or strawberry icecream. Why dont you try them both and see for yourself. No one can tell you which one will work best for you. Sorry not tying to be a dick but this one is as old as "Can I drink winstrol"
I know guys who grow like weeds off deca and i have no idea why..i never heard of anyone not growing off EQ..200-400mgs deca aweek is plenty and i would keep it at 200mgs and with EQ i found personally that 600 mgs a week was best..good luck IP50
EQ mainly for the fact that it keeps me so hungry all the time. obviously the main determining factor in gaining size is eating properly so i prefer EQ over deca simply for that reason. you can also run them together and see great results.