bigraf Member Registered Joined Nov 15, 2008 Messages 179 Mar 18, 2009 #1
280 Member Registered Joined Jan 3, 2006 Messages 281 Mar 18, 2009 #2 Great post brother. I loved the video.
A abolish the weak Banned Joined Feb 10, 2008 Messages 1,045 Mar 18, 2009 #4 Just goes to show what a rare bird that guy really is, because I think 99% of people would have sold that script and accepted that offer. That one decision changed his whole life
Just goes to show what a rare bird that guy really is, because I think 99% of people would have sold that script and accepted that offer. That one decision changed his whole life
shawnkarbabacz New member Registered Joined Feb 22, 2009 Messages 562 Mar 18, 2009 #5 thats an awesome video. rocky is still my number one favorite movie of all time. That just made it even better
thats an awesome video. rocky is still my number one favorite movie of all time. That just made it even better