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"Essentially Zero" Sperm


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Ok, so this is kinda embarrassing, but it's been one of those days anyway s...:eek: here it goes. My wife and I are trying to have a baby so I stopped all of my 'supplementation' and have been off for about 4 months. I went today to get a sperm count and after the test my doctor told me it was low. so I said, how low. and he said "essentially zero" it was listed as " no motile sperm seen". So, now I'm feeling pretty crummy and I know that its my fault now that we have had no luck in getting pregnant for the past 3 months.

So I have a few questions for you all. How many of you has this happened to and what ended up happening? Is there anything I can do to reverse this effect? And what are my chances of having kids do you think? Please, shoot me strait; I'm really curious.

I'm freaking out a little bit because we both want children and this is a big blow:(. There are not too many people that I would want to talk to about this, but I'm good with all of you. Thanks.

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How long were you on prior to coming off? Did you ever have a count done before hand? This could be something that was preexisting. Best thing would be an aggressive HCG, HMG, and Clomid Therapy in my opinion. High Doses of each and pray it works! Good luck.
How long were you on prior to coming off? Did you ever have a count done before hand? This could be something that was preexisting. Best thing would be an aggressive HCG, HMG, and Clomid Therapy in my opinion. High Doses of each and pray it works! Good luck.

I was on for six months prior to coming off. And, no, I never have had a count done before. Thank you for the advise.
Best thing would be an aggressive HCG, HMG, and Clomid Therapy in my opinion. High Doses of each and pray it works! Good luck.


These three drugs generally do the trick, most likely you can get thing back running again.

How long were you on for before you went off? Did you come off cold turkey (no pct, etc.)?
There are other factors also.
How old are you?
How long have you used aas?
Is there any other family history that could contribute (do you come
from a large family - do you have a brother?)

There are lots of dudes that have low sperm counts that never
messed with hormones. Did the Dr. Give you any other advice like wear
boxers rather than briefs? You may be shut down, where are you're test levels? If your natural test production is low then maybe the suggestions
above can help kickstart.
There are other factors also.
How old are you?
How long have you used aas?
Is there any other family history that could contribute (do you come
from a large family - do you have a brother?)

There are lots of dudes that have low sperm counts that never
messed with hormones. Did the Dr. Give you any other advice like wear
boxers rather than briefs? You may be shut down, where are you're test levels? If your natural test production is low then maybe the suggestions
above can help kickstart.

I'm 25 years old. Used for 2 and a half-3 years. no family history of it, yes i have one sibling. No, he hasn't given me any advice yet because I had test levels checked as well but wont have results until tomorrow and said that he might know more then.
Congratulations...No need You about gettin anyone pregnant..j/k:D Thought I'd add a little humor
A fertility doc can treat you for that. I think HCG would do the trick, but I have no experience with this problem. HCG mimics LH and would stimulate spermatogenesis.
now you have me all worried...guess i better get mine checked as well..
now you have me all worried...guess i better get mine checked as well..

Not everone has trouble. I was on about 2 grams/week of gear when I conceived both of my girls. Strangely, it seems like a lot of us that were on gear while we conceived end up having girls.
A fertility doc can treat you for that. I think HCG would do the trick, but I have no experience with this problem. HCG mimics LH and would stimulate spermatogenesis.

yeah, i'm hoping they will perscribe me some HCG.
Not everone has trouble. I was on about 2 grams/week of gear when I conceived both of my girls. Strangely, it seems like a lot of us that were on gear while we conceived end up having girls.

Yeah, lucky me:rolleyes:
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I still havnt gotten the testosterone results back, but I do think it's low because its kinda like I'm taking deca right now but im not... If you know what I mean:eek:
I still havnt gotten the testosterone results back, but I do think it's low because its kinda like I'm taking deca right now but im not... If you know what I mean:eek:

I can help you, are you in the USA?
My experience

Been through this before. You need to go to the endo.

I'm betting on lh and fsh being very low, as well as test.

Lh sends the signal down to the little ones to make testosterone

Fsh sends a signal to produce sperm.

Now I've been in the same boat, and clomid jumped me up on all three hormones. Spermies are now aplenty.


Before lh was 1.9. Very low

Fsh was 1.8 very low

Test was at 200. Very low

After a 2 month dose of clomid at 50mg a day, my blood work was

Lh 7.6

Fsh was high at I think 11. Being that high does not affect anything.

Test was at 800.

I hope this helps, all I was on was clomid. If your endo puts you on this regamine, make sure he checks your e2.
Been through this before. You need to go to the endo.

I'm betting on lh and fsh being very low, as well as test.

Lh sends the signal down to the little ones to make testosterone

Fsh sends a signal to produce sperm.

Now I've been in the same boat, and clomid jumped me up on all three hormones. Spermies are now aplenty.


Before lh was 1.9. Very low

Fsh was 1.8 very low

Test was at 200. Very low

After a 2 month dose of clomid at 50mg a day, my blood work was

Lh 7.6

Fsh was high at I think 11. Being that high does not affect anything.

Test was at 800.

I hope this helps, all I was on was clomid. If your endo puts you on this regamine, make sure he checks your e2.

Wow, awesome results!! This gives me hope! I can give this a try. I hope that they will perscribe me some clomid; if not, I guess I'll get it the old fashioned way. Thank you.

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