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Finasteride: Microdose it (None to low side effects)


Had to completely stop taking it..at 1/4, and 1/2 a mg I started getting extreme muscle pain and stomach pain..stopped taking it a week ago..think it’s a no go for me..lasted like 2 months

2 days after I stopped taking it the issues started going away

Had to completely stop taking it..at 1/4, and 1/2 a mg I started getting extreme muscle pain and stomach pain..stopped taking it a week ago..think it’s a no go for me..lasted like 2 months

2 days after I stopped taking it the issues started going away

You took it daily? Did you try Mon/Wed/Fri?
Been following protocol of 0.5 Mg finasteride along with the 2.5 mg daily of oral minoxidil last 6 weeks. No sides. also slight decrease in Blood pressure. Thanks Black Beard
Tried it a few different ways..stuff made me feel terrible..

Maybe going bald isn’t so bad

That's weird, especially the stomach pain. Most guys won't feel anything on the half or quarter tab, especially three times per week.

You could also try topical fin or dut with the oral minox, still very effective, especially the earlier you start.

didnt knw there is such a thing as Post FInasteride Syndrome :rolleyes:
Topical Finasteride+Min can be quite effective for a lot of people with zero side effects. This is a result of only 3.5 months of use (remember, best results can be seen between 12-24 months and beyond):

(This guy wasn't even using oral minoxidil which is often exponentially more effective at regrowing hair than topical minoxidil)

Am I the only one who got hairy as a gorilla on oral minox? The stuff worked great but that side was horrendous....I don't see anyone else talking about it
Am I the only one who got hairy as a gorilla on oral minox? The stuff worked great but that side was horrendous....I don't see anyone else talking about it
I imagine so because doesn't it's cause the whole body increased hair growth?

Have you noticed more under eye circles since starting oral minox?
For people running higher amounts of test say 1.5-2g. Would that dose response of finasteride still have the same effect on dht reduction?

Meaning would there be no benefits to taking more since since the effects seems to mostly max out at a lower dosage?
Am I the only one who got hairy as a gorilla on oral minox? The stuff worked great but that side was horrendous....I don't see anyone else talking about it
I’m already a hairy gorilla! So the oral Minoxidil just made me manscape more often. Not a big deal, but I’m manscaping every 8-10 days now. Normally, manscaping for me was every 2 weeks.

I imagine so because doesn't it's cause the whole body increased hair growth?

Have you noticed more under eye circles since starting oral minox?

I stopped it because the crazy hair growth, including new hair growth in weird places, wasn't worth it. But when I did use it I don't remember under eye circles being a concern so much.
Am I the only one who got hairy as a gorilla on oral minox? The stuff worked great but that side was horrendous....I don't see anyone else talking about it

For people running higher amounts of test say 1.5-2g. Would that dose response of finasteride still have the same effect on dht reduction?

Meaning would there be no benefits to taking more since since the effects seems to mostly max out at a lower dosage?

Correct, you only have so much 5-alpha enzyme in the body. Microdosing for TRT vs 1 gram testosterone, the enzyme amount blocked is the same, Obviously, DHT will be higher on 1 gram of DHT. Finasteride usually caps at around 70% DHT reduction for serum levels, and something like 40-60% for scalp DHT levels.

As i theorized in the other comment, it's very likely that much of the benefit for scalp hair from finasteride is likely from changing the DHT to E2/T ratio in the scalp follicles and not just "lowering DHT as much as possible". In non-balding follicles, the DHT/E2 ratio is naturally lower than in those areas that bald easily (crown/temples-hairline). Basically with finasteride, we are likely getting benefit from shifting that ratio in crown/hairline to one more similar to those non-balding areas (side and back of the head).

Finasteride is exponentially more effective if you still have your hair and even more so if you have minimal to no miniaturization (Shrinking/thinning hair). So it's ideally used as preventative, akin to how one would use arimidex for gyno prevention.

Finasteride = arimidex = prevention (for hair loss and gyno respectively)

Minoxidil = raloxifene = reversal (for hair loss and gyno respectively)
Any results from this so far?
Just got my Finasteride and figured out how to dose oral minoxidil. I'm typically not one to struggle with side effects so was thinking of starting with .5mg ED and 2.5 mg oral minox 2x a day. Honestly If I could split up the finasteride tabs any further I would. I also got some 5mg tabs but they are nearly impossible to split smaller than 2.5mg and a big gamble to be dosing that large.
I typically do my TRT daily and have noticed a lower dose and much fewer side effects from this.
Yeah, it will, but full prostate relief can take 6 months.

Slick bald spots will require oral minox and absolutely not over.

View attachment 184890
That’s amazing. I have some thinning hair (nothing like yours). Question: how long will you remain on dosage? Seems you’ve “peaked” in the last photo, so do you stop using or continue? And for how long?

How much was the monthly cost for your hair treatment?

That’s amazing. I have some thinning hair (nothing like yours). Question: how long will you remain on dosage? Seems you’ve “peaked” in the last photo, so do you stop using or continue? And for how long?

How much was the monthly cost for your hair treatment?


That picture is not me.

If you stop treatment, you will start to bald and thin. You have to keep taking it even after you get your hair back.

Oral min and fin are pretty cheap.

You can use generics from your local pharmacy with goodRx coupon if you have no insurance with Rx from your doctor or use an online service like Roman with monthly subscription or order from online overseas pharmacies like reliableRx, alldaychemist, and inhouse pharmacy

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