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Finasteride: Microdose it (None to low side effects)

View attachment 199224
Bumping this thread since I just came across this chart.

Low dose seems the way to go

Yep. 0.25 mg fina daily ( A quarter tab) is very effective and generally what i recommend. 0.25 mg MWF can usually work to stop hairloss but might be less effective for regrowth. Like you had mentioned before, the benefit to the prostate is very important, aging AAS users can run into severe urinary retention/BPH symptoms requiring medication (flowmax/finasterde) and surgery (Transurethral prostate resection). Prevention is exponentially more effective than reversal (For Hair loss and prostate hypertrophy)

1 mg daily or even MWF is unbearable for some patients. Although most will have no side effects on the full 1 mg daily dosage (but this is unnecessarily high) I've found one trick is to administer in the evening with dinner. (doesn't mess with sleep and you can "sleep" through some sides if you do get them)

You want fina to stop the hair loss and ideally regrow/rethicken hair which will usually peak in the 8-24 month range. If you don't get regrowth from finasteride or can't wait +6 months, 2.5 mg minoxidil oral is extremely effective for most men with results as soon as 2 months.

This is one guy on 0.25 mg MWF for a year (No minox) with complete halting of hair loss and some re-thickening. He might see further growth into 24 months but oral minoxidil should finish the process if he responds well:


This is only 5 months on 0.25 mg finasteride daily (again, no minox):

In my experience the finasteride sides go away after time. About 4 months in they’re completely gone. On a cruise I run 1mg eod and when I’m blasting I watch for any increase in shedding and go to 1mg ed and it subsides. Between fin and ru58841 mixed with minoxidil applied daily I have a full head of blonde hair even when blasting test/primo/tren and tossing in anavar and dbol for the occasional pre workout boost. I do t have aggressive mpd but the hairline was definitely moving prior to this protocol
In my experience the finasteride sides go away after time. About 4 months in they’re completely gone. On a cruise I run 1mg eod and when I’m blasting I watch for any increase in shedding and go to 1mg ed and it subsides. Between fin and ru58841 mixed with minoxidil applied daily I have a full head of blonde hair even when blasting test/primo/tren and tossing in anavar and dbol for the occasional pre workout boost. I do t have aggressive mpd but the hairline was definitely moving prior to this protocol
4 months of ED is a long time bro. And with the possibility of being irreversible…
No thanks. I’ll go bald.
4 months of ED is a long time bro. And with the possibility of being irreversible…
No thanks. I’ll go bald.

For most guys, sides go away within 1-3 days of stopping. In rarer cases, 1-2 weeks. 1 mg can instantly cause sides on day 1 for many people. It is really overkill. The 1 mg MWF protocol has become popular, but 0.25 MWF to daily or 0.5 mg MWF is much much more tolerable with almost identical efficacy.

The DHT takes about 1-2 weeks to recover, back to baseline but sides go away faster in most cases, so it's very very likely many of the sides are not even related to the DHT reduction, but a direct effect of finasteride (Which is a manmade synthetic artificial steroid hormone), which also explains why many guys get LESS side effects from dutasteride even though it drops DHT more.
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Does topical finasteride have the same side effect of ED as the pill? If so, is the topical just as bad as the oral version or is it less pronounced and to what extent?
For most guys, sides go away within 1-3 days of stopping. In rarer cases, 1-2 weeks. 1 mg can instantly cause sides on day 1 for many people. It is really overkill. The 1 mg MWF protocol has become popular, but 0.25 MWF to daily or 0.5 mg MWF is much much more tolerable with almost identical efficacy.

The DHT takes about 1-2 weeks to recover, back to baseline but sides go away faster in most cases, so it's very very likely many of the sides are not even related to the DHT reduction, but a direct effect of finasteride (Which is a manmade synthetic artificial steroid hormone), which also explains why many guys get LESS side effects from dutasteride even though it drops DHT more.
Does topical finasteride have the same side effect of ED as the pill? If so, is the topical just as bad as the oral version or is it less pronounced and to what extent? Sorry for the double post.
Does topical finasteride have the same side effect of ED as the pill? If so, is the topical just as bad as the oral version or is it less pronounced and to what extent?
I think it’s all individual bro. Studies showed that the topical was better tolerated but I tried it at .3mg and got sides. I know guys say they go away after a certain amount of time, but that slight chance that they wouldn’t go away scared me enough to stop.
Too risky.
Does topical finasteride have the same side effect of ED as the pill? If so, is the topical just as bad as the oral version or is it less pronounced and to what extent?

Usually less risk of sides with topical, it still gets absorbed, so DHT will usually be reduced a bit.

Note that basically 100% of the guys with "PFS" or permanent sides have horrible endocrine (and mental) health to begin with. They don't use TRT/HRT and most of the time had low testosterone to begin with. Dropping DHT while also having low T is much likelier to cause issues.

Millions of men around the world use finasteride and dutasteride with no side effects or very mild side effects. 99% of the time, these side effects go away, usually very quickly, once you stop.

Many guys on AAS and TRT develop severe urinary issues via prostate growth (waking up multiple times a night to pee, etc). Fina/duta will prevent and can reverse this.
Usually less risk of sides with topical, it still gets absorbed, so DHT will usually be reduced a bit.

Note that basically 100% of the guys with "PFS" or permanent sides have horrible endocrine (and mental) health to begin with. They don't use TRT/HRT and most of the time had low testosterone to begin with. Dropping DHT while also having low T is much likelier to cause issues.

Millions of men around the world use finasteride and dutasteride with no side effects or very mild side effects. 99% of the time, these side effects go away, usually very quickly, once you stop.

Many guys on AAS and TRT develop severe urinary issues via prostate growth (waking up multiple times a night to pee, etc). Fina/duta will prevent and can reverse this.
BB, what do you think about Dutasteride? I've been on Fin on and off for years (currently 0.5 MWF, did 1mg daily before and it completely stopped my hair loss at 26, now 35), but I'm now hearing people say they get less sides on it, which is kind of surprising.

I only run test and GH for blasts and I'm doing a gram this next cycle, do you think doing Duta at 0.5 MWF is overkill?
BB, what do you think about Dutasteride? I've been on Fin on and off for years (currently 0.5 MWF, did 1mg daily before and it completely stopped my hair loss at 26, now 35), but I'm now hearing people say they get less sides on it, which is kind of surprising.

I only run test and GH for blasts and I'm doing a gram this next cycle, do you think doing Duta at 0.5 MWF is overkill?

Generally, dutasteride twice weekly is enough to stop hair loss for most men. It is slightly more effective than 5 mg finasteride daily on paper. (can vary from person to person).

It is true that dutasteride has less or no side effects compared to finasteride for many people. In some countries, they use dutatesteride over finasteride; Japan, korea, spain and others.

Here is one doc out of spain who says he finds his patients gets less sides and better efficacy from low dose dutasteride than finasteride. A guy in the comments also confirmed that his blood work showed slightly less DHT than 1 mg finasteride daily from only 0.5 mg dutasteride twice weekly.

Do you get any sides from finasteride at all?
Generally, dutasteride twice weekly is enough to stop hair loss for most men. It is slightly more effective than 5 mg finasteride daily on paper. (can vary from person to person).

It is true that dutasteride has less or no side effects compared to finasteride for many people. In some countries, they use dutatesteride over finasteride; Japan, korea, spain and others.

Here is one doc out of spain who says he finds his patients gets less sides and better efficacy from low dose dutasteride than finasteride. A guy in the comments also confirmed that his blood work showed slightly less DHT than 1 mg finasteride daily from only 0.5 mg dutasteride twice weekly.

Do you get any sides from finasteride at all?
That's very interesting, because it appears that some of the sides from Fin are not actually a direct result of DHT reduction, but of the drug itself. Would you recommend I go with MWF or twice a week? for blasting 1g of test (I find test the gentlest on my hair, honestly); I'm leaning towards 3 pills a week, that should be a 90% reduction, no?

The only sides I ever got from Fin are libido related, but in all honesty I never had high libido in the first place, and it NEVER affected my ability to get rock hard with a lady. Typically, I'd have a raging hard on just being being playful with someone, so when I say it affects my libido I mean my desire without any kind of stimulation. I find 0.5 to have less of an effect on libido, but then I added HCG to my true TRT (on top of fin), and that seems to give a very nice libido boost.
That's very interesting, because it appears that some of the sides from Fin are not actually a direct result of DHT reduction, but of the drug itself. Would you recommend I go with MWF or twice a week? for blasting 1g of test (I find test the gentlest on my hair, honestly); I'm leaning towards 3 pills a week, that should be a 90% reduction, no?

The only sides I ever got from Fin are libido related, but in all honesty I never had high libido in the first place, and it NEVER affected my ability to get rock hard with a lady. Typically, I'd have a raging hard on just being being playful with someone, so when I say it affects my libido I mean my desire without any kind of stimulation. I find 0.5 to have less of an effect on libido, but then I added HCG to my true TRT (on top of fin), and that seems to give a very nice libido boost.

Only trial and error will tell you, everyone is different. 2-3 per week is a good sweet spot for most guys.
Generally, dutasteride twice weekly is enough to stop hair loss for most men. It is slightly more effective than 5 mg finasteride daily on paper. (can vary from person to person).

It is true that dutasteride has less or no side effects compared to finasteride for many people. In some countries, they use dutatesteride over finasteride; Japan, korea, spain and others.

Here is one doc out of spain who says he finds his patients gets less sides and better efficacy from low dose dutasteride than finasteride. A guy in the comments also confirmed that his blood work showed slightly less DHT than 1 mg finasteride daily from only 0.5 mg dutasteride twice weekly.

Do you get any sides from finasteride at all?

Interesting video! This doctor says he recommends taking low dose (0.5mg) dutasteride 2-3 times a week but in consecutive days (Monday, Tuesday or Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). Would that be your recommendation too or would you spread the doses as in Monday and Thursday or Monday, Wednesday and Friday?
Interesting video! This doctor says he recommends taking low dose (0.5mg) dutasteride 2-3 times a week but in consecutive days (Monday, Tuesday or Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). Would that be your recommendation too or would you spread the doses as in Monday and Thursday or Monday, Wednesday and Friday?

I would say do it how it's most convenient for you. The effect should be the same. It has a really long half life, something like 3-5 days when taken infrequently and up to 5 weeks when taken daily for a while.
View attachment 199224
Bumping this thread since I just came across this chart.

Low dose seems the way to go

I used 1mg for 20 years

always blown in girlfriends. none have ever become pregnant.

stopped using the shit about 4 years ago because of ED. still cant get a girl pregnant.

Boners possibly better, still not great. Hair really going now.
I would say do it how it's most convenient for you. The effect should be the same. It has a really long half life, something like 3-5 days when taken infrequently and up to 5 weeks when taken daily for a while.
Try giving blood on fin, gotta wait something like 6 months after taking your last dose.
I thin
View attachment 199224
Bumping this thread since I just came across this chart.

Low dose seems the way to go
Ive seen that chart before I dont know how accurate it would be for gear users, maybe we have upregulated 5-AR enzymes
I think the best we can do is get a serum test, make sure its not absolutely 0 and keep an eye on libido

I currently take dutasteride and its improved my skin and its helped me empty my bladder, even though my PSA is in range .

downside is if your dht gets too low, you may develop gyno from the lack of dht.

Ive seen some graphs where dutasteride increases testosterone by 30-40% for a few months IIRC so that might be related aswell.

anyways my 0.02 is I dont see the point in having supraphysiogical levels of DHT.

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