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Gear Cabinet filled with all kinds of PEDs/Ancillaries I'll never use. Who else is a gear hoarder 😂?


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2022
My Gear Cabinet is full with all kinds of Orals (Tabs and Caps), some more exotic injectables like DHB, MENT, Stenbolone, .... all kinds of ancillaries of all kinds, diuretics, BP Meds, PCT Meds, bunch of other related meds like Metformin, T3, T4, Clen, ECA and so on. I don't really see myself using them, especially the diuretics. But hey, if I ever need some injeactable Lasix, I have it on hand 🤣.

AAS is just so cheap, I can't help but order way more than I need each order, and the stuff just adds up over time. Who else has become a Gear Hoarder over the course of his PED Career? I just always want to have everything on hand + some extra (just in case). I think I could run several blasts before I need to get new stuff lol.
Honestly, after getting caught mid cycle with no AI (bunk product) or thinking I’ve got 12 wks of deca only to run out at 10.5 wks… I always order my next cycle while running my current cycle. As a result I have bits and pieces of AAS and ancillary medications on hand. On the plus side this winter I intend to run test with Decca and I’ve got some NPP to kick start the process. Got some extra letro if anything goes sideways, extra d-bol when I want to break through a plateau.
I'm guilty of this, like most, I want to make sure I have what I need ahead of time. Justifiable thought is I don't want to get caught not having enough, but in reality, I'm a glutton for really good sales. With the competition of quality sponsors out there, there are really good sales going on constantly. Recently I've curtailed my picking up of gear whether I needed it or not, but not before developing a little surplus to fall back on.
I have a little on hand but a bust at my gym changed my mindset a bit .. threw away some old stuff just increase the worst case happens one day ...less stuff less penalty id hope lol
Now did you taking the testosterone this way give you excess facial bloat? That’s the real question! 😝

No, only when i put two vials in my mouth like Marlon Brando did with Kleenex for The Godfather
My Gear Cabinet is full with all kinds of Orals (Tabs and Caps), some more exotic injectables like DHB, MENT, Stenbolone, .... all kinds of ancillaries of all kinds, diuretics, BP Meds, PCT Meds, bunch of other related meds like Metformin, T3, T4, Clen, ECA and so on. I don't really see myself using them, especially the diuretics. But hey, if I ever need some injeactable Lasix, I have it on hand 🤣.

AAS is just so cheap, I can't help but order way more than I need each order, and the stuff just adds up over time. Who else has become a Gear Hoarder over the course of his PED Career? I just always want to have everything on hand + some extra (just in case). I think I could run several blasts before I need to get new stuff lol.
I don't know what your talking about......... IMG_20230317_091115864.jpg

I have a little on hand but a bust at my gym changed my mindset a bit .. threw away some old stuff just increase the worst case happens one day ...less stuff less penalty id hope lol
Which is why I don't even trade or give gear away at the gym.
One guy wanted me to mix up some test for him.
I thought about it but then was like 'i ran out of supplies'.
Talked to his brother the other day and was told he had suddenly passed during the lockdowns.
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I have lifetime supply of Test, Deca and Tadalafil in raws. Everything else that I regulary use, I have a 5yr supply on hand. I don't consider myself a hoarder, but a preper.
I tried this but then the raws for my test melted during summer and it interacted with the plastic and was unusable. I brewed it up and shot 1cc, big mistake... I guess I could have kept them in the refrigerator. Weirdly though the melted deca worked just fine; I guess it didn't interact with the plastic in the bag but the test did.
I tried this but then the raws for my test melted during summer and it interacted with the plastic and was unusable. I brewed it up and shot 1cc, big mistake... I guess I could have kept them in the refrigerator. Weirdly though the melted deca worked just fine; I guess it didn't interact with the plastic in the bag but the test did.
Test E raws are notorious for pip in the last few years.

I use Test Decanoate
I feel a bit more normal now. I started in the early to mid 90s which was pre internet and post major scheduling. Tough period. Use everything, throw nothing out, find a use eventually. I also had problems with a clinic changing up my long time successful hrt regimine so drove me off to more control. When covid started and we didn't know what supply looked like, I had years worth to run nearly whatever I wanted. Hrt for life anyway so I'll take care of myself.

Anyway - I have a deep stock of non scheduled stuff including blood pressure meds and everything I take from my Dr. just I'm case. Also anciliaries all pharmacy AI, T3, Prami, Nolva, DNP, anti biotics etc. Never needed Nolva once in my life but it pays to have it if needed. Decent amount of GH but haven't used in a while. Maybe this Spring/summer start again and evaluate.

Test, deca, mast are my cores so deep - even though I shit on Mast as a ped, good for feels and aesthetic. I also keep equipoise (find a use someday), primo and tren. Enough to run a number of long blasts each at solid dosage. Have some raw test C just in case. Drol, winny and anavar are the only orals I still use even intermittently so plenty of those.

I remember how hard this all used to be as well as expensive. I will admit to looking at my hoard at least once a week. Just did another raw/brew middle of last year. Previous was 2018 so lasts me a while. Makes me happy.
I always have on hand enough for me.... the words "possession with intent to distribute" scare the shit outta me so i keep it real light

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