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Aug 3, 2010
I have been taught from a very young age that when I visit a place to leave it in better condition then when I got there, and contribute in some way to those I take from. I think us sources take a lot from these boards, we use the advertising on them to grow our businesses. I feel an obligation to give back to to the board and help continue to provide good positive information to those who seek it.

These tip of the week articles are not meant to bash anyone else's way of training. They are simply meant lend some guidance I've learned over the 15 yrs I've done this. It took me years and years to figure some of these techniques out and fully understand why it was the best, most efficient way of doing things. Please take it for what it is, if the info can help you please use it. If you feel its of no value to you disregard it. If you feel you have something to add please do! I’ll start posting these in hopes we can get a good positive discussion going.

Bench press tip:
Bench press is probably the most popular exercise there is. Unless you are a power lifter you want to read this (even if you are a power lifer this will help you) . When you walk into the gym to train chest you need to think of what you are trying to do when you get into the gym. Are you trying to lift more weight? or are you trying to grow the size of your chest? If the later is your goal your on the correct mind set.

Take out your ego and go throw it in the trunk of your car, you wont be needing it for this one lol. Lay down on the bench, put half of the weight you usually use for your work sets on the bar. . Ok, now grip the bar with your hands about shoulder width apart (there is no correct distance to grip it, just use a grip that feels comfortable) Pick the bar up and move it so its aligned with your chin. So directly below the bar you should have your chin in one straight line. Now when you lower the bar flare your elbows out wide so it feels like your shoulders are up by your ears. Lower the bar to your neck. When the bar is at its lowest point (almost touching your neck) it should appear from above that your arms are one straight line, so elbow to elbow should be straight across. Now when you are at the low point in the exercise and the bar is almost touching your neck I want you to arch your back and thrust your sternum up towards the roof. This will spread every last fiber in there out and wake up the ones you have not been using.

This will cause some discomfort in a lot of you guys shoulders, if it does you will want to work on some rotator cuff stretches before doing the lift this way. Most of my clients are so tight in the shoulder joint it really hinders their ability to train correctly.

Now press the bar back up to the top position. When you are pressing the bar up do it with your elbows. Don't think if pressing with your hands, think of pressing with the elbows and having your elbows force your hands to go up. This will activate your chest to do more work. When you get to the top position do NOT lock out your elbows, keep them just shy of lock out. Now force your elbows even further up so to almost concave your chest and spread apart your shoulder blades on your back. This will really activate those dormant chest fibers. Most of you miss that max contraction point in this exercise because we are so busy doing half reps to come any where even close to max contraction point on this movement. Its one of the most beneficial parts of it and none of us do it.

Then repeat this again for 10 reps.

When ever you are training you want to be in full control over the weight, dont ever let that weight control you. You should be able to stop at any point in the exercise and pause. This is what I mean by 'controlling the weight'. Do not let momentum take over here.

Your chest is going to be very tender after this, like tender to the touch! so make sure you let it heal up properly before you train it again.

Key points to remember:
Negative portion:
Elbows flared out wide
Bring the bar to your neck and arch your back and force the sternum up to the roof

Positive portion of the lift:
Press back up, concentrating on letting your elbows force the hands up. At the top of the exercise don't lock out the elbows, but force them higher up to the ceiling and concave your chest cavity to allow the contraction to be as intense as possible.

In order to do this you have to have very little weight on the bar, your not going to set any PR's doing it like this but I can guarantee your chest will grow more doing it this way then any other way.


This is the style charles glass and some other top trainer gurus teach it, its the best way to stimulate the chest and get the most out of your time while doing the bench press movement.


I actually incorporate this variation when i train chest. I do like this exercise alot
ill try this.....

and stop tossing out free gear you crazy bastard lol.....

and send me a new list already i need GH man....
I've slipped this into my programs a few times and the results are always the same: it destroys my chest in ways that can't be compared to anything else, but it also thrashes my right shoulder something fierce. I've always had issues with that shoulder, though.
Nice post my good man.

I think there is a lot to be said for dropping the weight and working the different angles of the bench. Way too many times people ( me included) pile on the weight and "ego bench". Your post would also do well in a beginning weight lifting forum. Maybe some of the youngsters would learn a thing or two.

Thanks for the tip, looking forward to trying it out although i have a feeling i'll have to stretch my rotator cuffs like crazy before i even attempt this.
Some may disagree with some of the lifting technique BUT I'm glad your putting this out there - like you said: "Please take it for what it is, if the info can help you please use it. If you feel its of no value to you disregard it."

I think this may be helpful to many people, both this post and future ones.

I will add my opinion which is that this site isn't for beginners and neither is this lift. Beginners/maybe intermediates should stick to basics and form that feels right with 'heavy' loads. With this lift I would be careful with the amount of weight like the OP said. Going down with elbows-flared it increases stress on the glenohumeral joint. In addition, not having your scapula tucked through out, it can cause extra stress on shoulders. But once again leave your ego out of the gym.
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Smith machine

While as of late Ive been more of a "decline/dip" only kind of guy I will say vie done this too in the past and really liked it.... It will really emphasize the "sterno-clavicular" portion of the chest... Suggestion though- use the Smith machine... Will allow focus on e movement while u take strain off the rotators and u can set up the safety locks so u don't crush your trachea.
Myosin, yes the smith machine is a great way to incorporate this. It really helps to keep your form strict and really stretches your chest out at the bottom.

Half-life, your right bro, this is more of an advanced technique, but I wish so bad I would have known it when I was younger and greener in this game. When I first started training it was all about bouncing the bar off my chest and trying to push as much weight as I could. I wish I would have understood these techniques and had someone to help me incorporate them.

Guys, remember on this one, and on most chest press exercises to really pronounce the positive position when you are fully extended. When I get the bar to the positive most portion of the lift I’ll flex my chest and try to force my shoulders and elbows an inch or 2 higher. This will ignite your chest! The last 5 reps are a LOT harder then the first 5 when you use these techniques. Let your chest burn and work thru that pain..

I’m glad you guys like this, I’ll start posting a new one weekly for different exercises and body parts. Feel free to add to this thread if you have some info you feel would help others. Thanks guys..

I am always looking for good advice.I will defiently try this when i get back to the gym.Thanks geardepot,very inovating idea you have.We all talk to our sponsors about their products.This keeps things honest among members.,
I agree with Halfife, this isn't for beginners, but I do think proper training techniques from the get go is important especially on heavy lifts like bench press. I know when I started I didn't have anyone to show me the right and wrong way to press and without knowing it I became a shoulder bencher. Took a long time to get away from that, still have trouble sometimes. Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the more you grow...hey that's pretty clever, should have entered that in the Gear Depot contest, damn.:D
I remember getting ready for a powerlifting meet back in the mid nineties. The owner of the local Golds decided to let me in on the secret of how to bench more.

"The trick, Norm" he said, "is you have to push the bar up harder." :)
Hmm, for a minute there I thought Vince was back from the dead.
Some people like the OP say feel it, others say just move weight. I've never never seen much a difference either way. I just hit whatever muscle I have targeted for the day and I'm outta there.

Btw, check your email, OP! Been trying to contact you. :p
I remember getting ready for a powerlifting meet back in the mid nineties. The owner of the local Golds decided to let me in on the secret of how to bench more.

"The trick, Norm" he said, "is you have to push the bar up harder." :)

Haha! Thats brilliant!

Damn, I could have saved myself about an hr if I would have just said that! haha.. Who the hell has time to read a bunch of long jumbled fine print anyway?! lol..

I like your idea here...

I am working chest later today and I am going to give this a try. I need some new material because I feel I have been doing the same thing for a while and this sounds good.
I am working chest later today and I am going to give this a try. I need some new material because I feel I have been doing the same thing for a while and this sounds good.

Give it a try bro. It has made all the difference in mine and many others chest development. If your able to really concentrate on the elbow and let your chest push the elbow up (rather then concentrating on simply pressing the bar with your hands) you'll see a huge difference.

Guys, my challenge here still stands. I'll give a free bottle to anyone who does this style of benching (correctly) for 6 weeks and can come back and tell me their chest is not significantly more developed then when they started.

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