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Hit By Drunk Driver Help please


New member
Apr 19, 2007
I was hIt by a drunk driver while walking 7 months ago. It completly tore a tendon in my knee and tore up my shoulder broke my nose and coller bone. Surgery for tendon in knee went good but for shoulder I got MERSA and it took 6 surgeries the last one was 3 weeks ago. I used to compete and powerlift weighed about 280 now I am 210 and was pretty much bed ridden for 4 months. Could anyone give me advice on what I could take, how much of HGH and IGF I or other supplements I could take now while not being able to do much besides therpy to help me heal faster. Any advice would be great
sorry to hear about that man

Hope your recovery is going smooth. Sorry to hear about that happening to you.
Sorry I can not be of assistance with what you are looking for but maybe due to your condition there might be some members on here who are of the medical professsion who can get you some advice. Good luck!
i would not condone the use of nething illegal in your country

but if a person was to use hgh to repair tendons i read it would take a higher dosage than most cases but theres so many articles about the stuff read man read til your heart stops jk but really youll find what you need on doctors studys on the internet and i dont know personally about the stuff so i say read all threads forums and articles you can find related to your injury
unless you need HRT I would let nature take care of the healing and get back to the gym when your able too, then do a light dose of test.

I was hIt by a drunk driver while walking 7 months ago. It completly tore a tendon in my knee and tore up my shoulder broke my nose and coller bone. Surgery for tendon in knee went good but for shoulder I got MERSA and it took 6 surgeries the last one was 3 weeks ago. I used to compete and powerlift weighed about 280 now I am 210 and was pretty much bed ridden for 4 months. Could anyone give me advice on what I could take, how much of HGH and IGF I or other supplements I could take now while not being able to do much besides therpy to help me heal faster. Any advice would be great

that really sucks man, I am sorry to hear that. I wish i had some advice but I would just search the net for info, if it were me I would probably do a little test and eq and gh.
I'm sorry to hear about this bro. Thank God you are alive. However I am not a Doctor so I can't really comment on your questions. I wish you the best.

unless you need HRT I would let nature take care of the healing and get back to the gym when your able too, then do a light dose of test.

I'm sorry that happened to you,that sucks! How are you?
You should follow the above advise....You do need to heal, and you may be on meds still correct?...give it time, then start a good program...You may not ever go back to what you use to do, but you are alive! and that's a beautiful thing:)
I had a really horrific horse accident while working cattle. I wnt off a cliff and the horse landed on me. I had broken bones, ribs and cracked sturnum and torn muscles. It took me 6 months to be able to lift the tiny pink dumbells. When I started using gh and HRT (I'm 49) I started making great improvemnts but it was still a 3 year battle and there are things that are chronic still and keep me from full recovery.

Hopefully you are young enough that your body will heal faster, but if you do a cycle you may get overly exuberant and push to hard and cause more scar tissue to build up and make things worse.
I was in a very bad wreck last april and also broke my collar bone. Was t-boned by a truck going 75 that ran a red light and hit me dead on my drivers side. I woke up and paramedics were around me. It was a long process of recovery, but I was able to start lifting (light) about 6 or 7 weeks later and was relatively lucky to just have the broken clavicle. It sucks because your clavicle is a part of almost anything you do with your upper body. Just let nature do it's healing as the other person mentioned. It's extremely depressing but when you come back you will have an even greater and renewed passion for lifting. PM me if you have any questions.
Be thankful you were stacked and in good shape prior to the cash. Being in shape is probably what saved you. In your scenario it sounds like a nasty accident that would have possibly left a normal person paralyzed.
alcohol is LEGAL, yet athletic performance enhancing pharmaceuticals are not.

test dont make you crash your car, possibly killing someone

government is fucked

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