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how bad is your diet

MG this reminded me something from dave p show ask dave .. Dave said its not the steroids so much its sugar and processed carbs which raises what i call 'litter bugs -LDL' and decreases the 'suction cups-HDL' which vacuums all the crap out of blood stream.

You have done well mate and changed your lifestyle totally and become role model to many on here.

You know mate you are earning so much karma by showing people the right path. I hope people notice & benefit from this.

Thank you my friend, I try
MG this reminded me something from dave p show ask dave .. Dave said its not the steroids so much its sugar and processed carbs which raises what i call 'litter bugs -LDL' and decreases the 'suction cups-HDL' which vacuums all the crap out of blood stream.

I don't disagree on the processed food comment but my personal experience has been anavar and winstrol wrecked my cholesterol ratios while on them as well as anadrol and dianabol.
Deca and Tren were also hard on the ratios as well.

Testosterone seems to be the mildest one.

I been in the game 20 years and there are still steroids I haven't tried - mostly due to them being available and real - primo and masteron come to mind.

We need to look at all the benefits of AAS both negative and positive.
If I were competing today the only time I would use tren and orals would be the last few weeks before a contest, and would never do orals like anadrol and off season like many do today they give false gains and wreck your lipid and liver profiles.
is that another 5% er? LOL let's see grab my 5% water jug, get some new tats buy some 5%er clothing and I am hardcore!! Don't forget to say "F**k it!!!" 2-3 times in every sentence AND .... Oh yea .... KILL IT!! LMAO! :D

Speaking of eating shit been watching rich piana's videos, and he eats junk 24/7 non stop from processed fast food -must be the seros and cytomel since you can eat shit like aht and grow when on mega doses of human GH thyroid and roids.

Blood levels must look terrible though in people that do this.

I remember buying into that shit eating a junk meal or two on the weekend to "load" when on similar shit, and that was the first time my cholesterol went over 300 and triglycerides off the chart.
Live and learn. :)
I was doing 500mg test and 400mg tren. I followed the "tren and pizza" routine. My bloodwork was the fucking worst!! My lipids were garbage. My ratio was 11!!!

On 2g cycles after that, tren included in the second. My bloodwork looked great. My HDL was slightly under the range but total, LDL, and ratio were all in good range. My triglycerides are always low but they are half of what they were on that "tren and pizza" routine.

Like you said, you live and you learn. The smart ones learn much sooner and take the corrective actions.

Concreter is a freak. It also helps he works a very physically demanding job. I'd quit that shit lol. I work behind a desk drinking coffee and going to meetings [emoji6]
I don't disagree on the processed food comment but my personal experience has been anavar and winstrol wrecked my cholesterol ratios while on them as well as anadrol and dianabol.

Deca and Tren were also hard on the ratios as well.

Testosterone seems to be the mildest one.

I been in the game 20 years and there are still steroids I haven't tried - mostly due to them being available and real - primo and masteron come to mind.

We need to look at all the benefits of AAS both negative and positive.

If I were competing today the only time I would use tren and orals would be the last few weeks before a contest, and would never do orals like anadrol and off season like many do today they give false gains and wreck your lipid and liver profiles.

Yea that's why my doses are 150-200mg test and 2.5iu gh for good now. I still look great and can be healthier on just that. Every time I've tried to up the doses again, I just ran into problems like elevated heart rate and anxiety and quit no more than 4 weeks in. Lesson learned.
A lot of its genetics!
Dads 100% Italian 5'9"@ 170lbs but moms German and granddad was 6'@ 240.
I got the big bones and the fast metabolism.
Honestly I hardly drink all winter, 6 pack a week while bulking and eat at least 6000cals.
This gets me to 260-265 still under 10%. I maintain 250 all summer on 500 test 6-800 primo. 3 shakes a day total 250 pro and 100+ carbs. Then a few beers after work, 6-12 which is what 600-1200 cals!..No harm while doing chores and sitting by the pool. Then a big dinner, My Milk which I crave every night, cookies, icecream and chocolates. 100 grams of cereal around midnite.
Still just about enuff to maintain. I actually look 10x better when not missing my icecream.
Now I am not sure how many rice cakes or servings of fruit would equal my desert but it would be exteamly tuff to find the time to eat that much while having a extreamily busy lifestyle
I simpily need tons of cals.
6 weeks ? I can lose 15 lbs in 6 days if I don't eat 4000cals a day.
Photo shoot today at Devils Island, I'll post a few pics of the best reason to be in great shape while living large!

The Last thing I am is a Liar...That would just be silly!

i always wonder when i hear people who always eat the same thing at a certain time of day or always /need to eat a particular thing . For me its pb and j . Did you always eat cereal and ice cream before bed
Yea that's why my doses are 150-200mg test and 2.5iu gh for good now. I still look great and can be healthier on just that.

This is where I want to be EXACTLY once my competing days are behind me.. run that as long as I live
i always wonder when i hear people who always eat the same thing at a certain time of day or always /need to eat a particular thing . For me its pb and j . Did you always eat cereal and ice cream before bed

When US guys write peanut butter and jelly I assume the jelly is jam? Like a strawberry conserve? Do you like blueberry jam... I like that with peanut butter at times. Jelly over here is a completely different thing... I believe it's what you call jello?

The last time I made burgers I actually made my own patties with a good ground beef and placed peppers inside the meat. Then I used a combo of peanut butter, raspberry jam, tomatoes, lettuce etc. They tasted amazing if I don't say so myself :D
When US guys write peanut butter and jelly I assume the jelly is jam? Like a strawberry conserve? Do you like blueberry jam... I like that with peanut butter at times. Jelly over here is a completely different thing... I believe it's what you call jello?

The last time I made burgers I actually made my own patties with a good ground beef and placed peppers inside the meat. Then I used a combo of peanut butter, raspberry jam, tomatoes, lettuce etc. They tasted amazing if I don't say so myself :D

yes, here in US we there are 2 types of fruit spread, either jelly or jam. jam spreads better than jelly.... it is jello-esque but not quite as hard as jello.

I always heard people eat things that are comfort foods when having a sweet tooth. when a young boy my dad owned a gym and my mom was an aerobic instructor. we ate VERY clean. never had candy in the house, sugar had to be 5th ingredient or more in any cereal we bought etc.... so when I get hit with the munchies late night I go for pb and jam, cereal with honey poured on top... fruit, cheese sticks with almonds... and any crap food IF we have it but we rarely do. I basically binge eat on kinda healthy stuff but at the amounts I eat it late night I end up bloated and way over caloric goal lol
yes, here in US we there are 2 types of fruit spread, either jelly or jam. jam spreads better than jelly.... it is jello-esque but not quite as hard as jello.

I always heard people eat things that are comfort foods when having a sweet tooth. when a young boy my dad owned a gym and my mom was an aerobic instructor. we ate VERY clean. never had candy in the house, sugar had to be 5th ingredient or more in any cereal we bought etc.... so when I get hit with the munchies late night I go for pb and jam, cereal with honey poured on top... fruit, cheese sticks with almonds... and any crap food IF we have it but we rarely do. I basically binge eat on kinda healthy stuff but at the amounts I eat it late night I end up bloated and way over caloric goal lol

Thanks for letting me know. I do have a sweet tooth but I very rarely get anything like that now. I used to eat massive amounts of sweets (candy) when I was young. I would get sugar coated candy like sour astro belts. I remember getting £5 when I was really young which was quite a lot of money for a kid to have back then. I bought 100 5p astro belts and ate them all in 1 sitting. That must be about 500g sugar in one go :eek:

I see Jello is a trademark from Kraft on google. We have jelly (jello) in the UK and I love the taste but it's more a kids thing like in the US. I used to like blackcurrant jelly when I was a kid. When I got older I did make it a few times but with real fruit pieces inside. Vodka jello is ok for parties too :D

From my experience most US cereals are made of crap but I do like the taste of Marshmallow Matey's and Lucky Charms.

I pretty much followed my plan today of having all the carbs back in but from good sources. However I went wrong at the end. Not picking a bad carb but just eating too much of the bread I bought. For some reason I thought it was 270g but it was 370g and I ate the whole thing. That's over 150g carbs and I added some milk as a treat. I was a bloated mess then passed out and woke up at 2:30am :eek: Gonna go the gym about 7am as I am not tired now :eek::)
yes, here in US we there are 2 types of fruit spread, either jelly or jam. jam spreads better than jelly.... it is jello-esque but not quite as hard as jello.

I always heard people eat things that are comfort foods when having a sweet tooth. when a young boy my dad owned a gym and my mom was an aerobic instructor. we ate VERY clean. never had candy in the house, sugar had to be 5th ingredient or more in any cereal we bought etc.... so when I get hit with the munchies late night I go for pb and jam, cereal with honey poured on top... fruit, cheese sticks with almonds... and any crap food IF we have it but we rarely do. I basically binge eat on kinda healthy stuff but at the amounts I eat it late night I end up bloated and way over caloric goal lol

trust me im the same way. and I come from a family of picky eaters one of my cousins only eats a handful of things. I ate pb and jam for lunch every day until highschool lol. I also ate cereal before bed too but my favourite cereal got discontinued it was called Cruncheroos with the purple dinosaur it was the greatest like oatier crunchier bigger cheerios with cinnamon flavour lol Cant believe I still remember them lol. I like rice krispies with marshmallows too but those were limited edition.

Elvia - yea I like jam its funny because I use to use sugar free but I would use pretty much a tbl spoon until I ran out and only had reg at home and guess fuckin wat all I needed was a teaspoon and at the end Im getting less sugar and it tastes better. My favourite it raspberry with the seeds strawberry is decent too. But what really matters is the bread. I like those flat out breads there actually only 20carbs but I like them because there thicker then regular tortillas and not as thick as pita bread and regular white or brown bread.

Fuck I eat 1-6 pb and jam sandwiches a day because I can eat it in so many different ways. lol I actually switched over to almond butter and cocnut -pb just because all my fats come from this.
i always wonder when i hear people who always eat the same thing at a certain time of day or always /need to eat a particular thing . For me its pb and j . Did you always eat cereal and ice cream before bed

Always milk and chocolate of some kind pre-bed. The more the better to retain fullness. The cereal is late nite after midnite when I awake to evacuate.
Slept threw the cereal last night and going to need extra cals today for recomp.
Looked great yesyerday, today a little flat!
Like I just posted .. Last meal was snickers and Reese .. Oh and a lot of milk ..
i always wonder when i hear people who always eat the same thing at a certain time of day or always /need to eat a particular thing . For me its pb and j . Did you always eat cereal and ice cream before bed

I use to always eat a pb and banana sandwich before bed... now ive switched to ice cream and milk lol
Forgot one, from that night.
I also have a few from Sunday's outing.
Today, just poured concrete for 4 hours, came home jumped in the pool, Got out and started Pucking up a gallon of liquids.
Protien shake gone bad ?? Some kingd of food poisoning??.
Gonna cost me 10 lbs by tomarrow.


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Forgot one, from that night.
I also have a few from Sunday's outing.
Today, just poured concrete for 4 hours, came home jumped in the pool, Got out and started Pucking up a gallon of liquids.
Protien shake gone bad ?? Some kingd of food poisoning??.
Gonna cost me 10 lbs by tomarrow.

Hey Concreter, do you mind if I ask what brand GH you're using?

I assume a generic to be running 10iu a day, I don't know your financial status but 10iu a day of Pharma would be like 2k a month alone lol
Forgot one, from that night.

I also have a few from Sunday's outing.

Today, just poured concrete for 4 hours, came home jumped in the pool, Got out and started Pucking up a gallon of liquids.

Protien shake gone bad ?? Some kingd of food poisoning??.

Gonna cost me 10 lbs by tomarrow.

How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Also is that a hernia? Looking very good
Still have a few kits white top Russian's and sciroxx.
I jump around on there use. I think the sciroxx hold less water, I only run 10iu pre workout know 2-3 days a week and 2.5/2.5 on off days.

Turning 48 in September and yes the umbilical hernia.
Had it for 4-5 yrs, went in last yr to fix and turned into a fiasco.
Failed the MRI and they cancelled the surgery. Then went to the cardiologist to find I have a slightly thickend heart.
The clincher is the Dr. says its pretty normal for a guy like me. lol
Blew my recovery window and I'll have to start the runaround w the Dr's earlier has to not interfere w concrete season..

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