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how much sacreaded


Feb 6, 2006
My question- when we have sex, unprotected with our women- How much juice do we excread in our woman?
We know we swet it out
we pee and shit it out
we know our bodies do not break every little bit down
You ever watch a girl when you are on and you are not using any protection?
There moods are off
some get a little hair on there faces
some's bodies get tighter
some just get crampy and have worst periods
I am with mine a lot and see alot of changes when I am on
Am I going crazy or do I have something here?
I have posted this question on so many boards over the years and no one has an answer.
I would love to know
(I know I have to learn to spell)
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Noy sure if this is what you're asking...

Are you asking if the women are affected by men's hormone levels when the men are using AAS? That somehow the AAS are passed on to women in sperm?

If this is what you're asking, the answer is they aren't affected at all, because AAS are not passed on in sperm (or any other body fluid).
Testosterone, in any form, is aromatized by the liver and aromatase enzyme in fat cells into an estrogen (thus the need for anti-estrogens when using AAS).
The estrogen isn't passed on either as this is conjugated to other chemicals (and therefore inactive) and excreted in urine.
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Are you trying to blame PMS on unintended roid rage? LOL.:D

Maybe when estrogen is secreted via the transfer of bodily fluids during sex it produces gyno in the male. ;)
every time I am on juice. My woman has real bad pms, bleeds real heavy,has real bad cramps, she has reactions like she has to much test in her body. I have talked to many and they have seen this also in there partners.
I will never ever beleave that the liver breaks down all the juice. ( mostly how heavy these modern ASS users use) I have to break out the books again. I think it may have been Dan Duchane that said that we excreted it out in urine, swet, saliva and so on. What ever is not broken down is exrcreted out of us.
squatster said:
every time I am on juice. My woman has real bad pms, bleeds real heavy,has real bad cramps, she has reactions like she has to much test in her body. I have talked to many and they have seen this also in there partners.
I will never ever beleave that the liver breaks down all the juice. ( mostly how heavy these modern ASS users use) I have to break out the books again. I think it may have been Dan Duchane that said that we excreted it out in urine, swet, saliva and so on. What ever is not broken down is exrcreted out of us.

I am not understanding how haveing real bad cramps and bleeding real heavey during her period is an indication that she has too much test.

sorry - for the past few days I have to much time on my hands. Mabie it is just my woman acting crazy becouse I look to dam good while on juice, Or mabie I am way to agressive in the bed when I am just ripping her apart
I still want to here more on this excreation though.
If we ever did excread juice in our sperm, we would definitly goof our partners up. That would be real bad for a pregnent person
who else has an opinion?
who else cares for there partners?
(Have I lost it??)
Crowler said:
I am not understanding how haveing real bad cramps and bleeding real heavey during her period is an indication that she has too much test.


It is only when I am on gear. She has a normal cycle when I am clean, normal moods, adn so on
squatster said:
It is only when I am on gear. She has a normal cycle when I am clean, normal moods, adn so on

I am understanding that part. What I don't understand is how you are thinking that if a women were to take Test injections/secreations this would cause them to have more profound effects from a period.

This would mean that female bodybuilders have increase blood flow and increased cramps during their periods.


This is truly a nonsense discussion!

You guys can "believe" anything you want, but my suggestion would be to do a bit of research on the subject.

I don't care what Dan DuCheine had to say - while he was right on a number of things, he was also wrong on a number of things, and certainly had no science background.
Dad said:
This is truly a nonsense discussion!

You guys can "believe" anything you want, but my suggestion would be to do a bit of research on the subject.

I don't care what Dan DuCheine had to say - while he was right on a number of things, he was also wrong on a number of things, and certainly had no science background.

No kidding. That would have to be a lot of gear being secreted in the sperm to cause those sides in the woman. And then the woman's vagina would have to be able to absorb the gear out of the sperm? I don't think so.
The only logical solution is that you're all just going to have to use condoms in order to spare your women the suffering. Ha!:D
I cant even believe this is being discussed. Bro my girl has tried AAS and never experinced what you say while on let alone passing through sperm.

If that was the case my girl would not have to eat ever again because all the extra protiens,antioxidents and mulitvitamins I take must be getting transferred to her from my sperm when we have sex.
Dad said:
This is truly a nonsense discussion!

You guys can "believe" anything you want, but my suggestion would be to do a bit of research on the subject.

I don't care what Dan DuCheine had to say - while he was right on a number of things, he was also wrong on a number of things, and certainly had no science background.

Dan was wrong on many many things indead my frend. You must think I am a dumb ass. You are corect I am- I will always admit that.( I can't spell for shit eather)
These kind of things should be discused here.
I had just posted it to get some people together thinking for them selves. And most of all thinking of there partners. Most juicers I know think about them selves and no one else. That is ok but family is every thing and we should try to keep our partners healthy,
I have been doing juice for 24 years now. The internet is incredable now. A lot of very smart people here at this board Not just book smart,a lot of comen sence and these people here talking from experiance and the experences of some of the best out there. Most of the other boards out there are all people that know how to read a book and look up stuff, Thay have no practicle nolage,no comen sence,I see mabie 2 people on some boards that may know there stuff, but here I am blown away. Don't worry I will do my part soon, I have a lot of years and nolage to shere with you all.I love to test people and thories though.
Like people saying you can't get bitch tits from Trenabolone. That is were I got mine 15 or more years ago. I had a tity a tren tity.
It is funny- one kid on a nother board said his girl could taste when he was on juice from his cum (sorry) sperm
Could she?? I don't know I'm not trying it

So you are saying that we could not even swet juice out of our pores eather. I do have one question for a nother post though.
I know I am bringing up old posts, some are the best ones, this one isn't

Come to find out, my girl had bad Endometriosis
She ended up having Laparoscopy surgery. And then had to go on Lupron for a long time to lowering or stopping testosterone production.
I have a few good reads to think a little about coming up

Scientist Discovers Cattle Hormones That Leak Into Streams And Alter Fish Reproduction​

Date:December 22, 2003Source:St. Mary's College Of MarylandSummary:A study released in early December by a group of scientists shows that hormones leaking into streams from cattle feedlots are altering the sexual characteristics of wild fish.Share:


A study released in early December by a group of scientists shows that hormones leaking into streams from cattle feedlots are altering the sexual characteristics of wild fish.
Edward Orlando, assistant professor of biology at St. Mary's College of Maryland (SMCM), was the leading author in the study that included researchers from five U.S. institutions. The scientists examined minnows in three streams that flow into Nebraska's Elkhorn River. Their findings showed "significant alterations in the reproductive biology" of fish immediately downstream from a large Nebraska cattle feedlot.
The scientists said they do not know whether the damage was caused by natural hormones in cattle or by synthetic ones administered to the animals. Their report states that the findings "clearly demonstrate" that effluent from feedlots is hormonally active, whether it is natural or synthetic. About 30 million head of cattle are raised in U.S. feedlots each year, and nearly all are implanted with growth-promoting synthetic hormones.
Orlando said the scientists took their samples from a site directly connected to a retention pond at the base of a large feedlot. Several spots along the river contained hormones, indicating that "this [result] is not due to one farm in one location." Orlando added that laboratory tests from the study showed that the feed-lot effluent-receiving site contained a complex and potent mix of androgens (male sex hormones), and estrogens (female hormones).
According to the study, published in the online version of the scientific journal Environmental Health Perspectives, the male fish had one-third less testosterone and their testes were about half as big as those of unexposed fish upstream. The female fish had about 20 percent less estrogen and 45 percent more testosterone than females from the uncontaminated stream.
The scientists caution that further investigation of livestock farms is "urgently needed if we are to understand the possible adverse effects of these compounds on aquatic ecosystem health." They say the priority should be to identify the compounds that altered the fish, and "determine whether they were natural or pharmaceutical in origin."
Hormones are used to stimulate growth in cattle and help them produce more meat and less fat. According to a 1999 survey by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, about 99% of the nation's largest, factory-sized cattle feedlots use hormonal implants.
"Cattle can be treated with any number of androgenic or estrogenic chemicals, or combinations of synthetic androgens and estrogens," said Orlando. "We do not know what the cattle in this feedlot were treated with or what was in the effluent. This is really the first study of this kind, and there are lots of questions, but few answers, so far."

This study was conducted on wild fish in Nebraska's Elkhorn River. It is unknown whether the hormones implanted into cattle have any effect on human beings, "but, we do know that human exposure is minimal, given that only trace amounts of these synthetic hormones remain in the meat. In contrast to humans, aquatic wildlife is exposed to an unknown concentration of synthetic and natural hormones excreted by the cattle. We know little about the potential effects of hormone containing effluent from cattle feedlots or other concentrated animal feeding operations on fish and other aquatic wildlife," said Orlando.
Orlando plans similar studies for the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. He is currently submitting proposals to various funding sources to conduct research.

This Hormone Seems to Be Changing The Sex of Fish in U.S. Rivers​

MAY 11, 2015 5:19 PM EDT
A chemical compound used to stimulate weight gain in cows may be contaminating aquatic ecosystems in the United States and disrupting the reproductive processes of fish, according to a new study in the
journal Nature Communications.

Cattle farmers have been using the chemical compound trenbolone acetate (TBA) for decades. The hormone has a potentially toxic byproduct, 17-alpha-trenbolone, but earlier research had seemed to show
that the chemical breaks down and becomes harmless when exposed to sunlight. But it turns out that when the chemicals wind up in rivers and streams, they transform back into 17-alpha-trenbolone when it gets dark, according to new Nature Communications study.
As goes the compound, [so] goes the risk. In the sunlight the compound goes away, therefore the risk has also gone away,” said lead study author Adam Ward, assistant professor at Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs. “What our study shows is that chemically that’s not true.”
The full extent of the damage that may be caused by the hormone isn’t entirely clear. The hormone 17-alpha-trenbolone leaves cows through their manure and moves into rivers, streams and other bodies of water where it can disturb fish and other water dwellers. The hormone resembles testosterone in its effects, but it’s ten times as strong. It also has been shown to reverse the sex of fish and reduce their rates of reproduction. “We’re releasing this into the environment at levels that are potentially problematic for the ecosystem,” said Ward. “If you’re an amphibian, a fish, a minnow, you spend your whole life being bathed in this sort of low dose of testosterone.”

The implications of the research challenge the way regulators approach risk management in water systems, Ward said. Typical water management programs assess the risk that individual substances pose to the water supply. Managing 17-alpha-trenbolone and all of its related compounds requires considering “potency of mixtures,” Ward said, not just the potency of individual compounds. And trenbolone acetate is far from the only endocrine disruptor affecting aquatic life in lakes and streams across the country, according to research from the U.S. Geological Survey. Vinclozolin, a fungicide, and insecticides like DDT and carbaryl have also led to similar changes.
The prevailing wisdom on risk management is incomplete,” he said. “We’ve got tens of thousands of compounds that we produce and use in this country every year, but we don’t know what happens to them into the environment in complicated systems.”
My question- when we have sex, unprotected with our women- How much juice do we excread in our woman?
We know we swet it out
we pee and shit it out
we know our bodies do not break every little bit down
You ever watch a girl when you are on and you are not using any protection?
There moods are off
some get a little hair on there faces
some's bodies get tighter
some just get crampy and have worst periods
I am with mine a lot and see alot of changes when I am on
Am I going crazy or do I have something here?
I have posted this question on so many boards over the years and no one has an answer.
I would love to know
(I know I have to learn to spell)
Reads like something my autistic, Down’s syndrome cousin, Leroy would write.
‘Sacreaded’ 🤦🏻‍♂️

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