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Huge study on fat vs carb intake and mortality


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jan 19, 2009
**broken link removed**

saw this just got published. very interesting finding that saturated fat had an inverse correlation to stroke. I believe some may have a predisposition to metabolize carbohydrates more efficiently due to genetic variants like apo-e, apob deficiencies etc, and higher than normal insulin sensitivity, but it seems fats are the choice energy source for promoting longevity. Couple these findings with some of the recent publications in BMJ showing high insulin levels and insulin resistane as greater predictors for cardiovascular disease than lipids and you have a pretty strong argument.
Literally nothing surprising about this at all
It's not a "mistake" in their eyes, as it's a major source of revenue. Thus is/was/will continue to be a masterfully constructed plan of deception praying on those without the willingness or desire to think for themselves, nor the work ethic to make the right choice as opposed to the convenient one.
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I just believe in well balanced meals/diets. I have healthy fat (olive oil, avacado) with every meal. Stick to that 40/40/20 Protein/Carb/Fat with every meal and keep it balanced. I think the importance of the fat in each meal is it keeps your insulin from spiking and balances it out. But im no scientist. But its why i think the fat is important. Regulates your hormones.
It's not a "mistake" in their eyes, as it's a major source of revenue. Thus is/was/will continue to be a masterfully constructed plan of deception praying on those without the willingness or desire to think for themselves, nor the work ethic to make the right choice as opposed to the convenient one.

I remember last year we found out that Harvard paid scientists many years ago to blame heart disease on fats instead of sugar.
I remember last year we found out that Harvard paid scientists many years ago to blame heart disease on fats instead of sugar.

Yep, and there is so much more deception going on beyond that. I wont go into details because alot of it is political.
It's not a "mistake" in their eyes, as it's a major source of revenue. Thus is/was/will continue to be a masterfully constructed plan of deception praying on those without the willingness or desire to think for themselves, nor the work ethic to make the right choice as opposed to the convenient one.

agreed. it shows in the number of type 2 diabetics and people presenting with NAFLD and NASH. Their ignorance to diet is the reason they are sick
I love when people say fat, saturated fat is bad. Myelin is basically a fatter (insulation) covering some critical nerves which make signals move faster. This is also what makes up "white matter" in the brain. It is ESSENTIAL! Demyelination is linked to brain disorders associated with aging.

Or Cholesterol... It is also essential in every cell of your body and for production of many hormones.
I remember last year we found out that Harvard paid scientists many years ago to blame heart disease on fats instead of sugar.

lol im sure you saw this, i know G did...
on another board there was a post about a dr coming out n admitting that at least 50% of the "medical" info out there is false. bought paid for, blah blah...
all things we already know.

we basically sound like conspiracy theorists to most people...:banghead:

the truth is out there just gotta read through lots of bs to figure it out... :star-wars

side note.. the one above well kinda knew though...
carbs=systemic inflammation in a nut shell.
now if i could just stop eating them! :eek::banghead::rolleyes:
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nope haha its funny tho how long it takes the US government to admit their mistake

The nutritional science didn't support the original food pyramid the gov'n released even then. The grain lobby did though. So we have 60ish years of it ingrained in peoples thinking (no pun intended). My M-I-L still drain the fat off everything and can't figure out why she keeps gaining weight on high carbs.
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I have Parkinson's and when I eat carbs the symptoms get much worse!
I'm starting this diet Monday wife is heading to the store now to get everything.
3 whole eggs
4 slices bacon
4 tablespoons sour cream
2 slices cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons butter
½ cup heavy cream

2 cups spinach
1 avocado
3 oz. regular ground beef
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 slice cheddar cheese

Meal Alternative
2 teaspoons coconut oil
4 ounces prime rib
3 whole eggs
1 cup spinach
½ cup feta cheese
½ cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons sour cream
I have Parkinson's and when I eat carbs the symptoms get much worse!
I'm starting this diet Monday wife is heading to the store now to get everything.
3 whole eggs
4 slices bacon
4 tablespoons sour cream
2 slices cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons butter
½ cup heavy cream

2 cups spinach
1 avocado
3 oz. regular ground beef
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 slice cheddar cheese

Meal Alternative
2 teaspoons coconut oil
4 ounces prime rib
3 whole eggs
1 cup spinach
½ cup feta cheese
½ cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons sour cream

neurochemistry my:lightbulb: friend!
carbs fuck with... reward system/dopamine....
parkinsons is all about dopamine issues.:lightbulb:

while i "think" that a high fat diet could be benificial to those with cns deterioration you could probably do a lil better there.

regular medicine does shit for what you have n symilar.
all the best dude.

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