I figured I would put this out here on the boars to see what some of you would say about it. I would really like to hear LATS, Magnums, or anybody for that reason to voice your opinion. Over at t-nation they started their I bodybuilder articles which is a big push for their supps. which are just Pepto pro, beta-alanine and creatine. That being said their training which is totally different and they call it "the perfecr rep" which you ramp up from say 50% of your max to 855 of your max over say 7-8 sets but only doing 3 reps each set explosively. I was always under the assumption of time under tension. The volume is really high. they have specializtion workouts for every bodypart hitting that specialized bodypart 3x a week and everything else 1-2 times minimally. I think on the shoulder specializtion you will hit 40-50 sets of delts a week, but only for 2-6 weeks until you move on to another bodypart. I don't know time under tension or multiple sets of 3 reps explosively almost like a Westside dynamic day with 3 exercises of 7 sets each. What do ya think???