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I heard from MikeS today...

Someone should send Rick an email linking these two threads and I think he will see that if he does not back up MikeS then it will be a black mark with the opinions of the people that buy his book and use his service. He will just be another cheesy lawyer.
I sent him an email this morning about how I felt charging him 17k. I suggest others do the same to get the point across.

Tempest said:
I sent him an email this morning about how I felt charging him 17k. I suggest others do the same to get the point across.


What's his email address? I'll make sure he gets plenty from all over the world... :D :D :cool:
bgmke7 said:
holy shit,$17k and i know for a fact Rick will want to find a board certified lawyer in mike's area and use him for all the leg work. Rick will want to handle only the steroid side of things and probably do this through phone conversations.For that kinda money he better be sitting right next to mike and do all the damn work himself.hell,like everyones been saying i think mike should have Rick's entire firm at his side from all the publicity mike has thrown Rick's way over the years.i cant believe rick would quote him 17 grand.i wish mike the best of luck.im hoping he isnt in too much trouble but if he is i think people need to demand that rick take the case pro bono.i think i have a right to do that seeing as i have a copy of his book,so i have put money into rick's pocket and the book didnt tell me anything that i already didnt know.
I'm pretty sure the 17 grand is for MikeS to retain a "local" lawyer who then collaberates with Rick, who would also charge an additional fee. I didn't see mention of this but the 17k could be for both lawyers.:confused:
I have reviewed this thread and spoken with MikeS. He and I met several years ago on his original case in which he was accused of trafficking steroids but was in possession of an amount consistent with personal use. My hard work in that case paid off for Mike, and he was grateful not only for the result but also for the very, very low fee I charged (especially given the time and travel involved. Ouch!). While I handled that matter at a financial loss, I made a friend for life. In the years that followed, Mike wrote well of me on the boards – not because he was some kind of “advertiser” or promoter but because (unlike most of the posters in this thread) he knows me well and he and I have spent a lot of time together. He truly believes in me, my ideals, my skills, and my goals. He and I are friends, and we share many views on AAS. I was deeply saddened to hear about Mike’s most recent trouble at a very early stage. However, as things played out, certain factors, regrettably occasioned by Mike’s being such an all-around good guy, created a situation wherein it was not possible for me to be Mike’s lawyer on this case. I connected him with the best local lawyer I could find after a diligent search. That lawyer, not me, quoted a fee, offering to include or “build in” my limited involvement as a consultant on general steroid issues (most good lawyers have virtually no knowledge about AAS) as a very small portion of that fee. I have indicated to him that I do not wish to share in the fee, and he has reduced the fee by $2,000 to reflect my share. I have no connection with the amount of the fee as it stands. I will stand by Mike in every permissible way that I can, free of charge. Those who do know me know that I have often reduced my fees based on hardship and in some cases (such as in the case of a Katrina victim being dogged by cops for minor steroid violations) have performed work pro bono. While I greatly appreciate all of Mike’s kind words about me over the years (and the kind words of so many others), what I appreciate even more is his trust and faith in me and his abiding friendship. Stay strong, brother. Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I have to get back to work.

Rick Collins said:
I have reviewed this thread and spoken with MikeS. He and I met several years ago on his original case in which he was accused of trafficking steroids but was in possession of an amount consistent with personal use. My hard work in that case paid off for Mike, and he was grateful not only for the result but also for the very, very low fee I charged (especially given the time and travel involved. Ouch!). While I handled that matter at a financial loss, I made a friend for life. In the years that followed, Mike wrote well of me on the boards – not because he was some kind of “advertiser” or promoter but because (unlike most of the posters in this thread) he knows me well and he and I have spent a lot of time together. He truly believes in me, my ideals, my skills, and my goals. He and I are friends, and we share many views on AAS. I was deeply saddened to hear about Mike’s most recent trouble at a very early stage. However, as things played out, certain factors, regrettably occasioned by Mike’s being such an all-around good guy, created a situation wherein it was not possible for me to be Mike’s lawyer on this case. I connected him with the best local lawyer I could find after a diligent search. That lawyer, not me, quoted a fee, offering to include or “build in” my limited involvement as a consultant on general steroid issues (most good lawyers have virtually no knowledge about AAS) as a very small portion of that fee. I have indicated to him that I do not wish to share in the fee, and he has reduced the fee by $2,000 to reflect my share. I have no connection with the amount of the fee as it stands. I will stand by Mike in every permissible way that I can, free of charge. Those who do know me know that I have often reduced my fees based on hardship and in some cases (such as in the case of a Katrina victim being dogged by cops for minor steroid violations) have performed work pro bono. While I greatly appreciate all of Mike’s kind words about me over the years (and the kind words of so many others), what I appreciate even more is his trust and faith in me and his abiding friendship. Stay strong, brother. Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I have to get back to work.

|--[\\\]>--------- Wow...awsome having Rick Collins by your side as a lawyer and as a friend. Thank you for comig to our board. i have consulted with you in the past a few times pertaining to some issues i had a bout 2 yrs ago. This man knows his stuff and everyone would be smart to program his # into your phones in case you ever need his services. Thank you Rick for being suck a good friend to MikeS...its unfortunate what has happened, but when myself and the others here at PM heard you were behind him, we felt a little better.
Wonderfully put....

I haven't dealt with any other attorneys in my life, other than a divorce lawyer. However, for Rick to take the time out to respond and let everyone know how he personally applied himself to this situation, that saids a hell of a lot about this guy. Thanks.
So Rick Collins IS helping out MikeS for FREE as his friend!!
The way I read it it looks Like he is Now the biggest Help here
and leads all donations with 2000$ of his time and Work....
(im sure the ways things are in the community" these days his time must be
well booked in advance)
That Says A LOT About the Man in my opinion... I wish I had friends that
would step up like that... Let me tell ya there few and far between.

I would Like to say to Rick If you happen to read this again Thank you for not only taking the time to Stop in here and post but Most of all for Taking your time to help out Mike! Im glad you cleared that up.
Ok there you have it what you read is what I know. He did say he would reply and post and did. Please remember to be respectful as he is a professional when you post.

If there is anything else that is needed that could help MIKES let me know looks like BigA has already taken care of the donation area but if another is needed or anything auction for a few items. I would donate them as well. Stay safe be courteous as not much else is needed to be said except how to help MIKES as he has the best in his corner. MM
RICK.. THAT IS GREAT.. i think many of us are just concerned for mikes.. he is lucky to have you by his side.. with mikes compliments and promotion, i purchased your book and it is great.. again, it is great that you are aiding in his case.. i hope this can work out for the best..:D
I hope I never meet or need you professionally, Rick, but until I meet you for beers for no reason I think you're a hell of a guy. If you're ever in Northern Michigan, look me up for skiing, hunting, fishing, biking or drinking.
I will do anything needed to help Mike, lemme know

I've been ion contacyt w Mike over tha last gew days....He got a raw deal and I hope you guys who know who asswipe Piere is have some ideas of a way to make that peice a shit sorry he ever was born...
Rick is consulting on Mikes case, but I didn;t get into $$ discussion w Mike...so anyway I agree on a fund, Mike has spent alot of time here and has helped alot of people out with advice and info....including me.. So I am in for the donations to help with his case, tuff year for Mike and he is in my prayers daily.. so keep me posted on anything we can do to help.. or anything I can do in the process to help with the funding ect..
Was the thread on how to donate to MikeS legal taken down? I saw it after work, but not now.
i guess as a success story to make mikes feel better... i have freinds that had much worse worse cases then you and came out with just probation(he broke every law) so just "keep your head up". ill be happy to contribute atleast $20 to mike(im broke) since hes an vet/respectable guy..... name the person, as long as it is a respectable person..
well my LANTA...

i have been away for a couple weeks. and MY LORD!!! what the F happened??? im guessing a bad run in with the authorities???

anyone want to PM me and fill me in?>?> this is not a good thing, but with RICK COLLINS on his side... well, i would imagine he should come out lookin better than if any other lawywer helped him out...

Your a good man Rick!! And MikeS stay strong brother we're gonna get you taken care of as much as we can. Keep us informed on how things are goin. take care bro

Lets just say RICK COLLINS is a true gentleman

When my CLOSE FRIEND ran into legal troubles over AAS a few years ago, he made some calls to Mr.Collins office. Had some questions about prices, what Rick could do for him, how Rick argues the cases, how he breaks things down for the local attorney's and prosecutor, and lots other "what if?" or "how to?" questions I can not think of at this time.

Needless to say, was my friend SURPRISED when Rick called him back PERSONALLY
(I think the very same day) and answered all his questions. Not a quick "you got 5 minutes kid, what do you want to know" but a very polite "this is Richard Collins, what is your situation and how may I help you?"

It must have been at least a 30 minute phone call!!

And how much did Mr.Collins charge my friend for all of his professional time and Legal advice over the phone??


Thats right, absolutely nothing! And my friend even offered to pay him and Rick said "no thanks, glad to help".

Through my friends case a few more questions arose and every time he called Mr. Collins office in NY, he either took the time right then and there to talk to my friend, or he returned his calls within 24 hours.

I dont know about you, but I have spoken to lots of lawyers in my time - you know: divorce lawyers (not for me of course), criminal lawyers, court appointed lawyers, family lawyers, injury lawyers, legal malpractice lawyers, insurance lawyers, wrongful termination lawyers, the list goes on and on.....

And you know what? Even the lawyers who are/were local to me at the time, and who I paid CASH, never called me back the same day and never spoke to me with as much respect, as much concern, and with dignity as Mr.Collins did towards my close friend.

I have to say Rick Collins is truly one of the most passionate, giving, sincere, upfront and professional individuals (and an attorney no less) I have ever had the pleasure of talking to in my life.

I dont know if a few phone calls with my close friend would qualify me to be able to call Rick a friend, but if he remembers me or my friend at all it would be an honor to have Rick for a friend.

Anywhere, anytime, anyplace Rick, you need something, you give me a hollar!

** dont forget, I still owe you one (favor that is)


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