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I was asked if I was on steroids


Aug 24, 2006
A guy approached me yesterday and asked if I was on steroids. I first told him yes, a constant IV drip(I was thinking this guy is a fuckin idiot to ask some random stranger this question). I then used the classic comeback and told him no but thanks for asking. He proceeded to tell me that he has been on for two months and was wondering why he doesn't look like me. I told him I've been training for 14 years now. His response, "Oh, I don't really train that much." WTF? So I say, "But you're taking steroids?" Now here is what really got me. He then said, "well I want to get big but I don't want to work very hard to do it, plus I found out that I like pinning in my ass."

Now I don't want to believe that there are people this stupid walking around and he was just fucking with me. But, the expression on his face looked like he was being completely serious. Are people really this stupid, or was he just messing with me and looking like an idiot anyway?
you got hit on, particularly with his last comment, it was suggestive of his true desire.
That's how some people are.

He could be really stupid yes......but that is how I got to my local guy. I was doing dips he was next to me taking a break on a flat bench I knew who he was, he knew me from around kind of competitors as far as local gear went, so to college kids were doing rows and one kid couldn't get the 110lb dumbell off the ground and his face was smothered in zits. I said JEEZ i guess that dbol isn't doing shit for his strength, the guy next to me laughed then we went to opposites sides of the gym, 10 mins later he came over introduced his self.

The guy in this tread totally did it the wrong way. I know there are guys at my gym that juice it but I can tell just by there Ediquite that they are not guys I want in my circle.
well idk where you guys are from but on my end in my gym iits kind of open.. most of the police men and ALL of the staff there are into gear.. there is even a supplement store next to it who offers anything you need but that is neither here nor there.. ppl should never approach with that intention and then be soooo ignorant to the subject period.. some never cease to amaze me tho.. hahaha
The guy in this tread totally did it the wrong way. I know there are guys at my gym that juice it but I can tell just by there Ediquite that they are not guys I want in my circle.

1) Some people are dumb as bricks, although I seriously think that guy WAS TRULY hitting on you!
2) Lots of people take AAS thinking they will be big and strong in no time, and later complain of the sides and no gains
3) Liftalot, what the hell does "ediquite" mean??? You mean etiquette?
there are alot of assbags that still believe steroids magically transform you into a super muscular behemoth capable of lifting mid-sized buicks with ease. it's nobody's business but yours regarding the use of aas. tell them you look the way you do because you practice cannibalism.
My wife used to intervene and tell the idiots, why yes I feed him steroids everyday. Then they would ask how did you get so buff, my answer would be I would hope after 35 years of lifting 5 days a week that I would have something to show.
A guy approached me yesterday and asked if I was on steroids. I first told him yes, a constant IV drip(I was thinking this guy is a fuckin idiot to ask some random stranger this question). I then used the classic comeback and told him no but thanks for asking. He proceeded to tell me that he has been on for two months and was wondering why he doesn't look like me. I told him I've been training for 14 years now. His response, "Oh, I don't really train that much." WTF? So I say, "But you're taking steroids?" Now here is what really got me. He then said, "well I want to get big but I don't want to work very hard to do it, plus I found out that I like pinning in my ass."

Now I don't want to believe that there are people this stupid walking around and he was just fucking with me. But, the expression on his face looked like he was being completely serious. Are people really this stupid, or was he just messing with me and looking like an idiot anyway?

You should have asked him in return, If he sucks cock?
from what i can see, the rate of stupidity in the general public has to be near 85%.................gota be
I would assume that ANYONE asking me about gear is a cop and would tell them to move the fuck out of my way.
I would assume that ANYONE asking me about gear is a cop and would tell them to move the fuck out of my way.

well most, well at least from where i live dont bother the bros about it, most of them even are officers themselves..

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