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interview with frank zane ..excerpt


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 12, 2009
Muscle & Strength: What are some realistic goals that a young natural bodybuilder can shoot for?

Frank Zane: I will say the idea that a 250-280 pound physique is attainable is a lie. These guys are taking tons of steroids and hormones. That is why they look like that. Bodybuilding has become a drug subculture. It is out of control. And that is why I do not get involved with it. I do not follow it. I report on it. I publish a magazine called Building the Body, which is devoted to natural training methods and taking advantage of nutritional methods. Just everything that I have done during my career.

I think it is all wrong where it is headed, and it is going to be a disaster. I think it is going to be like a Gallagher concert, one of these big bloated guys is going to explode on stage and the first three rows are going to get blood and guts all over them. So it might be a good idea if you are going to a pro show, you should take a rain jacket with you, it could happen at any time.

some may agree with him but wasnt his nickname the chemist? is he claiming to be completley natural? :confused:
i give this no more than 24 hours till its deleted or people start arguing about it
Zane's "chemistry" back in the day is a long way off where things are today. What they did back then would look natural compared to what goes into a top pro today.
I agree with him to some extent.

Some people want to be mass-monsters, and that's their choice. To acquire that level of development however is without doubt putting your health at risk - and not just because of drugs.

Some of us however would prefer a more aesthetic physique. That's our choice too - and obviously Frank's.
some may agree with him but wasnt his nickname the chemist? is he claiming to be completley natural? :confused:

His nickname was the chemist because he not only has a Masters Degree in Mathamatics but in Chemistry as well.
His nickname was the chemist because he not only has a Masters Degree in Mathamatics but in Chemistry as well.

I always called him The Mathematician.

Now I know why.
oh i seee now i feel likean asshole...makes sense (chemist) ... if i could i would be a freak and thats just my preference however alot of things need to be taken into consideration before going that route.. i will never be paid to be a bodybuilder so there is no logical reasoning. i just assumed that he used some sort of anabolic...
I never heard him referred to as the chemist myself. I think that was Gaspari's nick-name.
oh i seee now i feel likean asshole...makes sense (chemist) ... if i could i would be a freak and thats just my preference however alot of things need to be taken into consideration before going that route.. i will never be paid to be a bodybuilder so there is no logical reasoning. i just assumed that he used some sort of anabolic...

He did and he still does. He is on HRT now.
i assumed that he was def on now... noone is gunna look like that natty at that age..imo
It is funny though how the "standard" or status quo has evolved....used to be a dude who was 220 in reasonably decent shape was a big mofo, competing or not...now you'll find that all over the place due to increased drug use. Now if you're not 250+ at 5'2" you're not thick enough.

Kinda makes you wonder what it'll look like in 2020...and I LIKE the big fellas, as long as they can control their guts.
It's just Old skool Ideologies vs New skool Ideologies....

Serge felt the same way as Zane. IMO, that's two of the best BB physiques ever. I much prefer the look of the 70's over any other era by far.
One of the best bodies of all time. Aesthetically spot on. He, and many others are very unhappy with the direction of bodybuilding. We are seeing how many drugs the body can tolerate during bodybuilding now, not working toward what has for thousands of years been considered the aesthetic ideal. It is fun to see the freak shows, but he sees things differently.
Yes no wonder

I remember Frank zane saying it took him an hour to eat 3 shrimp.
His way of telling how focused he was on his pre contest diet
No wonder he was such a skinny little weak fuck. No i don't care what he "won". He looked like a triathlete. ectomorph jacked on aas and his
own self righteous ego back in the day. nobody liked that whinypuss
back then.

No wonder he was such a skinny little weak fuck. No i don't care what he "won". He looked like a triathlete. ectomorph jacked on aas and his
own self righteous ego back in the day. nobody liked that whinypuss
back then

I think you are right but to just be sure could you post up a picture of yourself like this one captured backstage (I think at the 1976 Mr America but not sure) so you can show us what a real bodybuilder looks like.
I think you are right but to just be sure could you post up a picture of yourself like this one captured backstage (I think at the 1976 Mr America but not sure) so you can show us what a real bodybuilder looks like.
View attachment 39862

I dont know about skinny weak fuck, what i do know is id love to have a body like frank.

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