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Is Hgh worth it for you ?


Well-known member / Kilo Klub
Mar 7, 2016
Was/has Hgh been worth it to you in terms of cost to results ratio? Thinking of adding it back it as it’s been a few years since I’ve ran it solid for a while. Input appreciated bros. Thanks
Was/has Hgh been worth it to you in terms of cost to results ratio? Thinking of adding it back it as it’s been a few years since I’ve ran it solid for a while. Input appreciated bros. Thanks
There are many brands/products on the market.
to answer as regards "cost to results ratio", we must first look at the cost.
if the hgh is of quality/real, the results are definitely there.
So, it all depends on how much you pay for it.
For me in general, yes. I'm a big fan of TP's, they treat me well. I look full, stay leaner and combined with higher Test and slin I grow like weed. Basically side free too.

However I recently tried a different hgh. Results where excellent, however on this hgh my RHR went up quite big which I wasn't used to so it had me anxious and gave big issues sleeping. It did have me doubting to quit hgh all together. But just got the oke on a few of the new Brown tops. I'm an addict :( haha
Yeah, man, it’s well worth it for me. Well worth it.

Even if you’re shoving 1/2-a full vial in daily, it’s the same cost as a lunch combo at Panera, depending on source.

I stay leaner, fuller, sleep better, recover faster… not sure I’ll ever take it out.

Grabbing some brown tops from TP soon to try, been running a mix of his stuff and a couple other great vendors here for a minute and it’s been all positive for me.
Sounds impossible, but I believe GH changed my physique permanently with the first use, which was 10iw MWF for about 6 weeks.

It mad me fuller and rounder and my skin much thinner. It also made me more vascular.

Even with years away from it, I stay leaner and fuller than before it's use.

Makes no sense, but there it is...

I haven't used it since my last prep in November 2019.
hard to say the ratio is worth it, but when you say worth it, its all about your budget, if ya got money the ratio is irrelevant, i would say if your broke then it would not be worth your money, tren and slin dirt cheap for what ya get
If you’re in your 20’s and only looking at taking 2-4iu then I’d say save your money. Only exception is if your competing trying to get to your max! If your in your past 36 and older, then definitely add in GH.

If you’re in your 20’s and only looking at taking 2-4iu then I’d say save your money. Only exception is if your competing trying to get to your max! If your in your past 36 and older, then definitely add in GH.

Agree here- in your 20's I just don't think the benefit outweighs the cost - have fun and slam Test/Tren... But from late 30's on up that shit is second lease on life. All the guys bringing up the cost being high need to make more friends around here 👀 it ain't 2005 anymore.

In my early 20's I was the strongest, my tendons and ligaments were teflon. Began getting injured weekly and decided to grow big rather than strong - ran my most aggressive cycles during this period had a lot of fun, experienced a shit ton of sides. At 40 HGH/trt with the occasional fun allows me to retain 90% of everything I grew in my 30's with zero sides.

Growing up I always thought Tren was the nectar of the gods - it's not, that's HGH.
Yah hgh at any dose is pretty damn awesome for me. As far as I'm concerned testosterone and hgh are always going to be the two at the very top.
I've been using PEDs since like 06 and had never used it until this year. I am only using 3 iu's and after 5 months I seem to be seeing some real macroscopic changes that I've never had before in terms of physique. It seems to be, for me at least, a definite part of that holy grail we are all chasing.
Yes. HGH was a real gamechanger for me. 4 UI was real good, 8 is amazing. Less roids more hgh
What differences did u see with 8iu vs 4iu?
Did you split the dosage when doing 8iu or all at once?
Sounds impossible, but I believe GH changed my physique permanently with the first use, which was 10iw MWF for about 6 weeks.

It mad me fuller and rounder and my skin much thinner. It also made me more vascular.

Even with years away from it, I stay leaner and fuller than before it's use.

Makes no sense, but there it is...

I haven't used it since my last prep in November 2019.
10iu all at once or split throughout day?
Plenty of good GH sources on this board that have good quality GH at an affordable price. I like going with TP as my GH source. The cost-to-benefit ratio has been worth it for me.
Under 5iu and it is ok, nothing mindblowing. But above that... holy shit. My best offseason cycle was something like 10iu gh, 750 test, 400 tren. Felt like I was on MUCH more anabolics than that!

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