tarbaby2000 said:I really dont see it as a good thing at all.
eatcrow said:..if you're lookingh for strength gains more so than size?
FRKNHUGE said:i use some (10-20mg) lasix, the arimi and femara and nolv wont do shit for creatine bloat IMO
but for me bloat= strength
MikeS said:Since your retention isnt due to high test leves and its resulting conversion to estro, I dont think anti-e's are your answer. Why not a mild herbal dieuretic like dandellion root or Taraxtone?
MikeS said:Since your retention isnt due to high test leves and its resulting conversion to estro, I dont think anti-e's are your answer. Why not a mild herbal dieuretic like dandellion root or Taraxtone?
xcelbeyond said:If you're out of Creatine Monohydrate, you should try the Creatine Ethyl Ester