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LBA's on the go.


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Kilo Klub Member
Oct 28, 2009
I wonder if TP will ever make packets with maybe like 3-4tbsp lba's in them that you can take on the go and just rip open and drink. Kinda like Amino Vital did. That would be perfect for certain times when your out for like 4-5hrs at a club and cant look like a tool and bring a fanny pack with 8oz chicken and rice. But rip open a few packets of LBA's inbetween drinks will def keep you anti-catabolic. Anyone have any good idea's in the mean time on how to bring them in something? Im thinking maybe contact lense case LOL
The 5 hour energy drink bottles fit 4-5tblspn of LBA no problem. Really easy to carry on the go.
The 5 hour energy drink bottles fit 4-5tblspn of LBA no problem. Really easy to carry on the go.

how the hell do you get it all out of the bottle that shits thick as hell lol
how the hell do you get it all out of the bottle that shits thick as hell lol

I wouldn't think it would be too hard as long as it's at room temperature. They thicken up (in a good way) when refrigerated.
mine at 60 degress ie room temp at my house now its pretty thick but i dont know it would be cool to have little pouches with like 4 TB's in it but im sure they would cost a lot.
mine at 60 degress ie room temp at my house now its pretty thick but i dont know it would be cool to have little pouches with like 4 TB's in it but im sure they would cost a lot.

60 isn't normally considered room temp (68-75, last I checked), even though it's same temp as my place - haha but you like it cold like me :) big guys get hot easily.

Supposedly the new LBA's from Dante are thicker - I haven't had them.

I totally agree - I honestly would love for them to be sold in the gallons. Then people can separate them into what ever size container. The larger the amount the cheaper it will be per mL. In addition, buying by the gallon with only one container is a lot cheaper than the way they are sold now in all the containers. Even smaller containers would be a lot more expensive per mL.
ya i agree with you if it was cheaper selling it by the gallon that would be even better for me too. this economy has me in the shits with a mortgage and trying to be a bodybuilder lol
Walmart has travel tubes for shampoo, etc. they are 3oz and squeezable.. I usually squeeze as much out as I can and then let it sit on top of the water bottle for a minute or two while I do something else and give it another squeeze or two.
3oz would make for 6tbls of LBA's , simply add the 3-4 tbls of LBA's and fill the rest of the way with water , that thins it out alot.

I just generaly mix 6-7 ounces in a 20oz water bottle then fill the rest of the way with water and sip on that from time to time or add 1/4-1/2 of it to a 1 liter bottle , I do this at work alot when it gets hot and I don't feel like eating
60 isn't normally considered room temp (68-75, last I checked), even though it's same temp as my place - haha but you like it cold like me :) big guys get hot easily.

Supposedly the new LBA's from Dante are thicker - I haven't had them.

I totally agree - I honestly would love for them to be sold in the gallons. Then people can separate them into what ever size container. The larger the amount the cheaper it will be per mL. In addition, buying by the gallon with only one container is a lot cheaper than the way they are sold now in all the containers. Even smaller containers would be a lot more expensive per mL.

I just received a bottle last week and when refrigerated it was so think I could hardly get it out of the bottle..
At room temp the chocolate reminds me of Hershey's syrup.
I wonder if TP will ever make packets with maybe like 3-4tbsp lba's in them that you can take on the go and just rip open and drink. Kinda like Amino Vital did. That would be perfect for certain times when your out for like 4-5hrs at a club and cant look like a tool and bring a fanny pack with 8oz chicken and rice. But rip open a few packets of LBA's inbetween drinks will def keep you anti-catabolic. Anyone have any good idea's in the mean time on how to bring them in something? Im thinking maybe contact lense case LOL

part in bold.

LOL easy solution, Redbull, LBA and Vodka...lmao
Them there LBA's are addictive....I think Phil is adding nicotine in it J/K!!

thats the flavor that i have and if kept in the refridge it's very thick.....
The packet/ sachet idea would be AWESOME for traveling. Currently i use 3oz bottles in my TSA 1qt bag to go through airport security. The bottles have space between them and that space is valuable. packets/sachets would solve this problem.

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