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Got Juice
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 30
man i remember it like yesterday, i recieved a whole 4 amps of norma hellas, i couldnt believe it actually arrived. working at wal-mart at the time the 68$ it cost me was a lot of money.
i was late december and i was a senior in high school. i remeber because i was going to start over winter vacation and come back a mass monster. i went all over looking for a syringe, but none could be found. finally i had no other options, so i went to the hospital and they hooked me up with 7 syringe, i was estatic, everything was in line and i was ready to start growing. i went home and popped it in my ass. whoo, i remeber i had a head rush like i was going to faint, but it was done and i knew i was on my way to becoming a powerhouse.
i started at the high 150's and i remember a week later i was 165. i almost shit my pants when i stood on the scale. my benchpress went from sometimes getting 225 for one rep, to 7 clean reps of 225. this was all in a weeks time. the next week i only gained a couple pounds, and the third week i just shot the other 2 amps at the same time, at the end i weighed about 175. i was back in school over 20lbs heavier and people noticed. it was amazing to me. honestly after that women started noticing me a lot more. by the time my senior year was over i was at 200, people were like damn man, you are putting on some size, it felt great hearing that all the time, i honestly think thats what kept me motivated to keep on lifting so hard, now i just do it more for myself and could careless what other think, but its still nice every once in a while to hear some compliments.
now i just wish i could keep cycling 4 amps for 68$ and grow.hehe
well thats my story i though i would share with you all, lets hear some more,
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02-15-2002 10:30 AM
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Tora Bora
Posts: 33
I remember doing 200mg of deca a week for 8 weeks, but the funny thing is i gained about 10 lbs.lol I was scared as hell to do that 1st injection..
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02-15-2002 10:05 PM
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: God's Country - GEORGIA!
Posts: 33
Damn, that makes my first sound HEAVY...
Yep, got 2 packs from Beachboy and one from a guy who used to be a God, then turned bad....24 Sustanon Redijects, 24 Organon Yellow tops, 200 Melic Dbol, 100 Zambon Winny tabs, 40 Clomid, and 2 2500IU amps of HCG.
I did 500mg Sust and 400mg Deca for 12 weeks, threw in 30mg Dbol a day (the Melic was bunk, but I didn't know for shit then) - blew up like a fucking house, 30lbs and LOST bodyfat. Man, I did everything right on that cycle, most of what I ate was lean meat and MRP's, and and I cut back to 4 training days a week.
Christ, I'm lucky to get 15lbs on a twelve week run these days, and the doses have fucking tripled....
- R
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02-16-2002 08:04 PM
Porngram Director
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Land of the free and home of---DA BEARS!
Posts: 122
My first cycle was 24 amps of Karachi Sust from IP and 500 melics. Did me REALLY Good! 2 amps a week and 30mg of dbol a day.
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02-16-2002 08:56 PM
Paul Bunyan
Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 299
Ah yes
My first real cycle consisted of 2 Sust Redi's and 2 amps of Primoteston/wk. I gained 33lbs in 10wks. Man, it really freaked me out the gain that much wieght that quickly. I remember women stopping me on the street just to touch my muscles. LOL.
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02-16-2002 09:22 PM
Junior Member
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 13
oh boy!!
I can't wait for feb 25th to inject that first shot of my first cycle ever!! You guys are making me excited!! I'm doing 500mg sust and 300mg deca for 10 weeks with proviron everyday. Everything is set to go baby!! I'm just waiting for that day.
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02-17-2002 04:32 AM
Got Juice
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 30
make sure you do everything right, this is going to be the best one of your life, eat right, train right, and remember to sleep plenty you will blow up, i didnt really do any of the above right and i gained 20lb.
Good Luck,
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02-17-2002 11:18 AM
Junior Member
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 13
thanks for the advice bro... I'm going to eat like a beast and I am sure i will be lifting like a mad man...heck...I am natural right now and i am very commited to intense workouts and diet and in the end I gain like 2 pounds a month or less...so my commitment will become that much greater when I see that I am getting something significant in return!
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02-17-2002 10:03 PM
Man of Steel
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Springfield , MO
Posts: 161
Well here is mine.
First cycle I ever did was 250mg sustanon a week, 400mg's of deca a week. I gained 20lbs and I didn't even know what I was doing. I didn't eat right,but I trained almost everyday. i was happy to see the scale go from 160lbs to 180lbs in 6 weeks, bench went from 225 to 315 but after the sixth week all the gains stopped.
The best part of it was 2 buddies of mine went with me to Juarez Mexico and we smuggled them across the border. I do that all the time know, but for some reason the first time I crossed the border I felt like the biggest badass for fooling the cops. Anyway. that is my story.
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02-18-2002 04:01 AM
Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 145
i remember my last cycle more then my first. everyday since i quit juicing i think about it. everyday. not addicting? my ass. LOL
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02-18-2002 12:00 PM
Junior Member
Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 7
still waiting to do my first cycle
Lets see ive had my juice since april 2001 and still waiting to use it. About 4 yrs ago, I used tons of mega mass 2000 and that shit really fucked up my immune system, now im allergic to so much food and dust and stuff. Im trying to rebuild it now with L-glutamine and MSM. I went from 139 to 161 and now 4yrs later im back to 135=( dont really lift, but going to get back into it. Im sure that will help build the immune system too. id love to sue weider because that shit caused yeast to overgrow like crazy in my intestines and i blame that for my allergies. Oh well lesson learned, eat clean and try to avoid yeast and sugar. Im starting to eat organic food only now and have really noticed a big difference.
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02-19-2002 10:26 PM
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: south pacific
Posts: 24
My first cycle
Had 10 testeviron 250, 100 russian dbol, 30 ml vet cyp 100mg went from 89kg to a bloaty 110kg in 10 weeks, could of floated away though as held so much water but a 45 pound gain in first cycle I was hooked !
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02-20-2002 03:09 AM
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 56
oh god, this brings back memories. my first cycle was 1 cc of test susp eod and 300 mgs of deca a week. man, i could not believe the overnight gains. (or atleast it seemed like overnight). i took it for 8 weeks and actually got scared because people really started to notice. you can only get away with " man, that metrx really works" for so long. i always thought i would only do drug tested shows until that fateful day. needless to say i lost my natural status. lol i gained 25 pounds and actually kept it. (or most of it) god i love gear.
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02-21-2002 02:54 AM
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: colorado
Posts: 54
My first was 300mg of deca (Steris 200mg)/wk for 8 weeks. did a lot of mountain biking as well as lifting & gained 10lbs a got pretty lean. Steris deca rocked. June 1995
"I'm so bad baby I don't care!!"....Lemmy
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 30
man i remember it like yesterday, i recieved a whole 4 amps of norma hellas, i couldnt believe it actually arrived. working at wal-mart at the time the 68$ it cost me was a lot of money.
i was late december and i was a senior in high school. i remeber because i was going to start over winter vacation and come back a mass monster. i went all over looking for a syringe, but none could be found. finally i had no other options, so i went to the hospital and they hooked me up with 7 syringe, i was estatic, everything was in line and i was ready to start growing. i went home and popped it in my ass. whoo, i remeber i had a head rush like i was going to faint, but it was done and i knew i was on my way to becoming a powerhouse.
i started at the high 150's and i remember a week later i was 165. i almost shit my pants when i stood on the scale. my benchpress went from sometimes getting 225 for one rep, to 7 clean reps of 225. this was all in a weeks time. the next week i only gained a couple pounds, and the third week i just shot the other 2 amps at the same time, at the end i weighed about 175. i was back in school over 20lbs heavier and people noticed. it was amazing to me. honestly after that women started noticing me a lot more. by the time my senior year was over i was at 200, people were like damn man, you are putting on some size, it felt great hearing that all the time, i honestly think thats what kept me motivated to keep on lifting so hard, now i just do it more for myself and could careless what other think, but its still nice every once in a while to hear some compliments.
now i just wish i could keep cycling 4 amps for 68$ and grow.hehe
well thats my story i though i would share with you all, lets hear some more,
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02-15-2002 10:30 AM
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Tora Bora
Posts: 33
I remember doing 200mg of deca a week for 8 weeks, but the funny thing is i gained about 10 lbs.lol I was scared as hell to do that 1st injection..
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02-15-2002 10:05 PM
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: God's Country - GEORGIA!
Posts: 33
Damn, that makes my first sound HEAVY...
Yep, got 2 packs from Beachboy and one from a guy who used to be a God, then turned bad....24 Sustanon Redijects, 24 Organon Yellow tops, 200 Melic Dbol, 100 Zambon Winny tabs, 40 Clomid, and 2 2500IU amps of HCG.
I did 500mg Sust and 400mg Deca for 12 weeks, threw in 30mg Dbol a day (the Melic was bunk, but I didn't know for shit then) - blew up like a fucking house, 30lbs and LOST bodyfat. Man, I did everything right on that cycle, most of what I ate was lean meat and MRP's, and and I cut back to 4 training days a week.
Christ, I'm lucky to get 15lbs on a twelve week run these days, and the doses have fucking tripled....
- R
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02-16-2002 08:04 PM
Porngram Director
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Land of the free and home of---DA BEARS!
Posts: 122
My first cycle was 24 amps of Karachi Sust from IP and 500 melics. Did me REALLY Good! 2 amps a week and 30mg of dbol a day.
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02-16-2002 08:56 PM
Paul Bunyan
Registered: Oct 2001
Posts: 299
Ah yes
My first real cycle consisted of 2 Sust Redi's and 2 amps of Primoteston/wk. I gained 33lbs in 10wks. Man, it really freaked me out the gain that much wieght that quickly. I remember women stopping me on the street just to touch my muscles. LOL.
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02-16-2002 09:22 PM
Junior Member
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 13
oh boy!!
I can't wait for feb 25th to inject that first shot of my first cycle ever!! You guys are making me excited!! I'm doing 500mg sust and 300mg deca for 10 weeks with proviron everyday. Everything is set to go baby!! I'm just waiting for that day.
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02-17-2002 04:32 AM
Got Juice
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 30
make sure you do everything right, this is going to be the best one of your life, eat right, train right, and remember to sleep plenty you will blow up, i didnt really do any of the above right and i gained 20lb.
Good Luck,
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02-17-2002 11:18 AM
Junior Member
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 13
thanks for the advice bro... I'm going to eat like a beast and I am sure i will be lifting like a mad man...heck...I am natural right now and i am very commited to intense workouts and diet and in the end I gain like 2 pounds a month or less...so my commitment will become that much greater when I see that I am getting something significant in return!
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02-17-2002 10:03 PM
Man of Steel
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Springfield , MO
Posts: 161
Well here is mine.
First cycle I ever did was 250mg sustanon a week, 400mg's of deca a week. I gained 20lbs and I didn't even know what I was doing. I didn't eat right,but I trained almost everyday. i was happy to see the scale go from 160lbs to 180lbs in 6 weeks, bench went from 225 to 315 but after the sixth week all the gains stopped.
The best part of it was 2 buddies of mine went with me to Juarez Mexico and we smuggled them across the border. I do that all the time know, but for some reason the first time I crossed the border I felt like the biggest badass for fooling the cops. Anyway. that is my story.
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02-18-2002 04:01 AM
Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 145
i remember my last cycle more then my first. everyday since i quit juicing i think about it. everyday. not addicting? my ass. LOL
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02-18-2002 12:00 PM
Junior Member
Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 7
still waiting to do my first cycle
Lets see ive had my juice since april 2001 and still waiting to use it. About 4 yrs ago, I used tons of mega mass 2000 and that shit really fucked up my immune system, now im allergic to so much food and dust and stuff. Im trying to rebuild it now with L-glutamine and MSM. I went from 139 to 161 and now 4yrs later im back to 135=( dont really lift, but going to get back into it. Im sure that will help build the immune system too. id love to sue weider because that shit caused yeast to overgrow like crazy in my intestines and i blame that for my allergies. Oh well lesson learned, eat clean and try to avoid yeast and sugar. Im starting to eat organic food only now and have really noticed a big difference.
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02-19-2002 10:26 PM
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: south pacific
Posts: 24
My first cycle
Had 10 testeviron 250, 100 russian dbol, 30 ml vet cyp 100mg went from 89kg to a bloaty 110kg in 10 weeks, could of floated away though as held so much water but a 45 pound gain in first cycle I was hooked !
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02-20-2002 03:09 AM
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 56
oh god, this brings back memories. my first cycle was 1 cc of test susp eod and 300 mgs of deca a week. man, i could not believe the overnight gains. (or atleast it seemed like overnight). i took it for 8 weeks and actually got scared because people really started to notice. you can only get away with " man, that metrx really works" for so long. i always thought i would only do drug tested shows until that fateful day. needless to say i lost my natural status. lol i gained 25 pounds and actually kept it. (or most of it) god i love gear.
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02-21-2002 02:54 AM
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: colorado
Posts: 54
My first was 300mg of deca (Steris 200mg)/wk for 8 weeks. did a lot of mountain biking as well as lifting & gained 10lbs a got pretty lean. Steris deca rocked. June 1995
"I'm so bad baby I don't care!!"....Lemmy