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My Wife has Cancer - Found out yesterday

So...not sure if anyone is still reading. But alissa got out of the hospital last wednesday. They admitted her the monday prior. the blood in her lung was pooling and apprently this doctor that did the biopsy didn't think it was a big deal. She was close to drowning on her own blood. They pulled 984 CC's of blood out of her lung. Then she still couldn't breathe. A Thorasic surgeon has to go in and "peel away" the dried blood so her lung would inflate. She had 2 chest tubes...stay in the hospital of 9 fucking days. but now she's home. i don't know how she does it. she's a soldier... so as long as her lung heals up fine we'll just continue with the hormone therapy for her cancer...but for fk sake...these doctors man...they really don't know...i'd like to have an hour with that doctor in a closed room...
Definitely still following along brotha. Glad you guys are home now, and hoping the best for you and your fam. Keep us posted
I'm sorry to hear this about your wife. Hang in there and keep your head up, brother. You two can get through this.
So...not sure if anyone is still reading. But alissa got out of the hospital last wednesday. They admitted her the monday prior. the blood in her lung was pooling and apprently this doctor that did the biopsy didn't think it was a big deal. She was close to drowning on her own blood. They pulled 984 CC's of blood out of her lung. Then she still couldn't breathe. A Thorasic surgeon has to go in and "peel away" the dried blood so her lung would inflate. She had 2 chest tubes...stay in the hospital of 9 fucking days. but now she's home. i don't know how she does it. she's a soldier... so as long as her lung heals up fine we'll just continue with the hormone therapy for her cancer...but for fk sake...these doctors man...they really don't know...i'd like to have an hour with that doctor in a closed room...
I dont know how doctors can make such huge errors ... it's scary... But they do so much good in the world to....and work so hard...
I really hope your wife has a speedy recovery, is she on prostrap injections by any chance? it will be really testing times, but your support will be her blessing.
Sorry to hear that brother! I will surely keep you in my prayers
So...not sure if anyone is still reading. But alissa got out of the hospital last wednesday. They admitted her the monday prior. the blood in her lung was pooling and apprently this doctor that did the biopsy didn't think it was a big deal. She was close to drowning on her own blood. They pulled 984 CC's of blood out of her lung. Then she still couldn't breathe. A Thorasic surgeon has to go in and "peel away" the dried blood so her lung would inflate. She had 2 chest tubes...stay in the hospital of 9 fucking days. but now she's home. i don't know how she does it. she's a soldier... so as long as her lung heals up fine we'll just continue with the hormone therapy for her cancer...but for fk sake...these doctors man...they really don't know...i'd like to have an hour with that doctor in a closed room...

That's nearly a liter, holy crap. Women are under estimated and stronger than men can fathom. I pray to the gods she's makes it through this with you.
My wife and I have been together for 5 years. She's 5 years older than me. I'm still in my late 30's....
She's really saved me in some respects...
Yesterday we got her biopsy results and her Cancer has returned. She'll need Chemotherapy....she'll lose her hair....not that that matters to me. I love her and I'll love her with her without doesn't matter. I"m having a hard time dealing. I too suffer from various health conditions - a rare dissociative condition, a rare facial pain disorder....crazy shit. I've seen some of the best doctors in the world...and my wife - she's dealt with some crazy stuff too...but this is see her cry yesterday... i don't know what to do...
I don't post a lot. This is my second account...first one got i do post quite a bit i guess...some of the vets know me from referrals and questions and such...but otherwise i don't post much...just needed to vent. We see the oncologist again on Thursday...she'll probably start chemotherapy next week.

Prayers up for the both of you ... Feel free to message me anytime if u need someone to talk to
Sorry to see this, friend. Prayers for you and yours. Stay strong though dude. I know its easier said than done as I've had to deal with a family member with cancer. Talk to God, he'll talk back.
So...not sure if anyone is still reading. But alissa got out of the hospital last wednesday. They admitted her the monday prior. the blood in her lung was pooling and apprently this doctor that did the biopsy didn't think it was a big deal. She was close to drowning on her own blood. They pulled 984 CC's of blood out of her lung. Then she still couldn't breathe. A Thorasic surgeon has to go in and "peel away" the dried blood so her lung would inflate. She had 2 chest tubes...stay in the hospital of 9 fucking days. but now she's home. i don't know how she does it. she's a soldier... so as long as her lung heals up fine we'll just continue with the hormone therapy for her cancer...but for fk sake...these doctors man...they really don't know...i'd like to have an hour with that doctor in a closed room...
I feel your pain, frustration and angst. Remember, doctors are human too. I had to tell myself that on a daily when I went through it. I know they're held to a higher standard but they're still human. Not defending the doctor by any stretch but try to be fair.

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