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National Level Cycle


New member
Mar 15, 2010
I met this National Level NPC amateur at a show last weekend and talked to him about how much he uses he claims to be using this much currently....

Test E 2400mg a week
Tren E 1000mg a week
EQ 600mg a week
Anadrol 100-150mg a day
Insulin 10 Ius Post Workout

Do u guys think he's being realistic or he's full of shit?? He qualified for nationals...he's about 5'7 230-235lbs
I know that is lot but dont the pro's use alot more than that for years and years until they retire?
i think that a minimal dose that can make a person gain 1-2 pounds/week with excellent diet and training is the right dose for that person.
So does his cycle sound insane to u guys or have yall heard or know someone doin alot more at the national levels???

To me thats a lot of tren and test, the highest iv'e ever gone on test is 1 gram a week.
So does his cycle sound insane to u guys or have yall heard or know someone doin alot more at the national levels???

To me thats a lot of tren and test, the highest iv'e ever gone on test is 1 gram a week.

off course bro this is a very heavy cycle,
but the guy ( being a national competitor) must be having some solid reasons to run this high dosage, may be he is on for the last 16 months so the moderate dosages just dont work for so long so the guy went higher.

or may be he can easily handle the side effects so he just uses very high dosages.... or god knows what... but all that is according to the goals the guy has...

at the highest level there are people who use very heavy dosages, then people who use moderate dosages and then some who use very low dosages.......

but my point is what ever dosage they use is according to their goals... they have a fixed gameplan for the diet, training and AAS use...
and who knows why they have to use the dosages they use.

we cannot over expect from any component of bodybuilding, ie
Diet :- it has to be excellent, lots of protien and and protien sparing nutrients
n all that but do you think it will work without progressive training... i don think so.

Progressive training :- constantly trying to out perform your pervious weeks performance....now this cannot be achieved without excellent diet.

AAS usage:-now when a natural trainee plateaus = not being able to progressively train despite excellent diet, this simply indicates he need to enhance the efficiency of the diet via hormonal manipulation.
so thats the point of starting AAS usage.

now why should we not use mega cycles from the start..... the reason is simple:- massive dosages yields massive gains along with massive sides

Now as we know bodybuilding is a very long journey now if I get sick using very high dosages, how can I expect to grow.
Steroid dosages are quiet person specific, but as I see it, we need to keep gaining for 5 to 10 years, how can i accomplish this consistency?
i look at bodybuilding as a marathon where i need to maintain a certain speed, trying to run at the fastest possible speed on a marathon will exhaust me too soon and at the same time I don’t believe in too low dosages as it makes no sense to me to run at the slowest possible speed , therefore I believe in running a neither slow nor very fast but at a moderate speed. So
for me its all about running moderate dosages year after year.
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That is fucking retarded!!!!!!! If it takes him that much he should just quit because he was not made to do this. So many smaller guys assume that the bigger guys take so much shit which helps them justify why they are not on the same level. I understand that in this case the national level guy said this is what he takes but seriously if that is true he should quit. SAD
yes.......that is royaly retarded!!!!!

I agree those are some insane doses! What do some of yall guys cycles look like that compete or on the national level?
(the following is coming from a powerlifter, not a BBer, so take this with a grain of salt)

That is quite a bit of gear, but I have seen more ridiculous. I know a certain world record holder whose last cycle looked like this:

15 weeks
Test E- 2g
Tren E- 2g (!)
EQ- 1g
Dbol/drol (yes, both)- 100mg each (last 10 weeks)
GH- 5iu/day

Very ridiculous. If you are going to megadose, I don't think it is worth megadosing more than 1 compound at a time.

I prefer to run more moderate doses for 6 months on/ 3 months off.
O...Brother here we go again with another what do the pros and national level guys use.

Its relative to the competitor. I know a national level competitor who don't take anything.
Most national level guys I know run about half of that (the original post).

I know a good amount that run less too, but not too many run much more than half that.

And that's guys that compete on the national level... not just someone that is qualified (which it sounds like the guy you're referring to might be).
I weigh 235 natural.:confused:
lol being qualified for nationals doesnt mean shit compared to a real national level competitor

Some national qualifier shows have such a low number of guys or poor competition that almost anyone can snag a national qualification.
lol being qualified for nationals doesnt mean shit compared to a real national level competitor

Some national qualifier shows have such a low number of guys or poor competition that almost anyone can snag a national qualification.

very true

and its kinda sad
4,700 - 5,050 mg's of AAS a week is crazy! Something is not optimized whether it be diet or training. I couldn't imagine throwing THAT much crap in my body. And with that much Tren pumping through my body I'd surely rip someone's head off if they looked at me funny! I realize everyone is different, and has different goals, but at some point there has to be sane limit.
you forgot to mention the 150mcg T3 , 200mcg Clen and 600mg DNP that he runs everyday to stay lean the whole time eating McDonalds and food court at the mall.

sonds to me like a genetic midget trying to be somthing hes not cut out for or a total retard talking shit he knows nothing about. I mean it would seem to me that anybody at "his level" would be taking at least some HGH

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