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Need help with HORRIBLE Subcutaneous water retention!


Oct 31, 2013
Hi guys, I come here humbly, I basically have lifted for 8 years and was a bulked up powerlifter before and I've been cutting and lost a bunch of weight and now using about 250mg test e week with 2.5mg letro ed for 2 months or so (pharma grade)(it came with pharma paper work too) to stay lean because I get bloated easily.

My problem is I'm holding a bunch of water weight and I weighed 230lbs about 2 months ago and since than I've been doing 2-3 hours of cardio daily and averaging about 1500-2000 calories a day and I'm not exaggerating(I hate having this fat on me and want it off asap that's why) and my problem is I'm 235lbs as of today and bloated in the face as well water retention in my skin covering my abs. According to my calculations I should be the maximum 225lbs, I eat low sodium/gallon of water a day/low carbs, Please can I have some advice to fight this water weight?

I don't want to believed it but I'm experiencing all the symptons of high e2 unless somehow when I first used letrozole maybe I destroyed my e2 into oblivion and that's somehow causing me to have these symptoms even though I've been running over 2.5 letro ed for 2 months now and in the past when I used dbol and higher doses of test e I noticed I continued to bloat and gain weight even on letro.

I remember I actually could feel my abs and was more vascular about a month or so ago but as of today my whole stomach is inch or two more puffy like someone added a whole layer of fat under it and it's ripples like water when I walk or pull it.

I assume If I run some tren ace and winstrol it will help me pull water out of the skin and get rid of the water weight?

This is what it looks like (I got some loose skin too)
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYGELk46xP4"]20160204 114112 - YouTube[/ame]

Thank you for any help.
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I think you are overreacting quite a bit brother. It just looks like excess skin from the weight loss, and your abs are slightly visible as well. I understand you want to be shredded to the bone, but your 1500-2000 calories and hours of working out a day is only hurting you in my opinion. Reevaluate how you view your body, because you look good.
2.5mg letro pharm grade everyday? how'd you feel on that?
if it jiggles, its fat.

and loose skin too in your case, looks like you were very overweight once?!

destroying your e2 doesnt help with either, so i dont see the point of that. very bad for your health.

you wont EVER visually see a difference from tanking your estrogen anyway unless you are very lean to begin with, which you are not (just being real here).
your skin will accustom over time.
continue dieting and drop the letro down, what youre doing right now is plain stupid.
If you're letro is legit and accurately dosed you have absolutely nuked your estrogen which is causing you to think obsessively and you may feel some anxiety and not feeling all too good mentally. When you crash your e2 it can indeed bring on symptoms similar to high e2, loss of libido, loss of wellbeing, depression, anxiety AND water retention.

Go get your e2 levels checked.
I know I'm holding water retention because my skin is thicker than it's suppose to be and my faced is bloated as well and my weight loss calculation don't add up. I did a test injection the other day and I'm up a few pounds today and my abs are less visible today even on PHARMA letro which came with paperwork, maybe its bunk. and I'm running only 250mg test e a week and 2.5mg letro.
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If you're letro is legit and accurately dosed you have absolutely nuked your estrogen which is causing you to think obsessively and you may feel some anxiety and not feeling all too good mentally. When you crash your e2 it can indeed bring on symptoms similar to high e2, loss of libido, loss of wellbeing, depression, anxiety AND water retention.

Go get your e2 levels checked.

But wouldn't I have been dry for a little bit? because the whole time I've been running letro for the last 2 months I've bloated up on every compound I used such as test and dbol and gained poundage and felt bloated even on letro.
I know I'm holding water retention because my skin is thicker than it's suppose to be and my faced is bloated as well and my weight loss calculation don't add up. I did a test injection the other day and I'm up a few pounds today and my abs are less visible today even on PHARMA letro which came with paperwork, maybe its bunk. and I'm running only 250mg test e a week and 2.5mg letro.

Former fat guy, relatively high estro, on test E, even the letro won't help you here. I was in a similar boat; I basically do not use test unless I am willing to accept the bloat from it. Not much you're going to do to fight it, the only thing that's ever worked is Tren.

My recommendation to tighten skin is get off test. Just run an anabolic and give it more time.

Or, get surgery to get some of the loose skin off.
Former fat guy, relatively high estro, on test E, even the letro won't help you here. I was in a similar boat; I basically do not use test unless I am willing to accept the bloat from it. Not much you're going to do to fight it, the only thing that's ever worked is Tren.

My recommendation to tighten skin is get off test. Just run an anabolic and give it more time.

Or, get surgery to get some of the loose skin off.

Ah thanks!!!!, I guess I won't run test e anymore I'm pretty sure this was the cause of my extreme weight gain and puffiness, a few weeks ago I did 1000mg and I bloated up and gained like 8lbs, not even my pharma letro seems to work. Glad someone who was/could put themselves in similar shoes knows what I mean and appreciate the words of advice. :eek:

I'm basically just going to run Tren ace and Winstrol because I know those compounds dry you out and pull water from under the skin.

Has tren helped you?
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I have had similar issues. I was never overweight, but I always seem to carry some extra water weight; but it doesn't seem to be an issue on a low dose such as 250mg of test e. If I were to run 600-800mg of test e or higher; it seems like no amount of letro will eliminate 100% of bloat in my opinion.

Not sure what is going on considering you are on such a low dose though. But I really have come to accept the fact that I bloat on test. It doesn't really bother me because come summer time or leading up to a show; I typically drop test e, introduce test p and keep the dose extremely low come show day. On a regular day in the offseason I could care less though. It's just he face bloat that can be annoying.
Loos skin for sure. It takes awhile to tighten after loosing weight.
I'm going to run 200mg tren ace ed and winstrol 200mg ed to combat the water retention. Now this should defiantly dry me out as both tren and winstrol having drying abilities and pull water from under the skin and that's exactly what I need.

It's my 5th day on tren and I know it's legit because the raw powder burns in my mouth and stings and when I brewed it turned to dark yellow into almost gold which as far as I know tren only does. As well as my heart rate increases, I'm getting more out of breath, I'm getting weird dreams, insomnia, and I am lactating brown stuff.

And it's my 1st day of Winstrol and I know it's legit too because I labmaxed it and I should start to see the drying effects by tomorrow and the day after as winstrol has a half life of only 9 hours and kicks in pretty quick.

Along with 5mg of Letrozole everday.

Now my body will have no choice to lose 8-10lbs of water weight. I should loose about 8-10lbs of water weight within the next 2 days.
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If you're letro is legit and accurately dosed you have absolutely nuked your estrogen

letro reduces estrogen 55-60%

OP, you have loose skin and fat.

running 200mg tren ace AND winstrol/day (wtf???) won't do anything for your water weight when you don't have water weight issues.

please be good to yourself and don't abuse these drugs as you have said you will.

IIRC, cutting your sodium intake will encourage your body to hold onto what sodium it receives. you want to have sufficient water and sodium intake to avoid issues.

please realize what you are doing before you mess yourself up.
I may have missed it what is your test dose?????? if it is 250 a week 2.5 mg is def overkill why not try test prop maybe even subq test prop at trt levels.
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Running over a gram of tren to combat water retention. Wtf, no.
Running over a gram of tren to combat water retention. Wtf, no.

Why not???
"While the mass gain results from trenbolone can instead be achieved with high milligram amounts of other injectable anabolic steroids, trenbolone differs from them in being stronger as a glucocorticoid (cortisol) antagonist and in decreasing blood corticosteroid levels. For this reason, it reduces subcutaneous water retention. And further, this anti-cortisol effect can make a significant difference in fat loss. It may also be a partial explanation for any increased tendency to aggression that is sometimes seen with trenbolone"

"I think the tren illusion may be just water movement - pulling the bloaty, subcutaneous water into the actual muscles. This would explain the seemingly-impossible rate of 'fat' loss, and the tren 'look'.
I also think that bloat and water movement is something largely overlooked by most members here - how many times have you heard a bunch of guys saying no way is a pic poster is 10%BF despite him having done a BodPod (or similar)? I know that tren makes me drop a lot of subcutaneous water, making me appear much leaner, in a time frame in which it's impossible that I've dropped much fat."
So from what I've read I'm SURE it's water retention and a little loose skin mainly because you said your not as vascular, loosing ab definition and the tell tale spongey thick skin.

My guess is your super sensitive to test like others have said above and I think running something like Tren or Winstrol would be your only option as they both pull water out from the skin and it seems like that's the only solution as of you've tried everything.
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