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I played on the Seahawks practice squad in 99.2000 and part of 2001. I can tell you firsthand that even then steroids were not a very big part of pro football. There were a few obvious guys using like me lol and 5-6 other practice players and a handful of starters. Most of those guys are just elite athletes that have talent speed and size to go with it. Steroids aren’t needed by those guys. Football is not bodybuilding and most guys other than the o and d lineman are more slender built and fucused more on speed and agility.

Where in Seattle are you from mate? Still up there?

I grew up in Issaquah. Miss it a little bit I won't lie. Friggin gorgeous during the right seasons.
Its pro sports, millions are at stake, its their entire life.. if you think they arent using anthing possible to "stay in the game" including, painkillers, roids, peptides, asthmatics etc you are kidding your self...

Exactly. Steroids are rampant in the NFL, even teams in the 1960's were documented to be using Dbol. Not everyone has to be 5'9 250lbs to be on steroids ...D.Hopkins and Edelman were suspended for PEDS and they don't "Look" like steroid users.
Exactly. Steroids are rampant in the NFL, even teams in the 1960's were documented to be using Dbol. Not everyone has to be 5'9 250lbs to be on steroids ...D.Hopkins and Edelman were suspended for PEDS and they don't "Look" like steroid users.
Hopkins testing positive for Ostarine and Edelman tested positive for an "unrecognizable substance," which means its was a chemical CLOSE to something banned. These guys arent running the stuff we are, they are running weird SARMS and weird almost prohormone shit...very fringe stuff. It reminds me of natural bodybuilding...what is GOING to be banned soon that i can run now. Whats reallly close to the good stuff that I can possibly sneak under the radar with.
Hopkins testing positive for Ostarine and Edelman tested positive for an "unrecognizable substance," which means its was a chemical CLOSE to something banned. These guys arent running the stuff we are, they are running weird SARMS and weird almost prohormone shit...very fringe stuff. It reminds me of natural bodybuilding...what is GOING to be banned soon that i can run now. Whats reallly close to the good stuff that I can possibly sneak under the radar with.

I agree a lot of them use SARMS and Prohormones to avoid testing, but i also think guys like Nick Bosa are running real gear. The NFL players were more juiced up 15 years ago tho. Like the WWE, the physiques have changed a lot.
All these threads end up the same.

Guys who have been around Pros (in this case NFL players) - “PED use isn’t common.”

Everyone else - “Everyone in the NFL is blasting gear.”

I swear, it’s like some of y’all just can’t accept that some guys are just born better than you.

The players that i have been around are too dumb, lazy, or just don’t care enough to remotely eat right. You think these guys are running intricate cycles to beat PED testing?

Im not saying there aren’t NFL player doing exactly that, but I assure you they are the exception, not the norm.
All these threads end up the same.

Guys who have been around Pros (in this case NFL players) - “PED use isn’t common.”

Everyone else - “Everyone in the NFL is blasting gear.”

I swear, it’s like some of y’all just can’t accept that some guys are just born better than you.

The players that i have been around are too dumb, lazy, or just don’t care enough to remotely eat right. You think these guys are running intricate cycles to beat PED testing?

Im not saying there aren’t NFL player doing exactly that, but I assure you they are the exception, not the norm.
I will say there seems to be more lineman busted for clomid than other positions. On both sides of the ball. Which says to me, lineman are probably more likely to take test just for the size and strength gains. Or at least to help support recovery.
i JUST had this same conversation last night after sparring.
i said, if i was looking for an easy sparring session, i'd pick the gym-rat, muscle bound guy.. as opposed to the lanky, flat, ~20% bf guy.
i sparred a 6'0, just off the prison yard, doing 10000 burpees mexican guy last night.. i kept my distance, as i saw he had power in those punches.
he caused a couple guys to quit.. oddly, i have power too.. so that kinda neutralized things..
one guy was hooking guys to death last night.. i said.. throw that same hook at me, and another is coming back at you.
we sparred, and just as i said, i cracked him good with a right hook. once you wobble and daze someone, it takes a bit of fight out of them.
only thing about sparring.. you're bound to get hit in the face.. and getting hit and eating someones sweaty glove sucks.
I 💯 agree with you but just be careful as there are some surprisingly athletic and skilled muscle bound fucks (very few..LOL)
One of the best fighters in my area was a guy named Patrick Lyles. Went on to pro boxing but didn't do real great, he was undefeated when he was playing around doing tough man as an armature and did some matches in a local club called fight night. He only loss 2 fights in his armature career 1 was to a 2 time golden gloves champ from Louisville, KY (super close fight though and I had Patrick actually winning) the second loss was to a local short 5ft5 bodybuilder that surprised the living hell out of him, he called the guy mini Mike cause he was so short but threw fast ass hooks. That short fucker was 😁

Any way I agree with what you say give me a tall lanky southpaw like Patrick or some muscle bound goon and I will take the goon any day of the week..LOL

3 things I became known for when I moved to western KY
1. My physique and strength
2. Out running local speedsters in the 40yrd dash
3. Beating Patrick Lyles in a boxing match (we became good friends and even weight trained together some)
O to be young again 😥
Do NFL players juice? Sure they do, is it the norm, NO!

If I was in the NFL I would not jeopardize my huge $$$ contract and my brand name for a little edge. If your fast your fucking fast, if you got good reflexes you got good reflexes, you just play ball, you have excellent genetic ability that's how you got that $$$ contract. Just play ball.
I 💯 agree with you but just be careful as there are some surprisingly athletic and skilled muscle bound fucks (very few..LOL)
One of the best fighters in my area was a guy named Patrick Lyles. Went on to pro boxing but didn't do real great, he was undefeated when he was playing around doing tough man as an armature and did some matches in a local club called fight night. He only loss 2 fights in his armature career 1 was to a 2 time golden gloves champ from Louisville, KY (super close fight though and I had Patrick actually winning) the second loss was to a local short 5ft5 bodybuilder that surprised the living hell out of him, he called the guy mini Mike cause he was so short but threw fast ass hooks. That short fucker was 😁

Any way I agree with what you say give me a tall lanky southpaw like Patrick or some muscle bound goon and I will take the goon any day of the week..LOL

3 things I became known for when I moved to western KY
1. My physique and strength
2. Out running local speedsters in the 40yrd dash
3. Beating Patrick Lyles in a boxing match (we became good friends and even weight trained together some)
O to be young again 😥
Yeah. Like you and a few others. I'm an athlete first and foremost. the PED thing just keeps me going at this age. People are amazed that I could still play basketball and at such a high skill level even at this age. That's until I tweaked my knee last may(2023). Just hasn't been the same since.
I saw the writing on the wall and that's why I picked up boxing a couple years ago.
I like having a performance goal to hit that matches with my weight traiing.
Weight traiing and being 'jacked' just isn't something I do to keep random freaks on the team. Even that is getting old.. but what I love doing is traiing then applying that training to my sparring sessions. With each sparring session showing small improvements. Brick by brick. This shit is addicting for sure.
All these threads end up the same.

Guys who have been around Pros (in this case NFL players) - “PED use isn’t common.”

Everyone else - “Everyone in the NFL is blasting gear.”

I swear, it’s like some of y’all just can’t accept that some guys are just born better than you.

The players that i have been around are too dumb, lazy, or just don’t care enough to remotely eat right. You think these guys are running intricate cycles to beat PED testing?

Im not saying there aren’t NFL player doing exactly that, but I assure you they are the exception, not the norm.
I feel like the prison threads are the same. "Oh they definitely have gear in prison, helps them get huge!" Sure...I do believe some guys can have gear smuggled in but it's not like these guys have access to the amount and quality gear Joe 14% running 1.5g, gh, and slin is using at golds and doesn't look half as good. Guys getting jacked in prison is due to genetics, sleep, busting ass doing whatever workouts they can do, not because Granny was able to snuggle some ansddol tabs in her pantyhose when she visited.
Salute to big red. A coach who is respected by his players. And each one of those players would run through a wall for him.
It's been said if a player didn't buy into reids system, the others had no problems telling said player to get the fuck on.
That's why I am always rooting for any Andy Reid team that appears in the super bowl. Especially knowing what he did for Mike Vick.
Do NFL players juice? Sure they do, is it the norm, NO!

If I was in the NFL I would not jeopardize my huge $$$ contract and my brand name for a little edge. If your fast your fucking fast, if you got good reflexes you got good reflexes, you just play ball, you have excellent genetic ability that's how you got that $$$ contract. Just play ball.

But if you were in the NFL with a short career and could make a lot more money based on juice helping you, your god damn right I am taking them. I agree with Alzadosghost that its lower % of poeple using than we think.

Hey there are genetic freaks all over. How many drug tests has Mike O'Hearn passed!!!!
Salute to big red. A coach who is respected by his players. And each one of those players would run through a wall for him.
It's been said if a player didn't buy into reids system, the others had no problems telling said player to get the fuck on.
That's why I am always rooting for any Andy Reid team that appears in the super bowl. Especially knowing what he did for Mike Vick.
Overall a good guy but no saint. I recall he had his son on staff in Philly who was a drug addicts and confirmed dealer of AAS and recs. Then In KC, had his son who had a checked past as lb Coach, kid drank on the job and got another DUI, crashed, caused permanent brain damage to a little kid. Not saying he is a bad father kids can turn out bad.. but keeping them on staff IMO is poor character...over more qualified staff and EAP knowing their behavior.
LoL Lance Armstrong was tested like around 300 times during his carrer.. tested negative each time.. tell me again about the rigorous testing in NFL...

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