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On cycle HCG use, how much do you use?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2016
I've used HCG on cycle and post cycle and as my age crept on, on cycle just made PCT go much smoother.

I used to go 500/wk but I'm running low and going to try 300/wk during my current cycle.

How much HCG do you run on cycle and how do you use it? After or during your cycles?
I've used HCG on cycle and post cycle and as my age crept on, on cycle just made PCT go much smoother.

I used to go 500/wk but I'm running low and going to try 300/wk during my current cycle.

How much HCG do you run on cycle and how do you use it? After or during your cycles?
250iu 3x a week year around
It can increase aromatization but if you haven't noticed that you probably don't need to worry abt it now
It can increase aromatization but if you haven't noticed that you probably don't need to worry abt it now
That was a concern of mine when I went on HCG permanently about 8 years ago…but even with year around test and HCG I’ve never had an issue..but that’s highly individual I imagine
I've used HCG on cycle and post cycle and as my age crept on, on cycle just made PCT go much smoother.

I used to go 500/wk but I'm running low and going to try 300/wk during my current cycle.

How much HCG do you run on cycle and how do you use it? After or during your cycles?
So you come off completely still? No TRT.

So you come off completely still? No TRT.

Yeah, for the last few years 5+ or so, I've moved from 2x 3-4 month cycles per year to one big 8-9 month cycle with 3-4 months completely clean. I also take breaks from training during this time, gives my tendons a chance to catch up and heal. Evently will prob switch to TRT but I have found that giving my receptors a break means I can still run relatively low dose cycles and get great results.
As weird as it sounds I go by feel. If I see my nuts disappearing I take it. Like 250iu to 500iu every 3 days until I finish the vial then I reassess. I always take .5 or 1mg adex around the hcg dose. I feel it can be used if you see estrogen levels lower then you'd like to boost estrogen. Also if load volume is low I'll consider taking it. I always have some hcg in the freezer.
I've used HCG on cycle and post cycle and as my age crept on, on cycle just made PCT go much smoother.

I used to go 500/wk but I'm running low and going to try 300/wk during my current cycle.

How much HCG do you run on cycle and how do you use it? After or during your cycles?
I don't use any, my balls didn't shrink much.

But when i used it i was on 250iu MWF.
375iu of HCG every 4 days with .25mg of Arimadex along side TRT
Yeah, for the last few years 5+ or so, I've moved from 2x 3-4 month cycles per year to one big 8-9 month cycle with 3-4 months completely clean. I also take breaks from training during this time, gives my tendons a chance to catch up and heal. Evently will prob switch to TRT but I have found that giving my receptors a break means I can still run relatively low dose cycles and get great results.
When you say breaks you mean an occasional week off or you stop training after your cycle?
Why do you guys use hcg year round? I didn’t notice many positives when using besides increased sex drive which was kind of annoying as my sex drive is already plenty high. I also noticed a marked increase in estrogen. Once I got my wife pregnant I stopped it immediately and only plan to use it again if I have another kid.

I have heard guys state the increase in lh levels could be beneficial but I don’t think any studies support this.
When you say breaks you mean an occasional week off or you stop training after your cycle?
When I was younger it was just breaks from AAS, now I take 2-3 months off from training & AAS entirely give everything a chance to reset, does wonders for the receptors & tendons.

HOWEVER, this this year it really hit home that even when I'm taking time off I should do some kind of light training every other day (eod P/P/L etc.) or something similar. Muscle memory is great and when I hop back on I can easily gain back 15-20 pounds in 2 months but like you posted on a different threat of mine this prevents me from being lean all year long...and I have to bulk-cut my way in to the summer... so I'm rethinking this idea.
How did u get your hcg dosing to 375iu every 4 days? I mean what made you choose that?
Trial and error. 250iu was too little and 500iu was a bit too much in the way of elevated estrogen. 375iu is the sweet spot for me along with .25mg of Arimidex. This combo and dose is what helped improve my libido, improved wellbeing, and in preventing testicular atrophy while on TRT.
I've used HCG on cycle and post cycle and as my age crept on, on cycle just made PCT go much smoother.

I used to go 500/wk but I'm running low and going to try 300/wk during my current cycle.

How much HCG do you run on cycle and how do you use it? After or during your cycles?
I use it based on how I and my nuts feel too much use is bad the testes can become desensitized to HCG so once that happens, I like tossing clomid in it’s great for my libido and bust huge nuts after, now it has a long half life like several days so I take 1-2 in a week where I feel I need/want it
Why do you guys use hcg year round? I didn’t notice many positives when using besides increased sex drive which was kind of annoying as my sex drive is already plenty high. I also noticed a marked increase in estrogen. Once I got my wife pregnant I stopped it immediately and only plan to use it again if I have another kid.

I have heard guys state the increase in lh levels could be beneficial but I don’t think any studies support this.
I use it because my wife still wants kids and at this point I can only conceive when on it…she has been pissing me off lately though so I haven’t been taking it.

Since not taking it I’ve noticed my loads are very small..but fuck her
Been using 250 2x/week for many years. Seems to give almost as good of results as 500 from the studies i have seen. And as HCG mimics LH it stimulates various pathways in the body. So i take it hopefully for preventative health reasons. I think keeping things working is in my best interest.
Fertility, testicular size, prevention of HPTA dysfunction (primary hypogonadism), well being/mood.

I feel great when I introduce HCG again after some time not using it.
I don't use it anymore but 250iu 2x per week. Ran that for a few years. I don't miss it. Didn't have a positive or negative effect that I noticed. Nuts didn't really shrink regardless.

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