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Protein break down questions.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
What protein type is the best for meal replacement? Can you use Whey as a meal replacement? What if I add milk to slow the digestion down, will that work like casin or another slow digestion protein.

I always get my protein intake from chicken or tuna, but now with alot of classes and work I find it hard to always eat cold chicken. I want to try to find something quick like a shake to chug then do what I need to do.
What protein type is the best for meal replacement? Can you use Whey as a meal replacement? What if I add milk to slow the digestion down, will that work like casin or another slow digestion protein.

I always get my protein intake from chicken or tuna, but now with alot of classes and work I find it hard to always eat cold chicken. I want to try to find something quick like a shake to chug then do what I need to do.

I've read that milk rise insuline a lot. it get a glycemic index of 35 but it act like a fast digestion food so a meal of whey and milk i think it's the best after work out, not for meal replacement. Use micellar casein, is best for you.
What protein type is the best for meal replacement? Can you use Whey as a meal replacement? What if I add milk to slow the digestion down, will that work like casin or another slow digestion protein.

You could add milk to get casein.. sure. I wouldn't use whey solo just because I believe it's like boxing with only one arm.

I use a blend of whey isolate and micellar casein as milk protein isolate (65%), whole egg (30%) and glutamine peptides (5%) for meal replacement. I mix it as a pudding with raw cream, coconut oil, macadamia oil, natty PB, etc. Pop a HCl tab or two with the pudding. I feel I get the best digestion by eating it this way versus slugging down a shake in one minute.
I was going to buy the 25 pound bag from TP. I might mix it up and maybe go back to LBA's or something. I will do more research. Trying to keep the cost low with all the other staples I need to restock. Creatine, vits, fish oil, , etc. I guess I will go with casin if I don't go with LBA's. Only problem, shipping is a pain in the butt with LBA's becasue of the size of the bottle.
What protein type is the best for meal replacement? Can you use Whey as a meal replacement? What if I add milk to slow the digestion down, will that work like casin or another slow digestion protein.

I always get my protein intake from chicken or tuna, but now with alot of classes and work I find it hard to always eat cold chicken. I want to try to find something quick like a shake to chug then do what I need to do.

i would go with the teamskip from trueprotein for a fast/medium/slow releaes protein. when i use straight whey it just makes me get hungry about an hour later or so. the teamskip holds me for longer. adding fiber to the shake can also make you feel fuller for a longer period of time.
i would go with the teamskip from trueprotein for a fast/medium/slow releaes protein. when i use straight whey it just makes me get hungry about an hour later or so. the teamskip holds me for longer. adding fiber to the shake can also make you feel fuller for a longer period of time.

I like adding oats to the shake. I need to find a place for good shipping. Its a hassle to find a place that doesn't charge an arm and a leg for crappy protein and cheap shipping.
There's a few good meal replacement shakes out there. I like Labrada's Lean Body breakfast. Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal tastes great!

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